Application for financial support (Word file)

Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering
Senior Design Program Spring 2005
Application Form for Project Support
The timely submission of this form will allow your 498 Senior Design project to be
considered for financial support to cover some or all of the equipment, materials and
software expenses for your project. Applications will be reviewed by the senior design
faculty and evaluated on the basis of need and potential of the project. No assessment
will be made of the project’s design, worthiness, or any other criteria that may be used in
the formal judging process of the projects at the end of the semester. Funding allocation
and amounts is at the discretion of the senior design faculty and decisions are final. Not
all projects may receive funding and not all projects may receive the same amount of
funding, dependent upon the need and potential of the projects overall. The allocation or
non-allocation of funding should not be interpreted as an assessment of the likelihood of
a project’s success in the senior design competition at the end of the semester. No
consideration will be made for expenses that fall outside the three categories outlined;
e.g., expenses such as mileage, labor or meals will not be reimbursed.
Deadline for submission of this application is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, February 22, 2005.
No exceptions will be made to this deadline. Your application should be submitted
electronically or in a hard-copy format to your senior design instructor by the deadline.
Please limit your application to two pages (excluding any attached vendor quotes).
Formatting changes are permitted, but all information requested must be provided.
Applications will be reviewed promptly and allocated funding will be available through
your department soon after the evaluation is complete. Questions regarding the
application or process are welcomed and should be addressed to your senior design
Thank you for your participation in this process!
Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering
Senior Design Program Spring 2005
Application Form for Project Support
Date: _________________________________________________________________________
Name of Primary Contact: ________________________________________________________
Phone Number(s) of Primary Contact:_______________________________________________
E-mail of Primary Contact: ________________________________________________________
Other Members of Team: _________________________________________________________
Department Affiliation:___________________________________________________________
Project Title: ___________________________________________________________________
Abstract (150 words or less): ______________________________________________________
Statement of problem: ____________________________________________________________
Methods/approach: ______________________________________________________________
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Howard R. Hughes College of Engineering
Senior Design Program Spring 2005
Application Form for Project Support
Budget -- clear outline of anticipated costs for project, including proposed vendors. List
items and identify as to category: equipment, materials, or software. A suggested format
is below; add additional lines as necessary. Please attach any available price quotes from
_______________________________________________________________ Materials
_______________________________________________________________ Software
_______________________________________________________________ Total
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