Feeder Calf Grades: Do Better Grades Really Pay? David Gonsoulin USDA What is a Number 1 Calf? I Do not know how to describe it, but when I see one, I know it. It has to be a good doing calf. It has to be a black hided, stand up, big boned, straight backed type animal. It has to be Medium to Large Frame with thick muscle. If it fits the order, it will do. Number 1? Is this a Number 1? Is this a Number 1? Are these 1 ½? Do I Get Paid For What I Have? Current Feeder Cattle Grades 1979 -2006 Frame Size Muscle Score Thriftiness Frame Size Refers to the animals skeletal size – Height and body length—in relation to its age. Thus frame size evaluations are related to differences in mature size. Refers to weight (under normal feeding and management conditions) an animal will produce a carcass which will grade Choice. Evaluating Frame Size H i p H e i g h t Flank to Flank Chest to Ground What are the Frame Sizes? Large Medium Small Large Frame Large Frame cattle are thrifty, tall and long bodied for their age. Steers grade Choice at weights greater than 1250 lbs. Heifers greater than 1150 lbs Large Frame Medium Frame Medium Frame cattle are thrifty, are slightly tall and have slightly long bodies. Steers grade Choice between 1100 lbs and 1250 lbs. Heifers grade Choice between 1000 lbs and 1150 lbs Medium Frame Small Frame Small Frame cattle are thrifty, and not as tall or long bodied as the Medium Frame animal Steers grade Choice below 1100 lbs. Heifers grade Choice below 1000 lbs Small Frame Frame Steers Large 1250 lbs Medium 1100 lbs Small under 1100 lbs Heifers 1150 Lbs 1000 lbs 1000 lbs What do buyers pay for? Summary of Sale Barns Frame High Large Large OK. KS. AR. AL. Avg -4.78 Base Base Base Base Base Upper Medium Medium -1.33 -.06 Base Base -.69 -3.40 -1.16 -5.84 -2.28 Small -18.86 -8.93 -10.60 -16.55 22.84 Muscle Score Thickness Thickness refers to the development of the muscle system in relation to skeletal size. Thicker feeder cattle will have a higher ratio of muscle to bone when fed to the same degree of fatness and will have higher yield grades. Muscle Grades #1 = Thick Or Heavy Muscling #2 = Average Muscling #3 = Thin Or Light Muscling #4 = Extremely Light Muscling (Starved Jersey) # 1 Muscle 1++ 1-- Average #2 # 3 Muscle 3++ 3-- # 4 Muscle Muscle Grades # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 Possible Feeder Cattle Grades Large Frame #1,#2,#3 or #4 Medium Frame #1,#2,#3 or #4 Small Frame #1,#2,#3 or #4 Inferior – This grade will include sick unthrifty cattle and double muscled cattle due to their inability to Quality grade. Prices for Muscle 1 Heavy Muscle 2 Average Muscle 3 Thin Muscle 4 Very Thin Muscle Ok. KS. AR. AL. Base Base Base Base -9.37 -3.50 -9.14 -5.86 Avg. -6.97 -26.48 -15.30 -24.17 -18.39 -21.08 -22.65 -38.24 -30.45 Thrifty/Healthy OK. KS. AR. AL. Avg Dead -2.62 Hair/Mud Bad Eye -9.71 -1.11 12.55 -5.42 -2.83 -13.71 -8.75 Stale -6.91 -5.06 -18.09 -10.02 Lame Lumps Sick -21.56 -14.00 -33.36 -22.97 -28.62 -17.95 -37.88 -28.15 USDA Feeder Cattle Grades Inferior Feeder Cattle Value Determining Factors Background Breed Color Condition/Flesh Fill Frame Horns Muscling Personal Preference Sex Vaccinations Weight Does Color Make A Difference? Arkansas Extension 2005 Color Yellow Deviation From Average +2.19 Black/Whiteface +1.93 Black +1.14 White -2.09 Red/Whiteface -3.52 Red -4.18 Spot -10.73 Other Factors Factor Deviation from Average Calf with Horns -3.23 Fleshy Calf -5.82 Fat Calf -16.12 Full Calf -8.05 Throw It All Together You have a Small Frame, Number 3 Muscle, Full, Red Calf with Horns. Small (-16.55) Number 3 (-21.08), Full (-8.05), Red Calf (-4.18) with Horns (-3.23) Total -53.09 David Gonsoulin USDA, Livestock & Grain Market News