Dallas Horseshoe Project IH 35E Reconstruction IH35E_3D_MasterComponents.DGN ReadMe File 1.0 Project Description This project included the preparation of a 30% Plans, Specification, & Estimate for the reconstruction of IH 35E from North of Eighth Street to North of IH 30, including the IH 30/IH 35E Interchange (known locally as the Mixmaster Interchange). Interim transitions will be constructed on each end to tie the proposed improvements to the existing highway. The Engineer shall prepare plans, details and compute quantities to include grading, paving, drainage, removals, bridges, retaining walls, traffic control and construction sequencing, signalization, storm water pollution prevention plans, signing, pavement markings, illumination, and miscellaneous details. The intent of this file is to serves as a guide for the documentation of all files located utilized in the process and the development of the 3D Roadway Component file for the project. 2.0 File Management Processes The 3D Roadway Components file was generated for ease of visualization of the 3D elements for the entire project. Three main files make up the master file, I35E_MasterComponents.dgn, and thus contains all the project surfaces. However, MicroStation *.dgn files were further subdivided for the purpose of design development and control of visualized elements and are referenced into the master DGN file. The following three reference files outline the design files developed for each project: 2.1 - I35E_MasterComponents File The master file is comprised of three reference files. The three files are as follows: 1. Roadway Component File 2. Superstructure Component File 3. Existing Component File These files can be turned off or on to visualized the separate components individually or if a certain component of the project needs to be provided to design team independently. Each of the three referenced files contains multiple Microstation models to reflect each of the independent roadways and structures (and a master model that encompasses all models). 1 Dallas Horseshoe Project IH 35E Reconstruction IH35E_3D_MasterComponents.DGN ReadMe File 2.1.1 – Roadway Component File The roadway component file contains multiple models that reflect each of the independent roadways so the designer can easily isolate any particular area of the project. This file contains all the roadway surfaces including all end conditions, i.e. curb, sidewalks, barrier/rail, walls and side slopes. It also includes a 16.5-ft vertical clearance envelope that was utilized to verify clearances. All the roadway surfaces are independent Microstation models that are contained within this reference file. The following is a table containing all Microstation Models that make up the 3D Roadway Component File. Roadway Letter Designation A D E F H J K L M N P Q R S T U Model Name Description CD30EB_1 IH 30 Eastbound Collector Distributor CD35SB1_1 IH 35E Southbound Collector Distributor CONN01NBWB_1 CONN04NBEB_1 CONN05EBSB_1 CONN06EBNB_1 CONN07WBNB_1 CONN08WBSB_1 CONN10NB_1 CONN11WBSB_1 IH 35E Northbound to IH 30 Westbound Direct Connector No. 1 IH 35E Northbound (C-D) to IH 30 Eastbound (C-D) Collector Distributor No. 4 IH 30 Eastbound to IH 35E Southbound Direct Connector No. 5 IH 30 Eastbound to IH 35E Northbound Direct Connector No. 6 IH 30 Westbound to IH 35E Northbound Direct Connector No. 7 IH 30 Westbound (C-D) to IH 35E Southbound Direct Connector No. 8 IH 35E Northbound (C-D) to IH 30 Eastbound (ML) Collector Distributor No. 10 IH 35E Southbound to IH 30 Westbound Direct Connector No. 11 CONN78WB_1 IH 30 Westbound Collector Distributor Transition FRTG30EB2_1 IH 30 Eastbound Frontage Road FRTG30WB2_1 IH 30 Westbound Frontage Road FRTG30WB_1 IH 30 Westbound Frontage Road FRTG35NB1_1 IH 35E Northbound Frontage Road No. 1 FRTG35NB2_1 FRTG35NB4_1 FRTG35SB1_1 (Under Jefferson Blvd & Houston St.) (Over the Trinity River) (@ Canyon) (From Sylvan Ave. to Riverfront Blvd.) (From Sylvan Ave. to Riverfront Blvd.) (From Hotel St. to Reunion Blvd.) (North of Colorado) IH 35E Northbound Frontage Road No. 2 (From Ramp from IH 35E Northbound Collector Distributor to Riverfront Blvd.) IH 35E Northbound Frontage Road No. 4 (From Reunion Blvd. to Commerce Blvd.) IH 35E Southbound Frontage Road (From Colorado Blvd. to IH35E Southbound Collector Distributor) V FRTG35SB2_1 IH 35E Southbound Frontage Road W ISCTCOLORA1_1 Colorado Blvd. (From Fleming Blvd. to Colorado Blvd.) 2 Dallas Horseshoe Project IH 35E Reconstruction IH35E_3D_MasterComponents.DGN ReadMe File Roadway Letter Designation X Y Z AA AB AC AD AE AF AG AH AJ AK AL AM AN AP AQ AR AS AT AU AV AW Model Name Description ISCTFLEMING1_1 ML30CL_1 ML30EB_1 ML30HOVM_1 ML30WB_1 ML35HOV_1 ML35NB2_1 ML35NB1_1 ML35SB1_1 Fleming Blvd. IH 30 Eastbound/Westbound Main Lanes IH 30 Eastbound Main Lanes IH 30 Eastbound/Westbound Reversible HOV Main Lanes IH 30 Westbound Main Lanes IH 35E Northbound/Southbound Reversible HOV Lanes IH 35 Northbound Main Lane Widening IH 35E Northbound Main Lanes IH 35E Southbound Main Lanes IH 35E Northbound Entrance from IH 35E Northbound (Reversible) HOV Ramp No. 1HOV IH 35E Exit to Colorado Blvd. Ramp No. 1 IH 35E Northbound (ML) Exit to IH 35E Southbound (Reversible) HOV Ramp No. 2HOV IH 35E Northbound Bypass over Colorado Ramp No. 2 IH 30 Eastbound (C-D) Exit to Riverfront Blvd. Ramp No. 5 IH 30 Westbound (C-D) Exit to Colorado Blvd. Exit Ramp No. 6 IH 30 Eastbound Exit to IH 30 Eastbound Collector Distributor Ramp No. 7 IH 35E Southbound Collector Distributor Entrance from Riverfront Ramp No. 8 IH 30 Eastbound Exit to IH 30 EB Collector Transition Ramp No. 9 IH 35E Northbound Exit to Reunion Blvd Ramp No. 11 IH 30 Eastbound (DC 6) Exit Ramp to Commerce Ramp No. 12 IH 35 Southbound Exit Ramp to Riverfront/Colorado Ramp No. 24 IH 30 Westbound (WB-CD) Entrance to IH 30 Westbound Ramp No. 30 IH 30 Westbound (DC 7) Exit to Westbound Frontage Road Ramp No. 31 IH 35 Southbound Bypass over Colorado Ramp No. 35 IH 35 Southbound Entrance from Reunion Ramp No. 37 IH Westbound (ML) Entrance from Hardwick St./Beckley Ave. IH 30 Eastbound Entrance from Sylvan Ave. IH 30 Eastbound Exit to Sylvan Ave. IH 30 Eastbound Frontage Road Exit to Beckley Ave. IH 30 Eastbound (Ramp 12) Exit to Commerce Loop Ramp No. 56 RMP01HOV_1 RMP01NB1_1 RMP02HOV_1 RMP02NB1_1 RMP05EB_1 RMP06WB_1 RMP07SB_1 RMP08SB_1 RMP09EB_1 RMP11NB_1 RMP12NB_1 RMP24SB_1 RMP30WB_1 RMP31NB_1 RMP35SB1_1 RMP37SB_1 RMP39_1 RMP40_1 RMP41_1 RMP42_1 RMP56EB_1 3 Dallas Horseshoe Project IH 35E Reconstruction IH35E_3D_MasterComponents.DGN ReadMe File 2.1.2 – Superstructure Component File The superstructure component file contains multiple models that reflect each of the independent bridges so the designer can easily isolate any particular bridge. This file contains all the bridge surfaces including beam type utilized. It also includes a 16.5-ft vertical clearance envelope that was utilized to verify clearances. All the bridge surfaces are independent Microstation models that are contained within this reference file. The following is a table containing all Microstation Models that make up the 3D Superstructure Component File. Roadway Letter Designation C D E F H J K L N R S Model Name Description CD35NB1_1 IH 35E Northbound Collector Distributor CD35SB1_1 IH 35E Southbound Collector Distributor CONN01NBWB_1 CONN04NBEB_1 CONN05EBSB_1 CONN06EBNB_1 CONN07WBNB_1 CONN08WBSB_1 CONN11WBSB_1 IH 35E Northbound to IH 30 Westbound Direct Connector No. 1 IH 35E Northbound (C-D) to IH 30 Eastbound (C-D) Collector Distributor No. 4 IH 30 Eastbound to IH 35E Southbound Direct Connector No. 5 IH 30 Eastbound to IH 35E Northbound Direct Connector No. 6 IH 30 Westbound to IH 35E Northbound Direct Connector No. 7 IH 30 Westbound (C-D) to IH 35E Southbound Direct Connector No. 8 IH 35E Southbound to IH 30 Westbound Direct Connector No. 11 FRTG35NB1_1 IH 35E Northbound Frontage Road No. 1 FRTG35NB2_1 IH 35E Northbound Frontage Road No. 2 FRTG35SB1_1 Y Z AA AB AC AD AH AK AL (Over the Trinity River) (Over the Trinity River) (North of Colorado) (North of Colorado) IH 35E Southbound Frontage Road No. 1 (From Ramp from IH 35E Northbound Collector Distributor to Riverfront Blvd.) FRTG30EB IH 30 Eastbound Frontage Road FRTG30WB IH 30 Westbound Frontage Road ML30EB_1 ML30HOVM_1 ML30WB_1 ML35HOV_1 ML35NB1_1 ML35SB1_1 RMP02NB1_1 RMP06WB_1 RMP07SB_1 IH 30 Eastbound Main Lanes IH 30 Eastbound/Westbound Reversible HOV Main Lanes IH 30 Westbound Main Lanes IH 35E Northbound/Southbound Reversible HOV Lanes IH 35E Northbound Main Lanes IH 35E Southbound Main Lanes IH 35E Northbound Bypass over Colorado Ramp No. 2 IH 30 Westbound (C-D) Exit to Colorado Blvd. Exit Ramp No. 6 IH 30 Eastbound Exit to IH 30 Eastbound Collector Distributor Ramp No. 7 (Over the Trinity River) (Over the Trinity River) 4 Dallas Horseshoe Project IH 35E Reconstruction IH35E_3D_MasterComponents.DGN ReadMe File Roadway Letter Designation Model Name Description AM AN AQ AU RMP08SB_1 RMP09EB_1 RMP12NB_1 RMP35SB1_1 IH 35E Southbound Collector Distributor Entrance from Riverfront Ramp No. 8 IH 30 Eastbound Exit to IH 30 EB Collector Transition Ramp No. 9 IH 30 Eastbound (DC 6) Exit Ramp to Commerce Ramp No. 12 IH 35 Southbound Bypass over Colorado Ramp No. 35 2.1.3 – Existing Component File This file contains the existing elements that are to remain as part of the end deliverable to TxDOT. In addition, the file contains a gridded natural ground terrain for the entire project. Roadway Letter Designation Model Name Description LiDAR Components LiDAR Information Natural Ground Ground Survey Information 2.2 Level Structure The following level structure is typical for the reference files utilized: 5 Dallas Horseshoe Project IH 35E Reconstruction IH35E_3D_MasterComponents.DGN ReadMe File LEVEL NAME DESC. RD_VertClearance RD_SDWK RD_Ret_Wall RD_Pave RD_CTB RD_Conc Vertical clearance envelope Sidewalk Retaining Wall Pavement Surface Concrete Barrier/Rail Concrete Surface RD_Bridge RD_Asph D_Curb_1 C-TOPO-CONT-MINOR C-Topo-Cont-Majr-Iden C-Topo-Cont-Maj C-GRAD-FILL C-GRAD-CUT Bridge Surface Asphalt Surface Curb Minor Contour Line Major Contour Label Major Contour Line Side Slope Fill Condition Side Slope Cut Condition 6