DIVISION OF LIBRARY & INFORMATION SERVICES BENJAMIN F. FEINBERG LIBRARY PLATTSBURGH STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK Bylaws of the Library Faculty Amended and Approved: May 23, 2003 We, the Faculty of the Benjamin F. Feinberg Library of the Division of Library & Information Services, share responsibility for collection development, information services, access and library instruction programs supporting the instructional, research, and public service mission of the college. Library Faculty actively participate in faculty governance, academic planning and library faculty performance review. The Library Faculty provides consultation and counsel to the units on issues related to the Library Faculty and to curricular principles in the broadest sense. We, therefore, do enact these ByLaws, subject to the Policies of the Board of Trustees, the Plattsburgh State University Faculty Bylaws, and the terms of the collective bargaining agent Agreement for the State University of New York. These Library Faculty Bylaws, by means of which we shall exercise our shared responsibilities, shall also provide a framework for the expression of Library Faculty recommendations to the Dean of Library & Information Services. The Library Faculty shall prepare an annual report for distribution and submission to the Dean in time for attachment to the Divisional annual report. ARTICLE I The Library Unit In accordance with the Policies of the Board of Trustees, Article IIj, librarians hold academic rank and are, therefore, established as an academic governance unit under the college Faculty Bylaws (approved 2/86) ARTICLE II Members A. Definition 1. The Library Faculty consists of all members, both full and part-time, of the academic staff and professional staff of the Library, including those employed on temporary contracts. 2 2. The terms, “member,” or, “Faculty,” hereafter used in these Bylaws shall refer to the Faculty of the Library as defined above. B. Voting Eligibility/Establishing a Quorum 1. All members have voice and vote on all issues except as otherwise specified in these Bylaws. 2. Establishing a Quorum: for purposes of achieving a quorum, the number of members (other than adjuncts) constituting a majority will be considered a quorum. ARTICLE III Officers A. Authority 1. The officers shall be the Chair, the Secretary, and the Chair of Elections. 2. All members are eligible to serve as Secretary and Chair of Elections. Members with continuing appointment and holding the rank of Librarian or Associate Librarian are eligible to serve as Chair of the Library Faculty. 3. Chair shall be elected for a term up to three years, as designated by the President’s appointment letter. Elections shall be held in March with term of office to begin September 1. 4. Secretary and Chair of Elections are elected for 2 year terms. B. Duties 1. The Chair shall: a) perform those responsibilities outlined in the draft document, “Roles and Responsibilities of Center Directors, Department Chairs and Program Coordinators” (4/22/02), and appropriate within the LIS Divisional structure. b) be responsible to the Library Faculty for the introduction of issues of substance to the Faculty, representing the Faculty at departmental chairs meetings and other campus-wide meetings; c) solicit from Units whose programs have particular relevance 3 to the Library Faculty, issues for discussion at Library Faculty meetings; d) attend Coordinators Council meeting as ex-officio member e) be responsible for a written annual report from the Library Faculty, covering the year ending June 30. f) be responsible for scheduling departmental meetings and creating and disseminating agendas g) be responsible for keeping the archive of meeting documents 2. The Secretary shall: a) take the minutes of the meetings; b) furnish a copy of the minutes to each member at least one full business day before the next meeting; this rule shall be waived for special meetings (Article V.B.). Approved minutes shall be circulated to all adjuncts, part-time professionals and the Dean; c) shall assure that new members receive a copy of the Bylaws, Elaborations on the Performance Review of Academics by Library Faculty and other documents appropriate to faculty. 3. The Chair of Elections shall: a) supervise elections; b) distribute to the members a written notice of elections, including eligibility list, at least five business days prior to the election. To accomplish this, a member of the Library Faculty who anticipates vacating an elected position shall notify the Chair of Elections at the earliest possible time. ARTICLE IV Performance Reviews 4 Performance reviews are conducted in accordance with procedures established under the terms and agreement between the College and UUP and the Elaborations on Performance Review of the Library Faculty. ARTICLE V Elections A. Procedures for Election of Chair shall follow established campus process outlined in the draft document, “Roles and Responsibilities of Center Directors, Department Chairs and Program Coordinators” (4/22/02). B. Procedures for all other elections: 1. The quorum for elections shall be 2/3 of the members in residence.(“in residence,” defined as those not on Sabbatical or other extended leave.) 2. Nominations shall be made from the floor. 3. Elections shall be decided by a majority of the votes cast, excluding abstentions or blanks. a) Names of all nominees shall remain on the ballot when repeated balloting is necessary to obtain a majority vote. b) If, after three ballots, a majority vote is not obtained, a new slate of nominees shall be required. 4. Special elections shall be held to replace officers who resign, retire, or otherwise absent themselves on extended leave. The Chair of Elections or Chair of the Library Faculty shall effect the election. ARTICLE VI Meetings 5 A. Regular Meetings 1. Regular meetings shall be held twice a month during the academic year. a) Any member may place items on the agenda. Said items shall be transmitted to the Chair at least three business days before the meeting. b) The agenda shall be distributed to all Library Faculty members at least one business day prior to the scheduled meetings. c) The agenda shall be the only order of business. d) The agenda shall be according to the order of business approved in Appendix A of the Bylaws. e) Written material to be considered at a meeting must be distributed by the preparer at least two business days before the meeting. 2. In the planned absence of the Chair, the Chair will designate a Chair Pro Tempore for that meeting. 3. Length of meetings shall be one hour and fifteen minutes unless business requires an extension. 4. Where not inconsistent with these Bylaws, Robert’s Rules of Order may be used. 5. Voting: a majority of votes cast, excluding abstentions and blanks, shall be by a show of hands unless otherwise requested by any one member, or otherwise specified in these Bylaws. 6. Should it become necessary to postpone decision or additional discussion on an issue, the action to Postpone, or to Lay on the Table, shall be according to Robert’s Rules of Order. A majority of the votes is required to lay an item of business on the table, and to take it from the table. 7. The minutes shall not be publicly distributed until approved and, if necessary, corrected at the next meeting. 8. The minutes shall include decisions reached, actions taken, written statements submitted at the meeting and intended to become part of the minutes, actions of the Dean of Library & Information Services in response to Library Faculty recommendations, and other information deemed necessary for the record. 6 B. Special Meetings 1. Special meetings may be called by: a. the Chair of the Library Faculty b. the Chair of a committee c. a petition to the Chair supported by 20% of the members in residence 2. The only business shall be that for which the meeting was called. 3. The person who called the meeting shall be the Chair for that meeting. C. Cancellation or Postponement of Regular Meetings 1. Members at a meeting may vote to cancel or postpone a forthcoming meeting. 2. The Chair may announce no later than one business day prior to a meeting the cancellation or postponement of that meeting. ARTICLE VII Committees A. General Rules 1. Standing Committees: a. The Standing Committees of the Library Faculty shall be: Performance Review Group (PRG) Composition of the Library PRG shall be in accordance with the document “Performance Reviews of Academic Employees” (10/25/95). b. Curriculum Committee Composition of the Curriculum Committee 7 The Curriculum Committee shall consist of at least 5 librarians The Chair of the Curriculum Committee shall be elected from and by the members of the Committee. Librarians in the Library Instruction Unit are members of the Curriculum Committee The Library Faculty Chair is an ex officio member of the Curriculum Committee If Instruction Unit members and the Chair do not comprise 5 members, additional members will be elected from the Library Faculty to serve on the Committee. Charge of the Curriculum Committee Review experimental, new and revised courses. Make recommendations to the Library Faculty on the approval of experimental, new and revised courses. Review course objectives and content on a regular schedule. Consider matters regarding curriculum in general and make recommendations to the Library Faculty as appropriate. The Curriculum committee shall develop its rules and procedures which shall be effective after approval by the Library Faculty. For reference purposes these rules and procedures shall be attached to, but shall not be part of, these Bylaws. 2. Ad Hoc Committees a. Ad hoc committees shall be created and the members elected by a vote of the Library Faculty. b. Ad hoc committees may be composed of: 1. Members of the Library Faculty 2. Other LIS Division members c. Ad hoc committees may concern themselves with matters of internal library administration, library and college/community relations, ongoing or new programs and services, or any other appropriate matter d. A committee shall investigate and consider matters within the area of of its assigned responsibilities. Official actions* of a committee, unless the committee has been otherwise specifically empowered, shall require 8 the approval of the faculty. *”act, actions,” in matters of Faculty or committee business, this term shall refer to the transaction of business as defined in Robert’s Rules of Order, i.e., a question in the official order of business, or to main acts such as reports, positions, recommendations, and does not refer to such business as investigating, studying, planning. ARTICLE VIII A. Non-Library Offices 1. Faculty representatives to non-library organizations or committees shall be elected by the Library Faculty unless otherwise dictated by the rules and procedures of the parent organization or committee. In addition, the Library Faculty shall be advised of any committee appointment made through other processes. ARTICLE IX Amendments A. Amendments shall require the approval of 2/3 of the members in residence. 1. Proposed amendments shall be listed on the agenda for a regular or special meeting. 2. Proposed amendments must be distributed at least ten business days prior to the meeting. 3. Any member may propose an amendment. 4. Approved amendments shall take effect immediately, unless otherwise specified. ARTICLE X These Bylaws shall be reviewed when circumstances indicate a need for revision or in 2007/2008, whichever comes first. A member of the Library Faculty shall bring such circumstances to the attention of the Chair. ARTICLE XI 9 A copy of these Bylaws shall be filed with the Dean of Library & Information Services and the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs. These Bylaws, having been reviewed and approved by the Library Faculty shall become effective as of November 22, 2002 11/22/02 APPENDIX A 10 Order of Business for Meetings: The agenda 1. Adoption of the Agenda. 2. Approval of the Minutes. 3. Unfinished business taken in the order that such matters were designated as items for the present meeting except that the question which was pending when the previous meeting adjourned shall be the first item of unfinished business. 4. New Business. 5. Library Faculty Committee Reports. 6. Other Committee Reports.[Only time-sensitive reports; others use email] 7. Announcements. [Only time-sensitive announcements; otherwise use email] 8. Adjournment.