Research Activities Using SUNY Connect

University Faculty Senate Operations Committee
SUNY Connect Hands-On Computer Workshop
Alfred, April 2002
Research Activities Using SUNY Connect Library
FirstSearch WorldCat
Which one of your Senate colleagues edited a recent book on self esteem with
Timothy Owens?
What other books has this Senate colleague written?
(Example: searching for books by author and title or keyword)
Find the book Lawful Order by Leo Carroll
(Example: search for a book by author and partial title)
Look at Interlibrary Loan request page
Now search for the electronic full-text version of Lawful Order by Leo Carroll
InfoTrac Onefile
Which one of our Senate colleagues wrote an article about the academic freedom in
(Example: keyword search)
Find articles about Robert L. King
Now limit your search to articles published in the Chronicle of Higher
Education (Recognize one of our UFS dinners?)
(Example: keyword search limited to a specific magazine or journal)
Find articles about academic tenure in the journal Sociological Perspectives
(Example: keyword search limited to a specific journal, full-text)
Find articles about human cloning
Now limit your search to “refereed journal” articles. What does this do to your
Pretend you’re a student and also limit to “articles with text”.
(Example: search limited to retrieve articles in refereed journals and journals
available only in full-text)
Take a look at a recent journal of interest to you:
Information Management Journal
Journal of Applied Psychology
Journal of College Reading and Learning
Journal of Popular Culture
Political Science Quarterly
Phi Delta Kappan
(Example: Ability to browse recent journal issues)
Switch to Advanced Search in OneFile
Search for articles written by your colleague Randall McGuire
(Example: searching by author
Search for articles about distance education and intellectual property.
(Example: combining topics)
Search for articles about distance education and cost
(Example: combining topics in search retrieval)
Search for articles about general education and curriculum and evaluation
(Example: combining three topics in search retrieval)
Find an article written by your colleague Arnold Wishnia
(Example: searching by author)
Find articles about the use of aspirin to treat cancer patients
Limit your results to articles published after 2000
(Example: combining search topics and limiting to a specific year)
Find articles about the Anthrax vaccine
Limit your results to articles published in 2001-2002
Add another topic bioterrorism
(Example: combining search and publication year with further search
Select the Economics subject group of journals
Find articles about the effects of recent terrorism on tourism
(Example: search in Economic subject)
Select the Psychology subject group of journals
Find articles about sleep deprivation
Now limit it by adding the topic depression
(Example: search in Psychology subject)
Search the Medicine subject group of journals
Final articles about human cloning and ethics
(Example: search in Medical subject)
Browsing Journals
In the subject view bar at the top of the page select one of the Subject selections (such
as arts and humanities or chemistry)
Click on the publications icon
Choose a journal to display issues
Now examine individual journal issues!