HIC#________ YALE UNIVERSITY HUMAN INVESTIGATION COMMITTEE Application to Involve Human Subjects in Biomedical Research Biologic Material and/or Repository 440 FR1 (2015-1) Title of Research Repository: Principal Investigator: Yale Academic Appointment: Campus Address: Campus Phone: Fax: Protocol Correspondent Name & Address: Pager: Campus Phone: E-mail: Fax: E-mail: SECTION I: PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR AGREEMENT As the Principal Investigator of this research repository, I certify the following: The information provided in this application is complete and accurate. That I assume full responsibility for the protection of human subjects and the proper conduct regarding the collection and distribution of subject information. That subject safety and confidentiality will be of paramount concern, and every effort will be made to protect subjects’ rights and welfare. That the collection of information and subsequent research will be performed according to ethical principles and in compliance will all federal, state and local laws, as well as institutional regulations and policies regarding the protection of human subjects. That all members of the research team will be kept apprised of research goals. That I will obtain approval for the development and maintenance of the repository and any subsequent revisions prior to initiation. That I will report to the HIC any serious injuries, breach of confidentiality, or other unanticipated problems involving risk to participants. That I will identify a successor if I stop being Principal Investigator and facilitate a smooth transfer of investigator responsibilities. ________________________________________ Signature Date SECTION II: FUNDING, TRAINING AND PROTOCOL-RELATED CONFLICT OF INTEREST 1. Funding Source: Indicate all of the funding source(s) for this study. Check all boxes that apply. Provide information regarding the external funding source. This information should include identification of the PI on the award, agency/sponsor, the funding mechanism (grant or contract), and whether the award is pending or has been awarded. Provide the IRES PT Proposal Number July 1, 2016 Page 1 of 16 HIC#________ (also referred to as Institution Number) and Agency name (if grant-funded). If the funding source associated with a protocol is “pending” at the time of the protocol submission to the HIC (as is the case for most NIH submissions), the PI should note “Pending” in the appropriate section of the protocol application, provide the IRES PT Proposal Number and Agency name (if grant-funded) and further note that University (departmental) funds support the research (until such time that an award is made). PI Title of Grant Name of Funding Source Funding Funding Mechanism Federal State Grant-IRES PT Proposal Number Non Profit Contract# Industry Contract Pending Other For Profit Other Investigator/Department Initiated Sponsor Initiated Other, Specify: Federal State Grant-IRES PT Proposal Number Non Profit Contract# Industry Contract Pending Other For Profit Other Investigator/Department Initiated Sponsor Initiated Other, Specify: Federal State Grant-IRES PT Proposal Number Non Profit Contract# Industry Contract Pending Other For Profit Other Investigator/Department Initiated Sponsor Initiated Other, Specify: IRB Review fees are charged for projects funded by Industry or Other For-Profit Sponsors. Provide the Name and Address of the Sponsor Representative to whom the invoice should be sent. Note: the PI’s home department will be billed if this information is not provided. Send IRB Review Fee Invoice To: Name: Company: Address: 2. Investigator Interests: July 1, 2016 Page 2 of 16 HIC#________ Does the principal investigator, or do any research personnel who are responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of this project or any of their family members (spouse or dependent child) have an incentive or interest, financial or otherwise, that may affect the protection of the human subjects involved in this project, the scientific objectivity of the research or its integrity? Note: The Principal Investigator (Project Director), upon consideration of the individual’s role and degree of independence in carrying out the work, will determine who is responsible for the design, conduct, or reporting of the research. See Disclosures and Management of Personal Interests in Human Research http://www.yale.edu/hrpp/policies/index.html#COI Yes No Do you or does anyone on the research team who is determined by you to be responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of this research have any patent (sole right to make, use or sell an invention) or copyright (exclusive rights to an original work) interests related to this research protocol? Yes No If yes to either question above, list names of the investigator or responsible person: The Yale University Principal Investigator, all Yale University co-investigators, and all Yale University individuals who are responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of research must have a current financial disclosure form on file with the University’s Conflict of Interest Office. Yale New Haven Hospital personnel who are listed as con-investigators on a protocol with a Yale University Principal Investigator must also have a current financial disclosure form on file with the University’s Conflict of Interest Office. If this has not been done, the individual(s) should follow this link to the COI Office Website to complete the form: http://www.yale.edu/coi/ NOTE: The requirement for maintaining a current disclosure form on file with the University’s Conflict of Interest Office extends primarily to Yale University and Yale-New Haven Hospital personnel. Whether or not they are required to maintain a disclosure form with the University’s Conflict of Interest Office, all investigators and individuals deemed otherwise responsible by the PI who are listed on the protocol are required to disclose to the PI any interests that are specific to this protocol. 3. Research Team: List all members of the research team. Indicate under the affiliation column whether the investigators or study personnel are part of the Yale faculty or staff, or part of the faculty or staff from a collaborating institution, or are not formally affiliated with any institution. ALL members of the research team MUST complete Human Subject Protection Training (HSPT) and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Training before they may be listed on the protocol. See NOTE below. July 1, 2016 Page 3 of 16 HIC#________ Name Affiliation: Yale/Other Institution (Identify) Net ID Principal Investigator CoInvestigator(s) Study Personnel NOTE: The HIC will remove from the protocol any personnel who have not completed required training. A personnel protocol amendment will need to be submitted when training is completed. Are all Yale-affiliated individuals listed on this protocol employees of Yale University or Yale New Haven Hospital? YES NO If NO, indicate which study personnel are not: For any Yale-affiliated study personnel who are not Yale/YNHH employees, are they covered by a personal services agreement? YES NO Department Chair’s Assurance Statement Do you know of any real or apparent institutional conflict of interest (e.g., Yale University ownership of a sponsoring company) that might compromise this research? Yes (provide a description of that interest in a separate letter addressed to the HIC.) No As Chair of the Department, I certify the following: The Principal Investigator of this study and all members of the research team are qualified by education, training, licensure and/or experience to assume participation in the conduct of this research and has the support of the department for this project. I further assure that the P.I. meets the requirements to serve as P.I. as indicated in the Yale University faculty Handbook and as per Yale University Policy, has departmental support and sufficient resources to conduct this research. __________________________________ Signature of Chair July 1, 2016 Page 4 of 16 Department Date HIC#________ For HIC Use Only __________________________ Date Approved ____________________________________ Human Investigation Committee Protocol is valid through: ___________________________ July 1, 2016 Page 5 of 16 HIC#________ SECTION III: GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Biologic materials and or data will be obtained from the following subject populations: (Choose all that apply: ) Children Decisionally impaired Employees Females of childbearing potential Fetal material, after delivery, placenta, or dead fetus Healthy Controls Non-English Speaking Pregnant women Prisoners Students 2. Internal Location[s] of the Study: Magnetic Resonance Research Center Yale-New Haven Hospital Yale University PET Center (MR-TAC) YCCI/Church Street Research Unit (CSRU) Yale Cancer Center/Clinical Trials Office (CTO) YCCI/Hospital Research Unit (HRU) Yale Cancer Center/Smilow YCCI/Keck Laboratories Yale-New Haven Hospital—Saint Raphael Campus Cancer Data Repository/Tumor Registry Specify Other Yale Location: 3. External Location[s]: APT Foundation, Inc. Connecticut Mental Health Center Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit (CNRU) Other Locations, Specify: (Specify location(s)): Haskins Laboratories John B. Pierce Laboratory, Inc. Veterans Affairs Hospital, West Haven International Research Site _______________________________________________________________________________ Please answer this and all other questions on the form with font size 12. 4. Probable Duration of Project: Please state the expected duration of the research repository. Ongoing 5. Number of Subjects: Please state the approximate number of subject biological samples or data records that are anticipated to be enrolled in the repository. Also indicate the number of subject biological samples or data records that are anticipated annually. SECTION IV: RESEARCH PLAN July 1, 2016 Page 6 of 16 HIC#________ 1. Statement of Purpose: What are the scientific aims of the collection of biological samples and/or data into the repository? Describe the nature and purpose of any subsequent research projects as “specifically” as possible but using general areas of scientific interest. Example: The purpose of this study is to create a Yale School of Medicine Neuro-Oncology patient registry that will be used for current and future research projects involving the study of cancer biology and brain biology and related medical issues. 2. Background: Describe the background information that led to the development of this research repository. Please provide references to support the collection of useful scientific data. When available, previous work in animal and/or human studies should be included. 3. Research Plan: What are the types of future research studies, or the hypotheses that will be tested using biologic materials or data from the repository? Please provide a description of the types of study designs planned for the future and research procedures as they directly affect the subjects. 1. Genetic Testing N/A A. Describe i. the types of future research to be conducted using the materials, specifying if immortalization of cell lines, whole exome or genome sequencing, genome wide association studies, or animal studies are planned ii. the plan for the collection of material or the conditions under which material will be received iii. the types of information about the donor/individual contributors that will be entered into a database iv. the methods to uphold confidentiality B. Is widespread sharing of materials planned? 4. Statistical Considerations: Describe the statistical analyses that support the study design. Example: As this research protocol entails a repository, no formal statistical analysis is planned. Rather, statistical analysis may be appropriate for future research studies utilizing the information stored in the repository. SECTION V: OPERATION OF THE RESEARCH REPOSITORY 1. State the mechanism under which the biologic materials and/or data will be accepted into the repository. Subject information will be collected via consent and entered into a database. July 1, 2016 Page 7 of 16 HIC#________ NOTE: The investigator may request that the IRB consider a waiver of informed consent for banking the data when the information was originally collected for clinical purposes and the investigator no longer has a health care relationship with the individual whose information will be banked. The investigator may also request that the IRB consider a waiver of consent when wishing to bank data or specimens collected under previous research projects. However, the investigator must specify the purpose of the original research for which the biologic material and/or data were collected and any conditions cited in the consent document regarding secondary use or data or sample destruction. 2. State what information about the subject-donors is being collected and entered into the repository and retained for future reference or use. For example, Name, age, medical record numbers, surgery date, clinical test results (such as MRI, lab tests and neuropsychological results), symptoms, risk factors, medical history and other pertinent medical information. 3. State the conditions under which the biologic materials and/or data will be shared with other researchers for future research projects. Describe the mechanism for assessing requests for biologic materials and/or data. For example, there may be a Board of Governors (BOG) that oversees and approves requests for use. Clarify if all researchers, including those named on the repository protocol, must go through this process of application to the BOG. This oversight body can approve distribution of deidentified or coded samples and data without subsequent review by the IRB. a) Deidentified or coded distribution: Data will be distributed for research projects of the same nature and purpose specified in this protocol and agreed to by the donor-subject in his/her informed consent document and HIPAA authorization documents or the compound permission and authorization document. Data released to collaborators for research will be assigned a unique code, and will not be identifiable by the recipient investigator. The Principal Investigator is responsible for receiving appropriate attestation by recipient investigators prior to permitting access to the database for activities considered preparatory to research. Attestation will be obtained by using the Request for Access to Protected Health Information for a Research Purpose Form. http://www.yale.edu/hrpp/forms-templates/hipaa.html b) Identified distribution: If the recipient investigator requests identified samples or data, these will be distributed only after the recipient investigator has obtained HIC approval for the proposed research objective. The operator of the repository is responsible for checking that the IRB has approved the newly proposed secondary research project. 4. Conditions whereby the subject can withdraw their participation. July 1, 2016 Page 8 of 16 HIC#________ Donor-subjects may withdraw their consent for the use of their biological material and/or data at any time, if the material or data is identifiable, by calling the Principal Investigator or a member of the research team. To revoke authorization of the use and disclosure of PHI, the donor subject may call or write to the Principal Investigator. In this event, the Principal Investigator will indicate in the data base that consent from the donor-subject is no longer active and that specimens and data can no longer be used. 5. What will be done with the biologic material or data when a research subject withdraws permission for the identifiable biologic material or data to be used for future research purposes? Researchers may still use the material or data that was distributed before the subject withdrew permission/authorization in order to complete the research that has already commenced. OPTION 1: All specimens and data retained in the repository will be destroyed upon receiving notice of a subject’s withdrawal of permission. OPTION 2: The researchers will anonymize the [tissue/specimen/data] by removing and destroying all identifiers and links to identifiers so that it can never be associated with the subject, but the researchers will not destroy the [tissue/specimen/data]. SECTION VI: HUMAN SUBJECTS 1. Recruitment Procedures: How will potential subjects be identified, contacted and recruited to donate their biological materials or data? Example: Adult patients (age >18) with brain tumors presenting to the Yale Neuro-Oncology group and Yale New Haven Hospital for clinical care or research interventions will be invited to donate their biological material and data into the registry. If the intention is to create a repository protocol for currently existing tissue/specimen/ data, address how consent for banking will be obtained from subjects Example: Existing clinical data has been collected from patients prior to the physician-investigator establishing this [tissue/specimen/data] repository. If these patient-donors have an active and continuing relationship with a physician- investigator listed on this protocol, the patient will be approached by his/her physician and asked to donate their tissue/specimen/data through the process of informed consent. If a subject with existing [tissue/specimen/data] has been lost to clinical follow-up and contact is not possible a waiver of informed consent and HIPAA Authorization for these donors will be requested Please note that a researcher may not use an individual’s Protected Health Information (PHI) for recruitment into research without first obtaining an authorization from the individual, or a Waiver of Authorization from the HIC. A treating provider does, however, have the option to: Discuss with his/her own patients the option of enrolling in a study. Obtain written authorization from the patient for referral into a research study. Provide background information about the study to the patient so that the patient can initiate contact with the researcher. July 1, 2016 Page 9 of 16 HIC#________ Provide the individual’s PHI to a researcher without authorization when the researcher has obtained an approved Waiver of Authorization for recruitment purposes from the HIC. 2. Inclusion/Exclusion Criteria: What are the criteria for subject inclusion or exclusion? How will eligibility be determined, and by whom? 3. Subject Population: Provide a detailed description of the proposed involvement of human subjects. Describe the characteristics of the subject population, including their anticipated number, age range and health status. 4. Vulnerable Subjects: Certain populations are considered to be vulnerable and require special protections when asked to participate in a research study. Will vulnerable subjects be enrolled in the study? If so, identify the vulnerable population and provide a justification for their involvement. Also address any additional safeguards necessary to protect the rights and welfare of vulnerable subjects. SECTION VII: CONSENT/ASSENT PROCEDURES 1. Consent Personnel: Please list all personnel who will be obtaining consent. 2. Evaluation of Subject(s) Capacity to Provide Informed Consent/Assent: Indicate how the personnel obtaining consent will assess the potential subject’s ability and capacity to consent to the research being proposed. 3. Process of Consent: Describe the setting and conditions under which consent will be obtained, including any steps taken to enhance subjects’ independent decision-making. 4. Non-English-Speaking Subjects: For research involving non-English-speaking subjects, fully explain provisions in place to ensure comprehension. If enrollment of these subjects is anticipated, please submit translated copies of all consent materials. 4(a) As a limited alternative to the above requirement, will you use the short form* for consenting process if you unexpectedly encounter a non-English speaking individual interested in study participation and the translation of the long form is not possible prior to intended enrollment? YES ☐ NO ☐ July 1, 2016 Page 10 of 16 HIC#________ Note* If more than 2 study participants are enrolled using a short form translated into the same language, then the full consent form should be translated into that language for use the next time a subject speaking that language is to be enrolled. Several translated short form templates are found on our website at: http://www.yale.edu/hrpp/formstemplates/biomedical.html. If the translation of the short form is not available on our website, then the translated short form needs to be submitted to the IRB office for approval via amendment prior to enrolling the subject. Please review the guidance and presentation on use of the short form available on the HRPP website. If using a short form without a translated HIPAA Research Authorization Form, please request a HIPAA waiver in the section below. 5. Parental Permission and Assent: For research involving children, please explain how parental permission and child assent will be obtained. If children are providing assent, does the investigator plan to re-contact them when they reach the age of majority? Please explain your answer. NOTE: If repository includes genetic information, the HIC may require re-consent. 6. Documentation of Consent: Specify the forms that will be used among the following: adult consent form, parental permission form, LAR (Legally Authorized Representative) (next of kin, caregiver), permission form, adult assent form, adolescent assent form (ages 13-17 inclusive), child assent form (ages 7-12 inclusive), and information sheet. Copies of all forms should be appended to the protocol, in the same format that they will be given to subjects. 7. Consent Waiver: In certain circumstances, the HIC may grant a waiver of signed consent, or a full waiver of consent, depending on the study. If you will request either a waiver of consent, or a waiver of signed consent for this study, complete the appropriate section below. Not Requesting a consent waiver Requesting a waiver of signed consent Requesting a full waiver of consent A. Waiver of signed consent: (Verbal consent from subjects will be obtained. If PHI is collected, information in this section must match Section VII, Question 6) Requesting a waiver of signed consent for Recruitment/Screening only If requesting a waiver of signed consent, please address the following: a. Would the signed consent form be the only record linking the subject and the research? Yes No b. Does a breach of confidentiality constitute the principal risk to subjects? Yes No July 1, 2016 Page 11 of 16 HIC#________ OR c. Does the research activity pose greater than minimal risk? Yes If you answered yes, stop. A waiver cannot be granted. Please note: Recruitment/screening is generally a minimal risk research activity No AND d. Does the research include any activities that would require signed consent in a non-research context? Yes No Requesting a waiver of signed consent for the Entire Study (Note that an information sheet may be required.) If requesting a waiver of signed consent, please address the following: a. Would the signed consent form be the only record linking the subject and the research? Yes No b. Does a breach of confidentiality constitute the principal risk to subjects? Yes No OR c. Does the research pose greater than minimal risk? Yes If you answered yes, stop. A waiver cannot be granted. No AND d. Does the research include any activities that would require signed consent in a non-research context? Yes No B. Full waiver of consent: (No consent from subjects will be obtained for the activity.) Requesting a waiver of consent for Recruitment/Screening only a. Does the research activity pose greater than minimal risk to subjects? Yes If you answered yes, stop. A waiver cannot be granted. Please note: Recruitment/screening is generally a minimal risk research activity No b. Will the waiver adversely affect subjects’ rights and welfare? Yes No c. Why would the research be impracticable to conduct without the waiver? d. Where appropriate, how will pertinent information be returned to, or shared with subjects at a later date? Requesting a full waiver of consent for the Entire Study (Note: If PHI is collected, information here must match Section VII, question 6.) If requesting a full waiver of consent, please address the following: a. Does the research pose greater than minimal risk to subjects? Yes If you answered yes, stop. A waiver cannot be granted. No b. Will the waiver adversely affect subjects’ rights and welfare? Yes No c. Why would the research be impracticable to conduct without the waiver? July 1, 2016 Page 12 of 16 HIC#________ d. Where appropriate, how will pertinent information be returned to, or shared with subjects at a later date? 8. Request for waiver of HIPAA authorization: (When requesting a waiver of HIPAA Authorization for either the entire study, or for recruitment purposes only) Choose one: ☐ For entire study ☐ For recruitment purposes only ☐ For inclusion of non-English speaking subject if short form is being used i. Describe why it would be impracticable to obtain the subject’s authorization for use/disclosure of this data; ii. If requesting a waiver of signed authorization, describe why it would be impracticable to obtain the subject’s signed authorization for use/disclosure of this data; By signing this protocol application, the investigator assures that the protected health information for which a Waiver of Authorization has been requested will not be reused or disclosed to any person or entity other than those listed in this application, except as required by law, for authorized oversight of this research study, or as specifically approved for use in another study by an IRB. Researchers are reminded that unauthorized disclosures of PHI to individuals outside of the Yale HIPAA-Covered entity must be accounted for in the “accounting for disclosures log”, by subject name, purpose, date, recipients, and a description of information provided. Logs are to be forwarded to the Deputy HIPAA Privacy Officer. 9. Required HIPAA Authorization: If the research involves the creation, use or disclosure of protected health information (PHI), separate subject authorization is required under the HIPAA Privacy Rule. Indicate which of the following forms are being provided: Compound Consent and Authorization form HIPAA Research Authorization Form SECTION VIII: PROTECTION OF RESEARCH SUBJECTS 1. Risks: What are the reasonably foreseeable risks, discomforts, or inconveniences associated with donating biological material and data into the research repository? Example: Potential research risks may include, for example, breach of confidentiality. July 1, 2016 Page 13 of 16 HIC#________ 2. Minimizing Risks: How will the above-mentioned risks be minimized? Data released to collaborators for IRB approved research will be de-identified or assigned a unique code, unless permission is granted by the HIC to include specific identifiers. De-identified or coded data will be released to researchers only when the recipient researcher will have no means to re-identify the subject. The information, samples, data] contained in the repository will be coded with a separate password protected file for the linking the code. [If the repository contains biologic samples, explain where they will be stored, for example locked freezers] Information about the subjectdonors will be maintained in a password-protected computer and password-protected data files. Only researchers responsible for operating the data bank will be provided with access. Information resides on a server considered by ITS-Med to adhere to the HIPAA Security Rule. 3. Data and Safety Monitoring Plan: Please include a Data and Safety Monitoring Plan (DSMP) that includes an explicit statement of overall risks, addresses attribution and grading of adverse events and describes procedures for monitoring the ongoing progress of the research and reporting adverse events. For more information, please see the HIC website: http://www.yale.edu/hrpp/forms-templates/biomedical.html 4. Confidentiality and Data Security. Investigators are reminded that subject identifiers and the means to link subject names and codes with research data should not be stored on unencrypted moveable media, (e.g., laptops, compact discs, jump drives, thumb drives). Identifiers and code keys must be stored in a secure manner, e.g., Yale network servers. If identifiers are stored on moveable media then investigators must use encryption methods to protect access to these files or other methods as appropriate for the types of information stored on these devices. a) What private identifiable information about individuals will be collected and used? (Note that HIPAA requires that the standard of “minimal necessary” be used when identifiable information is collected. Therefore investigators are urged to collect only information which is necessary to conduct the research and not collect information which is not needed.) b) How will research data be collected and recorded? c) How will information be shared or distributed to other secondary investigators? Data released to collaborators for IRB approved research will be de-identified or assigned a unique code, unless permission is granted by the HIC to include specific identifiers. July 1, 2016 Page 14 of 16 HIC#________ d) How will digital data be stored? (check all that apply) CD, DVD, Flash Drive, Portable Hard Drive, Secured Server, Laptop Computer, Desktop Computer, Other (specify)________ e) What methods and procedures will be used to safeguard the confidentiality and security of subjects study data and storage media indicated above? (If using coded information that can still be linked to subject names, please indicate if the codes and names will be kept in separate physical locations.) f) Do all portable devices contain encryption software? If no, see http://hipaa.yale.edu/guidance/policy.html Yes No Information about the subject-donors will be maintained in a password-protected computer and password-protected data files. Only the members of the research [tissue/specimen/data] bank staff and researchers who have received the approval of the HIC to use the [tissue/specimen/data] will know the identity of the subject(s). f) What mechanisms are in place to ensure proper use and continued protection of these data? g) If the research will be completed, what will be done with the data at the completion of the study? Are there plans to destroy the identifiable data? If yes, describe how, by whom and when identifiers will be destroyed. If no, describe how the data and/or identifiers will be secured. . h) Which external or internal individuals or agencies (such as the study sponsor, FDA, Yale Cancer Center Data and Safety Monitoring Committee, YCCI Science and Safety Committee, Yale Accounts Payable etc.) will have access to study data? (Please distinguish between PHI and de-identified data) Representatives from the sponsor and from the HIC may inspect study records during auditing procedures. However, these individuals are required to keep all donor information confidential. i) Are there any mandatory reporting requirements? (Incidents of child abuse, elderly abuse, communicable diseases, etc.) j) If appropriate, has a Certificate of Confidentiality been obtained? See IRB policy 400, PR 2, http://www.yale.edu/hrpp/policies/index.html#SpecialIssues 5. Potential Benefits: Please identify any benefits that may be reasonably expected to result from the research, either to subjects or to society at large. Subjects will not receive any direct benefit for donating their [tissue/specimen/data] for future research use. We hope that the information we learn in future research studies will increase our July 1, 2016 Page 15 of 16 HIC#________ knowledge of human health and that this information will lead to better diagnoses and treatments in the future. SECTION IX: RESEARCH ALTERNATIVES AND ECONOMIC CONSIDERATIONS 1. Alternatives: What alternatives are available to subjects? Subjects will have the option to decline donating their [tissue/specimens/data] to the research repository. Alternatively, subjects may choose to donate their biologic specimens in a deidentified manner. The relationship between the subjects and the study doctors, Yale University or Yale-New Haven Hospital will not be affected if subjects choose one of the alternatives noted above. 2. Payments for participation (Economic Considerations): Describe any payments that will be made to subjects (including direct monetary payment, payment in the form of a gift, or reimbursement for costs such as travel, parking, childcare, etc.), and the conditions for receiving this compensation. Subjects will not receive any payments for donating their [tissue/specimen/research data] into the research data bank. [Tissue/Specimen/Data] obtained from subjects in this research may be used to establish a [product or information] that could be patented and licensed. There are no plans to provide financial compensation to subjects should this occur. Costs for participation (Economic Considerations): Clearly describe the subject’s costs associated with participation in the research. SECTION X: FORMATTING Please ensure that your protocol contains the header and footer formatting as demonstrated on this document and version date. Consent, assent, permission, and information sheets must also contain these headers, footers and version dates. July 1, 2016 Page 16 of 16