1-Year Plan for Assessing Achievement of Student Learning Outcomes (Word)


1-Year Plan for Assessing Achievement of Student Learning Outcomes


1) Student Learning Outcome to be assessed #1:

Students employ critical analysis of educational issues and practice.

2) Criteria for assessing achievement of the outcome:


Identifies factors that influence an educational issue

Designs an effective action research study of an educational issue

Collects, analyzes, and organizes data from an action research study

Expresses value of taking an analytical approach to educational issues

3) Data to be collected for assessing achievement of the outcome:

Direct Final papers from Social & Political Issues course

Data Collection & Analysis summary reports

Indirect –

Master’s Project Portfolio reflective essay

Exit interviews

End of program surveys

4) Time Frame for collecting and assessing data:

Data Collection

Fall ’10

End of Program Surveys

Spring ‘11

Final papers from Social & Political Issues course

Data Collection & Analysis summary reports

Exit interviews

Summer ‘11 Master’s Project Portfolio reflective essay

Data Analysis

Fall ’11 at a the October team meeting

5) Who will do the collection, analysis, and reflection:

Data Collection

Admin Ass’t End of Program Surveys

Instructor Final papers from Social & Political Issues course

Advisors Data Collection & Analysis summary reports

Interviewers Exit interviews


Master’s Project Portfolio reflective essay

Revised 9/3/10

Final selection of 5 artifacts in each category will be made randomly by Departmental

Administrative Assistant.

Data Analysis

Experienced Educator Team


Education Department at a department faculty meeting. Results will also be distributed to adjunct faculty for input.

6) Reporting of results:

How and with whom -

Results will be documented by Program Director Dreyer-Leon in the December

Annual Review report.

Revised 9/3/10
