myAntioch Instructions

Once you have obtained access to myAntioch, go to https:// On the first screen, click on
Log In.
The Log In screen will ask you for your User ID and Password. Enter your username: AUE ID# (7 digits),
then your password. As you will note, by logging in you affirm that you will maintain the confidentiality
and security of the records and of your password. Enter your User ID and Password and click Submit.
On the next screen, click on WebAdvisor for Employees.
This will bring you to your budget selection screen. Click Budget Selection.
On the budget selection screen, you will determine the information that you want to view. You can leave
most of it blank and get a list of all of your budget information, or you can refine the list by entering the
Fund – enter either fund 1 or fund 2 depending on your budget.
Campus – always enter campus 20 which limits your information to the New England campus
Cost Center – enter your cost center number(s)
Line Items – enter the line item numbers that you would like to view. If you want to look at all
line items, just leave this blank.
Projects – leave blank.
Click on Save GL Component Selection if you want this selection the next time you log in.
To sort your information, click on Cost Center which will give you a report sorted by cost center. If you
would like it sorted in another way, you can enter other options. As an example, you can create a report
summarized by line item for all cost centers within your department by choosing campus and also choosing
line item.
To choose the budget year, enter 2014-2014 for the 2013-14 fiscal year or any of the prior four years.
You can also restrict your information by date range. Enter the begin date and end date or leave blank for
the entire fiscal year.
Click OK to bring you to your report.
Your Budget Summary report gives you the list of items based on your search selection.
As you will note, the underlined numbers are highlighted in blue. This indicates that you can click on the
item for further information. If you click on an Encumbered amount ($3,239.77 in the example below),
you will be able to view those transactions which make up the total amount. Click OK to bring you back to
the previous screen.
If you click on an Actual amount ($1,393.16 in the example above), you will be able to view those
transactions which make up the total amount.
You can then detail into a specific item (in the example, V0429117 – voucher for Newton Business) to get
further information.
Click OK when finished to return to previous screens.
You will then get another screen to Close Window.
When you are ready to end, just click on Log Out
You will then receive the following message. Just click OK.
Any of the above reports can be printed. Just use your computer’s print function.