Dechlorane plus and possible degradation products in white stork eggs from Spain Juan Muñoz-Arnanz a, Mónica Sáez a, Fernando Hiraldo b, Raquel Baos b, Grazina Pacepavicius c, Mehran Alaee c, Begoña Jiménez a,⁎ a b c Department of Instrumental Analysis and Environmental Chemistry, Institute of Organic Chemistry, CSIC. Juan de la Cierva 3, 28006 Madrid, Spain Department of Applied Biology, Doñana Biological Station, CSIC. Avda. Américo Vespucio s/n, 41092 Sevilla, Spain Aquatic Ecosystem Protection Research Division, Environment Canada, 867 Lakeshore Road, P.O. Box 5050, Burlington, Ontario, Canada L7R 4A6 Keywords: DP Eggs Birds White stork Doñana National Park Spain a b s t r a c t The occurrence of the emerging chlorinated flame retardant Dechlorane Plus (DP) and three of its possible degradation products was investigated in white stork eggs from two colonies in Spain. The average DP concentrations were 401 pg/g wet weight (w.w.) for the urban/industrial colony and 105 pg/g w.w. for the rural colony. One possible degradation product, anti-[DP-1Cl], was found in approximately 10% of the samples. No significant stereoisomer enrichments were detected in any colony based on the average anti-DP fractional abundances found which agrees with previous studies in herring gulls. The relationship between DP and PBDE contents in both colonies was explored leading to different scenarios, i.e. no correlation was found in the urban colony but they were statistically correlated in the rural colony. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study to report DP in a species from a terrestrial food web, and also to report a DP degradation product in biota. 1. Introduction Stricter policies have been placed on some brominated flame retardants (BFRs) such as polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) which were recently included in the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants (United Nations Environment Programme, UNEP, 2009). There are, however, other FRs that are extensively used that remain unregulated. This is the case of Dechlorane Plus (DP, C18H12Cl12, CAS-13560-89-9), which was first synthesized in the late 1960s as a substitute for Dechlorane or Mirex (C10Cl12). DP has since been used in commercial polymeric products such as cable coatings, electronic connectors and plastic roofing materials (Hoh et al., 2006). Currently, DP is an unregulated FR, even though it is considered to be a high production volume (HPV) chemical and thereby subject to the United States Environmental Protection Agency's HPV challenge (US Environmental Protection Agency, 2010). Its current use may increase since it has been recently regarded as a possible replacement for the Deca-BDE mixture in the European Union (The European Commision, 2007). Technical DP is synthesized by a Diels–Alder reaction between 2 equivalents of hexachlorocyclopentadiene and 1.5 equivalents of 1,5cyclooctadiene to form two stereoisomers: syn- and anti-. It is sold in three different commercial mixtures: DP-25, DP-35 and DP-515. These three formulations share a similar syn-: anti-isomer composition differing from ⁎ Corresponding author. E-mail address: (B. Jiménez). each other in their particle size (Wu et al., 2010). There is little published information about the toxicity of DP other than the report provided by its only manufacturer in the US (OxyChem, Niagara Falls, NY) which highlights some ecotoxicological effects in fish and potential effects on rabbit reproduction, such as increase of liver and ovary weights (US Environmental Protection Agency., 2004). The environmental presence of both DP isomers was first reported in 2006 in air and sediment from the Great Lakes (Hoh et al., 2006). Since then it has been further reported in air (Ren et al., 2008; Venier and Hites, 2008), sediment (Qiu et al., 2007; Sverko et al., 2008), tree bark (Qiu and Hites, 2008), household dust (Zhu et al., 2007), biota (Gauthier et al., 2007; Gauthier and Letcher, 2009; Ismail et al., 2009; Kang et al., 2010; Shi et al., 2009; Tomy et al., 2007, 2008; Wu et al., 2010), and humans (Ren et al., 2009). These findings suggest that despite its size (654 Da) and its high lipophilicity (log Kow = 9.3), DP is a ubiquitous species, that is bioavailable and bioaccumulative to a certain extent. Moreover, a different biomagnification potential for each of the DP stereoisomers has been observed in aquatic food webs (Tomy et al., 2007, 2008; Wu et al., 2010) which is likely related to the different water solubility and environmental degradation potential of each isomer (Wu et al., 2010). Furthermore, recent studies have reported the presence of DP degradation products either by dehalogenation or retro-Diels–Alder processes (Sverko et al., 2008, 2010). Despite the increasing number of recent scientific publications the knowledge about the environmental occurrence, behavior and fate of DP is still limited (Wu et al., 2010). The purpose of this study was to shed some light on the current knowledge gap in the occurrence of DP and some of its possible degradation products in biota from terrestrial food webs. Most studies dealing with DP in biota have been conducted on aquatic ecosystems (Gauthier et al., 2007; Gauthier and Letcher, 2009; Ismail et al., 2009; Kang et al., 2010; Shi et al., 2009; Sverko et al., 2010; Tomy et al., 2007, 2008; Wu et al., 2010) and to our knowledge this is the first study on DP conducted on a species with a mainly terrestrial diet. The present work was focused on the white stork (Ciconia ciconia) from two different colonies in Spain. Previous studies have demonstrated that this species, as a top predator, could be used as a suitable sentinel species for the monitoring of persistent organic contaminants in different habitats (Muñoz-Arnanz et al., 2008, 2011). Specifically, differences in content and DP isomeric profiles were investigated in eggs obtained from white storks with different foraging areas. One of the colonies, near the city of Madrid (Spain), was selected as representative of an urban and industrial area. The other colony, Doñana National Park (DNP), was selected as an example of an ecologically sensitive rural area, far from urban and industrial influences, and sanctuary for numerous bird species in south-western Spain. 2. Materials and methods 2.1. Sample collection A total of 33 failed eggs of white stork were obtained from two different colonies located in Doñana National Park (south-western Spain) and Madrid (central Spain) (Fig. 1). Further details about the samples were described in a previous work (Muñoz-Arnanz et al., 2011). 2.2. Analytical procedure The whole egg content was lyophilized and quantities of approximately 2 g were used for residue analysis. Lipid content of each sample was determined gravimetrically as described elsewhere (MuñozArnanz et al., 2011). Briefly, the extraction consisted of a matrix solid phase dispersion (MSPD)-based procedure. Further clean-up was based on acid and basic silica gel multilayer columns and a final fractionation using Carbon (Supelclean Supelco ENVITM-Carb) was carried out in order to obtain three analytical fractions. The first fraction contained the bulk of PBDEs, ortho-PCBs and DDTs, whereas the second and third fractions contained non ortho substituted PCBs and PCDD/Fs, respectively. Tomy et al. (2007) and Wu et al. (2010) found that DP was extracted in a similar manner and efficiency as PBDEs; therefore DP was analyzed in the first fraction of all egg samples. The second and third fractions were analyzed in several samples to confirm the absence of DP. 2.3. Chemicals The following standards were purchased from Wellington laboratories (Guelph, Ontario, Canada): DP stereoisomers, syn- and anti-, DP monoaduct 1,5-DPMA, DP suggested dechlorinated degradates anti13 [DP-1Cl] and anti-[DP-2Cl] (Fig. 2), and injection standards C12labeled BDE-138 and -139. Acetone and toluene purchased from SDS (Peypin, France) and n-hexane purchased from Merck (Darmstadt, Germany) were of Pestipur or equivalent grade. 2.4. Analytical determination Both DP stereoisomers, syn- and anti-, 1,5-DPMA, anti-[DP-1Cl] and anti-[DP-2Cl] were analyzed by high resolution gas chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry (HRGC–HRMS) using a Micromass Autospec Ultima coupled to an Agilent6890 GC equipped with a CTC A200s autosampler. The GC injection port was configured for 1 μL split/splitless injections at a temperature of 280 °C. Gas chromatographic separation prior to MS was achieved using a 15 m × 0.25 mm × 0.10 μm DB5HT column (J&W Scientific, USA).The GC column was maintained at 100 °C for 2 min, then ramped at 25 °C/ min to 250 °C, ramped at 1.5 °C/min to 260 °C, ramped at 25 °C/min to 325 °C and held for 10 min. Helium was used as the carrier gas in constant pressure mode. Sample ionization was performed by electron ionization (EI) at an electron voltage ranging from 30 to 40 eV depending on the optimization parameters of the instrument. Source and transfer line temperatures were both set at 280 °C and the resolving power of the analyzer was 10,000. The identification of target compounds was based on detection, at the corresponding retention time, of the following pairs of m/z ions: 271.82102/273.8072 (syn- and anti-DP), 237.8492/235.8521 (anti-[DP-1Cl]), 203.8881/ 201.8911 (anti-[DP-2Cl]), 381.9012/379.9041 (1,5-DPMA). The peaks were quantified when the isotope ratio between the two monitored ions was within 20% of the standard value. In our study, all samples where dechloranes were found above their LOQ, the isotopic ratio was consistently under 15% of the theoretical value. The LOQ was calculated based on a signal-to-noise ratio of 10. The average LOQ calculated for each DP isomer in the analyzed samples was 0.786 pg/g and 0.539 pg/g for the anti- and syn-isomer, respectively. Quality criteria were based on the application of quality control and quality assurance measures, which included the processing and analysis of method blank samples subjected to the complete analytical procedure. DP isomers were detected above their LOQs in most procedural blanks. The measured levels were subtracted from the corresponding batch of samples associated to each blank. Care was taken to minimize exposure to UV light throughout the whole analytical procedure. 2.5. Data analysis Fig. 1. Geographic location of the white stork colonies studied. DNP stands for Doñana National Park. All concentrations are given in wet weight (w.w.). For comparative purposes, the mean lipid content was 7.32 ± 0.96% in the eggs from DNP and 7.18 ± 0.73% in the eggs from Madrid. Statistical analyses were carried out with SigmaPlot for Windows version 11.0 (Systat Software Inc, CA, USA). Concentration data were not normally distributed even after log-transformation (Shapiro–Wilk test, p b 0.05). Therefore, a Mann–Whitney test was performed to compare contaminant levels between both colonies of white storks, and linear correlations between contaminant burdens were expressed as Spearman's rank correlation coefficients (r s) where the α for significance was set at 0.05. Fig. 2. Structures of Dechlorane Plus (DP), anti-DP, syn-DP, [DP-1Cl], [DP-2Cl] and 1,5-DPMA (Dechlorane Plus monoadduct). 3. Results and discussion 3.1. Levels of DP and degradates Dechlorane Plus was found in all the eggs analyzed (Table 1). The average concentration for total DP in white storks from DNP was 105 pg/g w.w. (median value 84.6 pg/g), ranging between 2.58 and 468 pg/g. The levels found for the Madrid colony were significantly higher (Mann–Whitney, p ≤ 0.001), with an average concentration of 401 pg/g w.w. (median value 306 pg/g) for total DP ranging from 56.8 to 1400 pg/g. Based on the nature of products in which DP is employed, and similarly to what has been previously described as well for PBDE and PCB contents (Van den Steen et al., 2009), higher levels in urban than in rural environments were a priori expected. In the urban colony, a 4-fold higher DP average concentration was observed. Similar results were reported on a survey on air samples in China, where the mean DP concentration in urban areas was about 5 times higher than that in rural areas (Ren et al., 2008). DP concentrations in white storks were well below values found in herring gull (Larus argentatus) eggs from the Laurentian Great Lakes, the only bird species in which DP levels in eggs have been reported up to date. The average DP concentration for these herring gull colonies ranged between 1500 and 4500 pg/g w.w. (Gauthier et al., 2007). The fact that herring gulls are an aquatic species and white storks, a mainly terrestrial species may partially account for the DP concentration differences observed. Moreover, the colonies from the Laurentian Great Lakes are geographically located in the proximity of a DP manufacturing plant and therefore more likely are exposed to higher environmental levels of this chemical. Additionally, presently unknown DP bioconcentration and bioaccumulation effects may be involved. Neither the retro-Diels–Alder product 1,5-DPMA nor the dehalogenation product anti[DP-2Cl] were detected above their quantification limits in any sample. The other DP dehalogenation product investigated in this study, anti-[DP-1Cl], was found in about 10% of the samples from each colony. To the best of our knowledge, the average concentrations of 2.35 pg/g in DNP and 0.548 pg/g in Madrid are reported here for the first time in biota. Table 1 Average, median, range and detection frequencies of syn- and anti-DP, anti-DP fractional abundance values ( ƒanti) and total PBDE concentrations (pg/g w.w.) in white stork eggs from the colonies of Madrid and DNP. ƒanti are provided with their standard deviations ( ±SD) since they follow normal distributions. PBDEs data from Muñoz-Arnanz et al. (2011). Madrid (n = 10) Total DP anti-DP syn-DP ƒanti (± SD) ΣPBDEs DNP (n = 23) Average Median Range % N LOQ Average Median Range % N LOQ 401 267 134 0.64 (± 0.07) 9080 306 203 113 0.65 6590 56.8–1400 b LOQ–1010 b LOQ–383 0.55–0.73 2790–20500 100 95.6 91.3 – 100 105 73.0 40.6 0.66 (± 0.12) 1640 84.6 56.7 29.2 0.68 830 2.58–468 0.59–345 2.44–135 0.40–0.87 210–9500 100 100 100 100 3.2. Isomeric DP ratios Syn- and anti-DP were quantified in about 96 and 91% of the samples from DNP, respectively. Both stereoisomers were detected and quantified in all the samples from Madrid. In order to study the possible stereoselective enrichment of DP isomers, the fractional abundance of the anti-isomer (ƒanti) was calculated as ƒanti = [anti-DP] / ([anti-DP] + [syn-DP]). The average values for ƒanti = 0.66 ± 0.12 for DNP was similar to that calculated for Madrid ƒanti = 0.64 ± 0.07. In addition, these results were similar to the technical DP value of ƒanti = 0.65 reported by Tomy et al. (2007). Nevertheless, a different value has been reported by Hoh et al. (2006) for technical DP where ƒanti = 0.75-0.80. According to these data, and depending on the technical value considered, it appears that, if any, only a slight enrichment of the syn-isomer could have taken place through the food web of the white stork in both study areas. This situation is also similar to the stereoisomer enrichment described in eggs of herring gulls with ƒanti = 0.69 ± 0.08 (Gauthier and Letcher, 2009). Previous reports in the literature suggested that the anti- isomer would be more reactive and thereby susceptible to biological attack based on it less hindered spatial conformation (Hoh et al., 2006). In addition, it has been demonstrated that the antiisomer degrades faster under UV light than the syn-isomer (Sverko et al., 2008). However, different stereoisomer enrichments have been found throughout different aquatic food webs. Tomy et al. (2007) have described an anti-isomer biomagnification through the food web of Lake Winnipeg and at the same time the absence of a stereoisomer biomagnification in the food web of Lake Ontario. On the contrary, Wu et al. (2010) have described a net syn-enrichment through the food web from a reservoir close to an electronic waste recycling site in south China. 3.3. DP vs PBDEs PBDE levels in eggs of both white stork colonies were analyzed in a previous study (Muñoz-Arnanz et al., 2011). Similarly, to what has been described for DP concentrations, the average concentration of PBDEs was about 5.5 times higher in samples from Madrid compared to those of the DNP colony (Table 1). PBDE concentrations were 1 to 2 orders of magnitude higher than those of total DP. Despite these differences in concentrations and based on their common nature as flame retardants, a possible correlation between DP and PBDE levels was investigated (Fig. 3). Spearman's rank coefficients for the Madrid colony showed no clear correlation 11000 DNP (n= 22) 10900 600 rs =0.616 p=0.0023 between DP and PBDEs (p N 0.05), even after ignoring two samples regarded as outliers. In contrast, a certain correlation was found in the colony of DNP (rs = 0.616, p = 0.0023). Since DP has been postulated as a possible replacement for the DecaBDE mixture, the common occurrence of DP and BDE-209 was studied as well. The results were almost identical to those found for DP and total PBDE content, i.e. levels were not correlated in the Madrid colony (rs = 0.190, p = 0.619) and correlated in the colony of DNP (rs = 0.608, p = 0.00352). This was expected as BDE-209 was the predominant BDE congener in white storks reaching mean contributions of about 38 and 44% in the urban and rural colonies, respectively. Currently, there is not enough evidence to indicate similar bioaccumulation behaviors in biota, and specifically in these bird species, for these two types of contaminants. However, it is unexpected to find such a different outcome for the same species depending on the colony. These results might be linked to the ease at which certain flame retardants are released from commercial products containing them. Thus, in the city of Madrid where it is reasonable to assume a greater release of FRs in general and of PBDEs in particular, the differences between the environmental contents of DP and PBDEs may change acutely in time leading to non-equilibrium conditions and therefore confounding a clear correlation. This could be especially enhanced in the case of a more limited set of samples such as the Madrid colony (n = 10). On the contrary, DNP is likely to be under the influence of more diffuse sources of FR contaminants and likely under higher equilibrium conditions. Furthermore, the set of samples for DNP colony is considerably greater (n = 23), which in turn would ease the finding of possible correlations. 4. Conclusions To the best of our knowledge, in this study, we have described for the first time the presence of DP in birds from a mainly terrestrial food web. Both stereoisomers were found with a fractional abundance similar to that reported for the technical product. Our findings in white stork eggs are in contrast with stereoisomer enrichments detected in some aquatic food webs. The occurrence of anti-[DP-1Cl] in biota, postulated as a dechlorination DP product, constitutes an additional and important relevance of our study not previously reported yet. It seems that there is growing evidence for DP environmental ubiquity, and that the current knowledge about this FR as a contaminant is still very limited. The levels reported up to date in different environmental matrices tend to be orders of magnitude lower than those of other FRs such as PBDEs. However, currently DP is widely used and it will likely be used in higher quantities if it is chosen as a replacement for other regulated FRs. There is a need for further studies to gain a better understanding of the environmental occurrence, behavior and fate of this chemical. Total DP Concentration (pg/g w.w.) 400 Acknowledgments 200 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 1500 Madrid (n=8) 1400 1300 800 References rs =0.214 p=0.578 600 400 200 0 0 20 120 The authors thank EGMASA, CSIC (Project Intramural de Frontera Ref. 200680F0162) and the Regional Government of Madrid (Project P-AMB000352-0505) for their financial support. Dr. Sáez acknowledges her postdoctoral contract through project P-AMB-000352-0505. The Monitoring team (ICTS, Reserva Biológica de Doñana, EBD-CSIC) and J.I. Aguirre are thanked for the field sampling. 130 PBDE Concentration (ng/g w.w.) Fig. 3. Scatter plots of total DP vs total PBDE contents in both colonies of white stork. Gauthier LT, Hebert CE, Weseloh DVC, Letcher RJ. Current-use flame retardants in the eggs of herring gulls (Larus argentatus) from the Laurentian Great Lakes. Environ Sci Technol 2007;41:4561–7. Gauthier LT, Letcher RJ. 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