Allozyme Variation of the Egyptian Rousette (Rousettus egyptiacus; Chiroptera, Pteropodidae) in the Gulf of Guinea (West-Central Africa) JAVIER JUSTE B.,*1: ANNIE MACHORDOMt and CARLOS IBAÑEZ* Estación Biologica de Doñana (CSIC), Aptdo 1056,41080, Sevilla, Spain; tMuseo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (CSIC), Cl José Gutiérrez Abascal 2, 28006, Madrid, Spain; Present Address: Department of Biological Sciences. Texas Tech University,Lubbock, Texas 79409-3131, U.S.A. Key Word lndex—Rousettus egyptiacus; Pteropodidae; African Rousette; fruit bats; allozyme; population variation; island genetics. Abstract—Genetic variation among the populations of Rousettus egyptiacus from the islands of the Gulf of Guinea (Bioko, Principe and São Tome) and two other continental populations of R. egyptiacus, (Rio Muni and Guinea Conakry) was studied in order to evaluate their systematic and evolutionary relationships. Insular and mainland populations had similar levels of genetic variation. The data support the subspecific assignment of the São Tome and Prlncipe populations of R. egyptiacus. Copyright C 1996 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd Introduction The Egyptian Rousette (Rousettus egyptiacus Geoffroy, 1810), ranges throughout the sub-Saharan continent and reaches the Mediterranean along the Nile basin, northward to Cyprus and Southern Turkey, and eastward into Pakistan (Hayman and Hill, 1971; Koopman, 1993; Bergmans, 1994). Andersen (1912) first studied the geographic variation of R. egyptiacus and distinguished three subspecies (R. e. egyptiacus, R. e. leachil and R. e. arabicus) based on variation in wing, cranial and dental traits. Eisentraut (1959) described a fourth form (R. e. occidentalis), later shown by Koopman (1966) to be synonymous with R. e. unicolor (Gray, 1870), which had been disregarded by Andersen. The four subspecies have disjunct distributions (Bergmans, 1979, 1994), the nominate species being found in Eastern Mediterranean Africa and southward to 20°N; R. e. arabicus occurring along the coast of the Southern Arabian Peninsula northeast to Pakistan; R. e. leachll ranging across East Africa from Ethiopia to a narrow coastal strip of the southern African coast; and R. e. un/color distributed throughout Western Africa from Senegal to central Angola (Bergmans, 1994). Recently, two more subspecies have been described from West Africa, R. e. tomensis and R. e. princeps, respectively, found on the islands of São Tome and Principe in the Gulf of Guinea (Juste B. and lbáñez, 1993). Despite noticeable morphological differences between these insular subspecies, they share wing, cranial and dental characteristics that suggest a close phylogenetic affinity, as well as an inter-island colonization process rather than independent colonization events from the mainland. Allozyme electrophoresis was used to analyze genetic variation among the populations of Rousettus egyptiacus from the islands of the Gulf of Guinea. Genetic differentiation was compared between these populations and two 500 J.JUSTEB.ETAL. continental populations, and their taxonomic status and evolutionary relationships examined. In addition, the systematic value of the allozymic approach is assessed within the African fruit bats, as well as the congruence between morphological and biochemical systematic approaches. Material and Methods Samples. Rousettus egyptiacus was collected from 1987 to 1992 along the Gulf of Guinea from three insular populations: Bioko island (Republic of Equatorial Guinea: 3’30’N, 840’E, N=9); PrIncipe island (Democratic Republic of São Tome and Principe: 1 ‘37’N, 7’25’E, N = 19); São Tome island (Democratic Republic of São Tome and Principe: 0°1 2’N, 6°39’E, N 20); and one continental population, Rio Muni (Republic of Equatorial Guinea: 1 °30’N, 1 0°30’E, N 10) (Fig. 1). Two additional continental specimens from Dubreka (Guinea Conakry: 9°48’N, 1 3°31‘W, N = 2), thought to belong to the same mainland subspecies, were used to compare genetic divergence among continental populations. Specimens were preserved as standard museum vouchers and deposited in the Estación Biológica de Doñana collections. Electrophoresis. Samples of liver, heart, kidney and muscle were dissected from netted specimens and immediately stored in liquid nitrogen. After transportation from the field, samples were stored at —70°C until analyzed. Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was performed using standard techniques (Pasteur et al., 1987) to assess genetic variation at 31 presumptive loci encoding 22 enzymatic systems (Table 1). Alleles at each locus were distinguished by decreasing mobility using side-by-side comparisons, and designated alphabetically with the most common allele designated as ‘a’. FIG. 1. STUDY AREA AND COLLECTING POINTS: CONTINENTAL POPULATIONS FROM RIO MUNI (a) AND GUINEA CONAKRY (e); LAND-BRIDGE ISLAND OF BIOKO (b); AND THE OCEANIC ISLANDS OF PRINCIPE (c) AND SÃO TOME (d). ALLOZYME VARIATION OF THE EGYPTIAN ROUSETTE 501 TABLE 1. ALLOZYMES EXAMINED AND STAINING PROCEDURES USED IN THE STUDY. Enzyme Commission Number follows the Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry (1984) Protein E.C.N. Organ Buffer Aspartate aminotransferase (Aat) Aconitate hydratase (Acon) Acid phosphatate (Acp) Adenylate kinase (Ak) Creatine kinase (Ck) Fumarate hydratase (Fum) Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gpd-1) (Gpd-2) Glucose-6-phosphate isomerase (Gpi) lsocitrate dehydrogenase (Idh) Leucinamide peptidase (Lap) Lactate dehydrogenase (Ldh) Malate dehydrogenase (Mdh) Malic enzime (Me) Mannose.6-phosphate isomerase (Mpi) Purine nucleoside phosphorylaae (Np) Leucyl-tyrosine peptidase (Pep A) Leucyl-glycyl-glycinepeptidase (Pep B) Phenyl-proline peptidase (Pep D) 6-Phosphogluconic acid dehydrogenase (6Pgd) Phosphoglucomutase (Pgm) Sorbitol dehydrogenase (Sdh) Superoxide dismutaae (Sod) Xanthine dehydrogenase (Xdh) H/L H L H H H TME 6.9 TC 6.7 TME 6.9/TC 6.4 TC 6.4 TC 6.4 TME 6.9 TC 8/TBE 8.6 TC 8/TBE 8.6 TME 6.9 TC 6.7 TBE 8.6 TC 6.7 TC 6.7 TC 6.7 TC 6.7 L1OH 8.3/TBE 8.6 TC 8 TC8 TC 8 TC 6.4 TC 6.4/TME 6.9 TC 6.4 TC 6.4 TBE 8.6 3.4.11. 3.4.11. 3.4.11. H/L L H H L H H H H/L H/L H H H H H/L L L H H = heart L= liver; TC=tris/cistrate, TME =tris/maleate/EDTA, TBE =tris/borate/EDTA, according to Pasteur eta!. (1987), except for TC 8, TME 6.9 and LiOH 8.3, in which a half dilution of buffer was used for the gels. Data analysis. Data were analyzed using the BIOSYS-1 computer package (Swofford and Selander, 1989). Genetic variability was calculated for populations represented by three or more specimens, and was estimated as the mean number of alleles per locus, percentage of polymorphic loci (P), observed (directcount) and expected heterozygosities per locus (H), and Wright’s F-statistics (Wright, 1965). Since no comparisions yielded observed values of heterozygosity deviating significantly from expected HardyWeinberg equilibrium (Nei, 1975), only values for observed heterozygosity are presented. Genetic relatedness among populations was evaluated using Nei’s (1978) unbiased distances (DN) and Rogers’ (1972) distance (Op). Correlations between the matrix of Rogers’ (1972) distances and the matrices of both geographical distances and the Euclidean morphological distances were assessed using Mantel tests (Sokal, 1979) for all the populations except Guinea Conakry, utilizing the procedure MXCOMP in the NTSYS-pc package (Rohlf, 1988). Based on results of a previous morphological comparison (Juste B. and lbáñez. 1993), morphological distances were obtained after averaging the factor scores for each population on the first two components of a PCA for 54 characters. The general pattern of gene flow among populations was estimated quantitatively by means of Nm, the number of effective migrants among populations per generation. Given the physical isolation of the populations, this value was calculated by Slatkin’s (1985) private alleles formula [lnp(1) — 0.505 ln(Nm)—2.44, where p(1) is the average frequency of private alleles]. To adjust the constants of this formula, Nm value was obtained after correcting for sample sizes following Slatkin (1985). Rates of values between populations. interpopulation gene flow were estimated from Mid-point rooted phenograms were constructed from the matrix of Rogers’ (1 972) genetic distances using both the unweighted-pair group method (UPGMA, Sneath and Sokal. 1973) and the distanceWagner procedure, which allows the detection of different rates of genetic evolution. Times of evolutionary divergence among taxa were estimated from Nei’s (1978) distance by using Nei’s (1 975) formula, assuming a linear relationship between time and genetic distance for small genetic distances. Results Patterns of variability Of the 31 loci surveyed, 18 (58.1%) were monomorphic in all the populations studied (Aat-2, Acp, Ak, Ck, Fum, Idh-2, Ldh- 1, Ldh-2, Mdh-2, Me, Np, Pep-B, Pgi Sdh-1, Sdh-2, Sod-i, Sod-2, Xdh). Allele frequencies at the remaining 13 poly 502 J.JUSTE B.EFAL. morphic loci are presented in Table 2. All populations showed at least one unique allele (Table 2). Bioko’s land-bridge island population differed from the Rio Muni mainland population mainly in the frequency of the alleles, although the former exhibited different alleles for three loci (Gpd-1, Pep-D, 6Pgd). São Tome’s population showed unique alleles for six loci (Acon, Gpd-2, Lap, Mdh-1, Mp1 Pgm- 1), 46.1% of all polymorphic loci; PrIncipe’s showed two unique alleles (PepA, Pgm-1), and both populations shared one allele atAat-1. Bioko and Rio Muni were monomorphic for the same allele at Pgm-/, whereas all remaining populations each showed unique alleles at this locus (Table 2). Genetic variability Polymorphism among populations ranged from P =0.097 in the Rio Muni’s sample to P=0.29 at São Tome population (Table 3). Mean heterozygosity (direct-count) within populations ranged from H = 0.031 on PrIricipe island to H =0.056 on Bioko island (Table 3). There was no apparent correlation among polymorphism and heterozygosity values. The mean number of alleles per locus was very similar in all the populations and averaged 1.22 (up to 4 per locus). The Principe and São Tome populations, with the highest values of polymorphism, showed low heterozygosity as did the Rio Muni’s population. The mean value of Wright’s F-statistics among the populations was very high (F=0.493). It was TABLE 2. ALLELE FREQUENCIES AT 13 POLYMORPHIC LOCI FOR FIVE POPULATIONS OF EGYPTIAN ROUSETTES. SAMPLE SIZES WITHIN PARENTHESES Locus Allele Aat-7 a b a b a b a b a b cxGpd-1 IGpd-2 Idh-1 Lap Md/i-i Mp/ Pep-A Pep-D 6Pgd Pgm- 1 ci a b a b a b a b a b a b a b Population Rio Muni (10) Bioko (9) Principe (19) São Tome (20) Guinea-Conakry (2) 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.889 0.111 1.000 1.000 0.100 0.900 0.950 0.050 0.275 0.725 0.969 0.031 0.975 1.000 1.000 0,211 0.789 1.000 0.500 0.025 0.964 0.500 1.000 0.036 0,975 1.000 1.000 0,300 1.000 0.250 0.050 0.400 0.944 0056 0.556 0.056 0.806 0.028 0389 0875 0.125 0.167 0.875 0.125 1.000 1 000 1.000 1.000 1 000 1.000 1.000 1 000 0.969 0.031 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.250 0.750 0.944 0.056 1 000 0.025 0.972 0.028 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1 000 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.921 0.975 0.025 0.500 0079 Pgm-2 d a b 0.889 0.111 1 000 1.000 1.000 0.500 1.000 ALLOZYME VARIATION OF THE EGYPTIAN ROUSE1TE 503 TABLE 3. GENETIC VARIABILITY MEASURES FOR FOUR POPULATIONS OF EGYPTIAN ROUSETTE Population Mean sample size per locus Mean number of allelles per locus Percent polymorphic loci (P) Average heterozygosity (H) Rio Muni Bioko Prlncipe São Tome Mean 8.8 7.8 16.0 16.5 12.3 1.16 1.19 1.19 1.29 1.21 9.7 16.1 16.1 29.0 17.7 0.033 0.056 0.031 0.032 0.038 based on a low negative inbreeding coefficient within populations (F5= —0.041), and a high positive inbreeding coefficient relative to the whole population (F1= 0.472). The corresponding Nm value was 0.248, suggesting a restricted gene flow among all the populations. Estimated gene flow is highest between RIo Muni and Bioko populations and lowest among Rio Muni and the oceanic islands (Table 4). The populations from RIo Muni and Bioko island showed the lowest levels of genetic divergence, and RIo Muni and São Tome the highest values (Table 5). Mantel tests showed similar congruence between the matrix of Rogers’ genetic distances and both the matrix of geographic distances (r = 0.974, t = 1.737, P0.9588), and that of morphological distances (r0.979, t=1.715, P = 0.9568). The UPGMA phenogram (Fig. 2) was a fair representation of the original distances (cophenetic correlation r=0.869), although the tree produced by the Wagner-distance method (Fig. 3) provided a better fit to the genetic distance matrix (r=0.994). Both analyses suggested similar relationships among populations, producing trees with two main clusters; one included Bioko and the two continental populations (Rio Muni and Guinea Conakry), with the second comprised of the two oceanic islands populations (São Tome and PrIncipe). These latter populations were also distinctly separated (Fig. 3). TABLE 4. MATRIX OF FST VALUES (ABOVE THE DIAGONAL) AND NMVALUES (BELOWTHE DIAGONAL) AMONG FIVE POPULATIONS OF EGYPTIAN ROUSETES Guinea Conakry Guinea Conakry Rio Muni Bioko Prlncipe São Tome 0.134 0.498 0.252 0.265 Rio Muni Bioko Principe São Tome 0.400 0.260 0.058 0.316 0.469 0.335 0.474 0.574 0.441 0.219 — 1.504 0.071 0.138 — 0.152 0.371 — 0.846 — TABLE 5. GENETIC DISTANCES BETWEEN FIVE POPULATIONS OF EGYPTIAN ROUSETTES. Neis (1978) distance values are above the diagonal (DN), and Rogers (1972) distance values are below the diagonal (DR) Guinea Conakry Guinea Conakry Rio Muni Bioko Prfncipe São Tome 0.061 0.053 0.056 0.089 Rio Muni Bioko Prlncipe São Tome 0.039 0.020 0.001 — 0.026 0.062 0.040 0.066 0.096 0.056 0.092 0.063 0.019 0.043 — 0.027 0.081 0.114 504 J. JUSTE B. ETAL. 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 RIo Muni Bioko G. Conakry PrIncipe São Tome • 0.05 -- - - --- 0.04 - 0.03 I I I 0.02 0.01 0 DISTANCE FIG. 2. UPGMA CLUSTER ANALYSIS OF ROGERS (1972) GENETIC DISTANCES AMONG FIVE POPULATIONS OF ROUSETTUS EGYPTIACUS. Cophenetic correlation coefficient is 0.869. 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 Muni PrIncipe São Tome 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 DISTANCE FROM ROOT FIG. 3. WAGNER PHENOGRAM (ROOTED AT MIDPOINT OF THE LONGEST PATH) AMONG FIVE POPULATIONS OF ROUSETTUS EGYPTIACUS BASED ON ANALYSIS OF ROGERS (1972) GENETIC DISTANCES. Cophenetic correlation coefficient is 0.994. ALLOZYME VARIATION OF THE EGYPTIAN ROUSETE 505 Discussion Genetic variability The unweighted average polymorphism among the Egyptian Rousette populations (P = 0.177) was comparable to that typically given for mammals (P = 0.147; Nevo, 1978) and less than the values that Peterson and Heaney (1993) reported for the Asian pteropodids Cynopterus brachyotis (P = 0.381) and Haplonycteris fischeri (P=0.228). Rousette polymorphism is similar to the average values (P=O.196) obtained for the bat family Phyllostomidae (Koop and Baker, 1983), and slightly more than the average value reported for the phyllostomid genus Sturnira (P=0.142, Pacheco and Patterson, 1991). Average heterozygosity among populations (H =0.038) was similar to the values reported for mammals (H =0.036; Nevo, 1978) and Neotropical bats (H = 0.032; Straney eta!., 1979). The average heterozygosity of the Egyptian Rouesette is similar to that reported for H. fisheri (H = 0.034; Peterson and Heaney, 1993), and the Asian pteropodids Cynopterus sphinx (H = 0.028) and C. horsfieldi (H 0.032; Schmitt et a!., 1995). However, heterozygosity is lower than the values reported for other species of Cynopterus (Peterson and Heaney, 1993; Schmitt et a!., 1995) and the fruit bat Aetha/ops alecto (H = 0.055; Kitchener eta!., 1993). Direct comparisons are limited, however, because different enzymatic loci are involved (Simon and Archie, 1985). Reduced genetic variability is characteristic of island or isolated populations (Lewontin, 1974). The highest average heterozygosity of Bioko’s island population of R. egyptiacus may be due to its recent vicariant origin (Juste B. and lbáñez, 1994) and gene flow from the nearby mainland (Table 4). Surprisingly, the highest polymorphism is shown by the São Tome population, although its heterozygosity is similar to that found in the other populations. This results from the occurrence of rare alleles at some loci. However, comparisons to the mainland must be made with caution because of differences in sample size, and some polymorphism may be missed from the continental population of Rio Muni. Some previous reports for other bats (Greenbaum and Baker, 1976), show no reduction of genic variability in insular versus mainland populations; this is also true for some insular populations (Azores) of chaffinches (Baker eta!., 1990). Finally, in our study increasing genic variability is not correlated with increasing island size as was suggested among insular fruit bat populations from the Philippines (Peterson and Heaney, 1993). Genetic divergence The fixation indices indicate considerable genetic differentiation among the R. egyptiacus populations. The mean value (F=0.493) is relatively high, although varies widely among insular populations of the few fruit bats studied, this ranging from F0.066 forAetha!opsa!ecto (Kitchener eta!., 1993) to F=0.606 for Haplonycteris fischeri (Peterson and Heaney, 1993). When calculated separately between populations, the values of and Nm point to sufficient gene flow to overcome genetic differentiation (Nm> 1) only between continental Rio Muni and the land-bridge island of Bioko. The values between São Tome and PrIncipe populations suggest some flow between them of about one migrant per generation. The fixation index between the two continental populations (Guinea Conakry and Rio Muni) is similar to those calculated among islands. The Nm value suggests one migrant per five generations. High values of DN and DR for the two oceanic island populations point to isolation, resulting in genetic differentiation. The differences between PrIncipe and São Tome are low (DN=0.0l9), but still higher than the mean value among (a) conspecific populations of the phyllostomid Macrotus (DNO.005; Straney eta!., 1979) or (b) conspecific subspecies of the vespertilionid Myotis lucifugus 506 J. JUSTE B. ETAL. (DN=O.Oll; Herd, 1987), or the average inter-island genetic distance for Cynopterus from Indonesia (DNO.0l36 Schmitt eta!., 1995). Peterson and Heaney (1993) found genetic distances up to DN = 0.113 among inter-island populations of Haplonycteris fischer/. This indicates that at least some bats show relatively low genetic distances, even among congeneric species (Schmitt eta!., 1995). Both mainland populations (Rio Muni and Guinea Conakry) were more divergent than anticipated. The Guinea Conakry specimens are from the western range of the distribution of R. e. un/co/or, where these fruit bats are slightly smaller on average than those of the central population (Bergmans, 1994). Even if R. egyptiacus is not closely linked to the rainforest, it is possible that isolation of the western and central rain forest blocks could have restricted gene flow between populations, as occurred with other mammal species (Robbins, 1978). The São Tome and PrIncipe populations of R. egyptiacus would have changed faster morphologically than this western continental population. Further genetic and ecological studies are necessary to better understand these patterns of genetic divergence. It is especially critical to determine if some of the rare alleles of the São Tome population are shared with its closest mainland population from Port Gentil, Gabon. The UPGMA and Wagner dendrograms and the phenetic tree based on morphological distances among populations (Juste B. and lbáñez, 1993) are highly concordant as shown by the Mantel test, making the inferred systematic arrangement more reliable (Hillis, 1987). The diverse character suites support the taxonomic consideration of São Tome and PrIncipe populations as subspecies of R. egypt/acus. These data also verify the adequacy of the allozyme electrophoresis for discriminating among subspecies of fruit bats. Evolutionary relationships The correlation between geographic distances and genetic distances suggests that geographic isolation has played a role in allozymic differentiation among the populations. Peterson and Heaney (1993) found significant correlation between genetic and historical geographic distances for two species of Philippine fruit bats and Schmitt et a/. (1995) found significant correlations between genetic distances and both actual and historical geographic distances among the Indonesian island populations of C. nusatenggara. Nevertheless, in the Gulf of Guinea islands, the evolutionary scenario seems to have been very different. In this case, Pleistocene events probably had similar effects on all the island populations (except for the land-bridge island of Bioko). Both the distances to the mainland and the small sizes of the oceanic islands have hampered colonization and genetic interchanges. On the Philippine archipelago, a large minimum island size (12,500 km2) is required for the presence of a single endemic fruit bat (Heaney, 1991); São Tome island supports an endemic species of Myonycteris with only an area of 836 km2. Since the distance between São Tome and PrIncipe islands (146 km) is of the same order of magnitude as each island to the mainland (280 and 220 km. respectively), independent colonization events from the mainland may be more likely. Our results suggest that both island subspecies share a common evolutionary history. Their phylogenetic affinity would be supported by shared alleles, although allele frequencies were phylogenetically uninformative. The higher genetic differentiation shown by R. e. tomensis may reflect a more complex colonization history for São Tome, possibly with multiple colonization events. The divergence between subspecies is more than an order of magnitude greater than between the Bioko and Rio Muni populations. Using genetic distances to estimate timing of divergence (Nei, 1975), the Bioko and RIo Muni populations diverged approximately 5000 years BP. This date agrees with the estimated time of ALLOZYME VARIATION OF THE EGYPTIAN ROUSETE 507 the complete separation of Bioko from the Cameroon coast at the end of the last glacial period (Thys van den Adenauerde, 1967). Distances between, and sizes of, the Gulf of Guinea islands have changed dramatically during the series of climatic cycles since (at least) the early Pleistocene (Juste B. and lbáñez, 1994). The changes have primarily affected Principe Island, which could have increased in area up to tenfold and reduced (by more than 25%) its distance from São Tome during the drops in sea !evet. These conditions would favor contacts between the two insular populations of Rousettus. During the last 100,000 years (their approximate time of divergence), R. e. tomensis and R. e. prInceps would have had several opportunities to experience such contacts, which would explain the relatively high value of Nm between them. Nevertheless, a wider study, or a more detailed approach with other techniques, seems necessary to fully understand this colonization event. Acknowledgements—Support for field work was financed by the governmental Agencia Espanola de Cooperaciôn Internacional and Consejeria de Educación y Ciencia of the Junta de Andalucia. We thank Anton Ayong and Carlos Ruiz for help in the field and Celia Lôpez Gonzalez, Meredith Hamilton, ira Greenbaum and especially Lou Densmore, Mark Engstrom and Stephen Kasper for their comments and suggestions on earlier drafts. References Andersen, K. (1912) Catalogue of the Chiroptera in the Collection of the British Museum. I. Megachiroptera. British Museum (Natural History). London. Baker, A. J., Dennison, M. D.. 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