Inter- and intra-specific variation on sensitivity of larval amphibians to nitrite C. Shinn a, A. Marco a b,* , L. Serrano c EDB (Laboratoire Evolution et Diversité Biologique), UMR 5174, CNRS – Université Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse cédex 4, France b Estación Biológica de Doñana – CSIC, Apartado 1056, 41013 Sevilla, Spain c Departamento de Biologı́a Vegetal y Ecologı́a, C/ Profesor Garcı́a González s/n, 41012 Sevilla, Spain Abstract Several authors have suggested that nitrogen-based fertilizers may be contributing to the global amphibian decline. We have studied the impact of sodium nitrite on early aquatic stages of Epidalea calamita, Pelophylax perezi and Hyla meridionalis larvae from Doñana National Park (coastal wetland) and P. perezi from Gredos Mountain (high mountain ponds), exposed during 10 to 16 days. After 8 days of exposure all P. perezi larvae from Doñana presented 100% mortality at 5 mg l—1 N–NO—2 while E. calamita larvae mortality rates were significantly lower at that concentration after 15 days. However, for H. meridionalis at day 15 no deaths were registered at 5 mg l—1 N–NO— and at 20 mg l—1 N–NO— presented intermediate mortality rates. In Doñana the 10 d LC50 of older H. merid2 2 ionalis larvae was between 20 and 30 mg l—1 N–NO—2 whilst for P. perezi it was below 5 mg l—1 N–NO—2. These results indicate interspecific variation of the sensitivity of larval amphibians to nitrite. Gredos Mountain P. perezi larvae exposed since the egg stage were highly sensitive to nitrite, with a 16 d LC50 below 0.5 mg l—1 N–NO—2 . The same species in Doñana had a 15 d LC50 between 5 and mg l—1 N–NO—2 . These results suggest that there is also intra-specific variation in sensitivity of amphibian larvae to nitrite: mountain amphibian populations appear to be more sensitive to polluted environments than coastal populations. Geographic and genetic variation and evolutionary adaptation of tolerance may also be the keys to variation amongst populations of the same species. Keywords: Nitrite; Amphibian larvae sensitivity; Epidalea calamita; Pelophylax perezi; Hyla meridionalis; Inter- and intra-specific variation 1. Introduction The number of amphibian species that make the present threatened species lists is alarming (Houlahan et al., 2000; Stuart et al., 2004). Global environmental changes, pollution, ultraviolet radiation, diseases and habitat fragmentation are the main causes of such a precarious situation (Wyman, 1990; Berger et al., 1999; Blaustein and Kiesecker, 2002; Daszak et al., 2003). Nitrogen pollution of aquatic ecosystems is a recurrent phenomenon and is at present * Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 954232340; fax: +34 954621125. E-mail address: (A. Marco). considered a major influence on the global decline of amphibian populations (Berger, 1989; Rouse et al., 1999). Nitrite (NO—2 ) is a natural component of the nitrogen cycle in ecosystems. Bacteria (Nitrosomones and Nitrobacter) oxidize ammonia and nitrite, respectively, contributing to the equilibrium between levels of toxic and non-toxic nitrogen compounds in aquatic environments. Nonetheless, this equilibrium can suffer major alterations due to too big an input of nitrogen compounds or disequilibrium in the proportion of the bacteria (Wetzel, 2001). The largest sources of these nitrogen compounds are anthropogenic: industrial and urban effluents, runoff and lixiviates from rubbish dumps, agricultural fields (pesticides and fertilizers) and cattle/pig farms (Carpenter et al., 1998). Closed aquatic systems like ponds, lakes and aquaculture farms accumulate toxic and sometimes lethal levels of nitrites. Recommended levels of nitrites in potable water have been found to be higher than the maximum level tolerable by some amphibian species (Marco et al., 1999). Nitrogen-based fertilizers have been directly linked to severe decreases in population size in amphibians inhabiting areas adjacent to agricultural fields. However, there are populations of certain species that persist in these locations, possibly indicating a higher inherent tolerance to these pollutants (Blaustein and Wake, 1990). The contamination of ponds and lakes with nitrogen compounds has the potential to alter the chemical properties of the breeding sites of many species of amphibians (Rouse et al., 1999). As many amphibian species are dependent on aquatic habitats for larval development, nitrogen toxicity poses a constant and unregulated threat via cutaneous and brachial absorption from the surrounding water (Cooke, 1981). Nitrites present innumerous negative effects on the physiology and development of amphibian larvae. Inhaled, swallowed or absorbed nitrites will end up accumulating in the blood stream (Kross et al., 1992). Once in the blood, these ions react with the hemoglobin, producing methemoglobin (metHb) (Jensen, 2003). This complex lacks the capacity to take-up or transport O2, causing hypoxia in body tissues (Bodansky, 1951; Wedemeyer and Yasutake, 1978). High levels of metHb can lead to methemoglobinemia (Johnson et al., 1987), already observed in fish (Cameron, 1971) and amphibians (Huey and Beitinger, 1980a, 1980b) and is sometimes lethal. Marco et al. (1999) observed that even at low levels of nitrite, newly hatched larvae of various anuran species presented a high sensibility. In the presence of nitrite the larvae had a reduced feeding activity, swam less vigorously, showed disequilibrium and paralysis, suffered abnormalities and edemas, and frequently died. These effects increased with exposure and concentration. Other studies have highlighted the sub-lethal and lethal effects of nitrite on the larval stages of some amphibian species. The activity of the tadpoles is a response to the surrounding environmental conditions. Xu and Oldham (1997) found effects upon the central nervous system with repercussions on the motor activity resulting in uncoordinated movements, disequilibrium and paralysis. A reduced activity rate may lead to a higher risk of predation and smaller capacity to face inter and intra-specific competitive pressures, reducing chances of survival. The feeding rate of amphibian tadpoles in the presence of nitrites is also attenuated (Hecnar, 1995). Larvae that eat less and consequently grow at a lower rate reach metamorphosis with a higher handicap, at a critical phase in the transition to the terrestrial life-stage. Some amphibian species reveal a high tolerance to nitrite exposure (Smith et al., 2004), whilst others are highly sensitive (Marco et al., 1999). Variations in sensitivity to nitrate between populations of the same species of amphibians have also been reported (Johansson et al., 2001). Such scenarios can be explained by the fact that species and populations vary in the genetic basis of their tolerance to environmental stressors like chemical contaminants (Semlitsch et al., 2000). Genetic variation can lead to geographical adaptation to the ambient levels of certain compounds present in the natural habitat (Miaud and Merilä, 2001). The purpose of this study was to test the effect of nitrites on the development, growth, activity and survival of larvae of species of amphibians from populations of two contrasting natural areas – Doñana National Park and Gredos Mountain – in controlled laboratory conditions. 2. Material and methods 2.1. Experimental animals In March 2005 we collected newly hatched (3 to 4 days old) Epidalea calamita larvae from a temporary pond in Puebla del Rı́o, Doñ ana National Park (DNP, Sevilla, Spain; altitude 20; N37° 12 0 1700 , W6°10 0 600 ). The tadpoles were transported in plastic boxes to the Limnology laboratory in Seville University where the samples were pooled to gain a genetically varied and representative sample of individuals. Eight concentrations of sodium nitrite were prepared using water collected from a well in DNP (El Bolı́n Laboratory), and we randomly allocated 14 tadpoles to 3 replicates of each treatment (see Table 1 for setup details of all experiments). Larvae were exposed to the chemical during 15 consecutive days. In April 2005 we collected Hyla meridionalis larvae and Pelophylax perezi eggs and larvae from large ponds in the DNP (Almonte, Huelva, Spain; altitude 10; N36°59 330 0 , W6°26 579 0 ) and transported them to the El Bolı́n labora- Table 1 Resume of the experimental setup in each test Species (origin) —1 [NO— N–NO2— 2 ] mg l Gosner stage at day 0 No. of individuals per replica Average temperature (°C) ± St. Dev. E. calamita (DNP) P. perezi (DNP) P. perezi (DNP) P. perezi (GM) H. meridionalis (DNP) H. meridionalis (DNP) 0.0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 0, 5, 15 0, 5, 20, 40, 60, 80,100, 130, 165, 200 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 5.0, 10.0, 20.0 0, 5, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 130, 165, 200 0, 5, 15 25 14–18 (eggs) 25 18/19 (eggs) 25 25 (advanced) 14 larvae 12 eggs 5 larvae 19 eggs 4 larvae 11 larvae 21.78 ± 0.74 18.00 ± 0.80 18.60 ± 0.32 14.58 ± 1.32 18.22 ± 0.42 17.54 ± 0.83 (DNP – Doñana National Park; GM – Gredos Mountain). tory (DNP). Three replicates of twelve P. perezi eggs and eleven H. meridionalis Gosner (1960) stage 25 larvae were exposed separately to three levels of NaNO2 during 15 days. Two replicates of four P. perezi and five H. meridionalis larvae at Gosner stage 25 were separately placed in another array of 10 NaNO2 concentrations for 10 days. In June 2005 we collected P. perezi egg masses from a temporary pond in Gredos Mountain (GM) (Navalperal de Tormes, Avila, Spain; altitude 1910; N40°16 0 34.700 , W5°14 0 14.500 ). The eggs were transported to the experimental room at the same altitude and were equally distributed between seven levels of NaNO2, i.e. the same number of eggs from each clutch in each replica. Larvae were subjected to NaNO2 for 16 days. We obtained the water used for preparing exposure solutions from a spring that fed the pond from where the egg masses were collected. respected the assumptions for parametric analysis. The effect of NaNO2 level was assessed across sampling events for transformed variables for each species using repeated measures Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) (STATISTICA 6.0®). A one-way ANOVA was performed for specific days of relevant importance (where significant effects were observed) in each experiment for each species. Post-hoc Tukey tests were performed to assess which treatments were significantly responsible for the effect on the variables. Median lethal concentrations (LC50) were calculated via the Probit method using StatsDirect® (version 2, 4, 5). In all analysis a probability level of p < 0.05 was considered significant. 3. Results 3.1. Physical and chemical conditions 2.2. Experimental design We used white opaque plastic cups as holding tanks, each containing 0.5 l of prepared exposure solution. Disposition of recipients in the experimental zone was done in a randomly fashion so as to minimize possible external influences. The experimental replicates were kept under conditions of natural photoperiod and lighting. We took water samples on a regular basis to monitor NO—2 levels. The Shinn method (Shinn, 1941) was used to determine the concentration of NO—2 in each sample spectrophotometrically (Hitachi U-1000®). At the mid point of each experiment we refreshed the mediums with the same initial concentrations. Dissolved oxygen (Hanna HI 9142®) pH (Hanna HI 99100®) and conductivity (Hanna HI 9033 Multi-range®) of the water of all recipients were measured regularly. The temperature was registered by means of two Data Loggers® at 30 min intervals and downloaded into a p.c. using commercial software (BoxCar Pro®) (Table 1). We fed the tadpoles with boiled lettuce ad libitum. Throughout the experimental period we registered the number of hatched embryos (in experiments that begun with embryos still in the egg stage), dead larvae and abnormalities, as well as the activity of the larvae (number of individuals in the water column). Dead larvae and excess organic waste (egg jelly, for example) were removed daily to prevent oxygen depletion and excessive bacterial and algal growth. At the end of each experiment we took photos of the surviving tadpoles by placing them on a petri dish with millimetric paper underneath for a reference scale. These photos were then digitally analyzed (ArcView 3.2®) on a personal computer to determine the size of the tadpoles after being subjected to each treatment (body length: tip of head to cloaca; total length: tip of head to tip of tail). 2.3. Statistical analysis Data for mortality, hatching, activity and abnormality rates, and growth were ARCSIN transformed and Throughout the experimental period, nitrite levels of the treatment solutions remained within a 20% deviation of the established nominal concentrations. This applied for all treatments except the lower concentrations (0.1, 0.25 and 0.5 mg l—1N–NO2— ) of the E. calamita experiment. In these treatments nitrite concentrations deviated almost 50% below the nominal concentrations, most probably a consequence of error in the analytical procedure or reduction of NO—2 due to bacterial or algal activity. Levels of dissolved O2, pH and conductivity of the different treatments did not oscillate significantly throughout each experiment. Average water conditions were within the natural ranges of the breeding sites. The conductivity of the water from GM (15 lS/cm) was considerably lower in comparison to that of the water from DNP (400 lS/cm). This was most likely a consequence of the main water source being the thawing of snow and ice. The pH levels of GM waters were also lower (5.6–6.7) than DNP waters (8.0– 8.2). Dissolved oxygen never went below 70% in the test water at either location. Background nitrite levels in the water used for the experiments were between 0.000 and 0.021 mg l—1 N–NO—2 . 3.2. Mortality and LC50s E. calamita was considerably resistant to all NaNO2 levels. After 15 days of exposure the highest mortality rate was 38% in 7.5 mg l—1 N–NO2— . The 15d LC50 for this species was >7.5 mg l—1 N–NO—2 (Table 2). The P. perezi eggs collected in Doñ ana were significantly more sensitive to the highest level of nitrite: 100% mortality of larvae in 15 mg l—1 N–NO2— after 13 days of exposure (F2,6 = 61.08, p = 0.000) . No mortality occurred at 5 or 0 mg l—1 N–NO—2 . The 15d LC50 for P. perezi in this experiment was therefore between 5 and 15 mg l—1 N–NO—2 (Table 2). Gosner stage 25 P. perezi larvae exposed to NaNO2 showed a higher sensitivity than the larvae that were exposed since the egg stage. Time of exposure also had a Table 2 Repeated measures ANOVA on the effect of NaNO2 on mortality of larvae in each experiment Species (origin) Wilks test LC50 F d.f. (effect, error) P Days of exposure Concentration (mg l—1 N–NO2— ) 15 15 6 7 10 10 12 16 5 7 10 15 >7.5 5 < LC50 < 15 127.596 (0.0033) § 46.004 (0.0049) § <5 14.609 (0.0198) § 2.176 (0.2121) § <0.5 116.744 (0.0045) § 43.583 (0.0137) § 20 < LC50 < 31.665 >15 E. calamita (DNP) P. perezi (DNP) P. perezi (DNP) 0.8361 8.0249 2.7860 42, 55 6, 8 18, 18 0.7098 0.0049 0.0179 P. perezi (GM) 2.0129 30, 42 0.0182 H. meridionalis (DNP) 0.5000 2, 6 0.6297 H. meridionalis (DNP) 14.1180 27, 24 0.0000 LC50 values are presented for each experiment, with corresponding number of days of exposure. Probit calculated LC50s are those resultant from a sigmoid curve with a slope with a significant t, i.e. p < 0.05 (t-test). DNP, Doñ ana National Park; GM, Gredos Mountain; §, calculated via the Probit method. Standard error in brackets. ate mortality rates (around 40% and 67%, respectively) (Fig. 2). Therefore, the 16d LC50 for this species in this experiment was below 0.5 mg l—1 N–NO—2 . The presence of NaNO2 did not induce any mortality among the H. meridionalis larvae that began being exposed at a more advanced 25 Gosner stage. The 15d LC50 for this species was higher than 15 mg l—1 N–NO2— . H. meridionalis larvae that were initially exposed from an earlier 25 Gosner stage demonstrated significant mortality rates after 5 days of exposure in the higher NaNO2 concentrations (100– 200 mg l—1 N–NO—2 ; F9,10 = 7.76, p = 0.002). At the end of the experiment all control larvae survived, whilst intermediate mortality rates were observed in treatments with 40 and 20 mg l—1 N–NO—2 (about 75% and 25%, respectively). All other more concentrated treatments caused a 1.0 1.0 0.8 0.8 Mortality rate Mortality rate significant effect on mortality rate. After 6 days of exposure there were significantly different mortality rates in larvae exposed to the higher concentrations of NaNO2 (60– 200 mg l—1 N–NO—2 ; F9,10 = 3.17, p = 0.043). After 8 days of exposure only control larvae (0 mg l—1 N–NO—2 ) survived (Fig. 1). The LC50 for 8, 9 and 10 days of exposure was between 0 and 5 mg l—1 N–NO—2 . Compared with the DNP population, P. perezi from Gredos Mountain showed significantly different mortality rates between the various treatments after 9 days of exposure (F6,14 = 4.86, p = 0.007). This mortality commenced among the higher levels of NaNO2 (5, 10 and 20 mg l—1 N–NO—2 ). At the end of the experiment, treatments with 1–20 mg l—1 N–NO—2 presented a mortality rate of 100% whilst those with 0 and 0.5 mg l—1 N–NO—2 had intermedi- 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0.0 0 5 20 40 60 80 100 130 165 200 Nitrite concentration [mg L-1 N-NO2-] Days of exposure 4 5 6 7 8,9,10 Fig. 1. Effect of NaNO2 on the mortality rate of Doñana National Park P. perezi larvae, after 4–10 days of exposure. Nominal concentrations have been used. 0.0 0.5 1.0 2.5 5.0 -1 10.0 Nitrite concentration [mg L N-NO2 ] 12 10 8 9 11 14 Days of exposure 20.0 - 16 Fig. 2. Effect of NaNO2 on the mortality rate of Gredos Mountain P. perezi tadpoles, after 8–12, 14 and 16 days of exposure. Nominal concentrations have been used. 4. Discussion 1.0 4.1. Nitrite levels Mortality rate 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 0 5 20 40 60 80 100 -1 130 Nitrite concentration [mg L N-NO2 Days of exposure 4 5 6 7 165 200 -] 8,9,10 Fig. 3. Effect of NaNO2 on the mortality rate of Doñ ana National Park H. meridionalis tadpoles, after 4–10 days of exposure. Nominal concentrations have been used. 100% mortality rate (Fig. 3), resulting in a 10 d LC50 between 31.665 and 20 mg l—1 N–NO—2 . It was not possible to calculate the LC50 for certain days via the Probit® method due to lack of response within some treatment levels. The LC50 values not calculated in this way were deduced from the mortality rates at the end of each experiment (Table 2). 3.3. Sub-lethal effects P. perezi embryos from DNP exposed to 5 mg l—1 N–NO—2 hatched out prior to those exposed to 0 and 15 mg l—1 N–NO2— . An average hatching rate of 80% was reached by day 7. The hatching rate of the P. perezi embryos in the GM was not affected by the presence of NaNO2 and an average hatching rate of 80% was reached by the 9th day of exposure. P. perezi tadpoles from GM that were not exposed to nitrite had a significantly higher activity rate than those exposed to the chemical at day 9 (F6,14 = 166.77, p = 0.000). The presence of NaNO2 did not significantly affect the growth or activity of E. calamita tadpoles. P. perezi tadpoles from Doñ ana grew significantly less in the presence of NaNO2 (F1,63 = 49.04, p = 0.000), whilst the growth of H. meridionalis tadpoles was not affected. In the Gredos Mountain P. perezi larvae subjected to 0.5 mg l—1 N–NO—2 grew significantly less than those raised in pure water (F1,49 = 122.95, p = 0.000). There was a significant increase of the frequency of abnormalities (mainly arched back) (F6,14 = 3.12, p = 0.037) and an apparent larger number of edemas in GM P. perezi larvae exposed to the higher levels of NaNO2. The nitrite concentrations that were applied in the current study can be found as peak levels in intensive agricultural lands and ponds with organic over-load (McCoy, 1972). Within the Doñ ana Scientific Reserve, nitrite levels are usually very low, occasionally reaching up to 0.5 mg l—1 N–NO—2 (Serrano and Toja, 1995). However, due to extensive agriculture in the surrounding areas, sandy thus easily permeable soils, and a highly polluted river bordering one side (Guadalquivir River), nitrogenous compounds are found to be at higher levels in some areas at certain times of the year. During the long, dry summer season, ponds can be significantly reduced in volume, increasing the concentration of already present substances. In the Tarelo lagoon (Doñana National Park) nitrite concentrations ranged from 0.05 to 13.25 mg l—1 N–NO—2 in 2001–2002 (Serrano et al., 2004). Up to 0.1 mg l—1 N–NO—2 has been detected in streams flowing into the Doñana marshland (Serrano et al., 2006). Analysis of nitrite content of the pond water, from where the clutches were taken reveals low levels (0– 0.021 mg l—1 N–NO—2 ). The year in which the present study was performed, spring rainfall was late in the season and scarce. The ponds had recently been replenished when the water samples (and clutches) were taken, thus not enough time had yet elapsed for nitrite build-up. Nitrite builds up in the shallow water table of ponds and stream beds when oxygen concentration is too low to continue nitrate reduction during nitrification processes. Nitrate pollution due to excessive use of fertilizers is an actual problem in the surroundings of the Doñana National Park. The concentration of nitrates in the Tarelo lagoon has been detected at 20 mg l—1 N–NO—2 (Serrano et al., 2004). Nitrate concentration in streams flowing into the Doñana marshland has increased in recent decades (Serrano et al., 2006). Nitrogen levels in Doñana and areas other than the National Park may increase furthermore in the near future, therefore it is important to assess the possible effect if they do so. Doñana is one example of a common scenario in many agricultural-impacted areas. Gredos Mountain populations are not exposed to significantly increasing levels of nitrites. Furthermore, the highmountain ponds are far from any agricultural influence, being cow grazing during the summer the only important (albeit negligible at present) extra input of nitrogenous waste. 4.2. Inter-specific variation Data in this study indicated significantly different degrees of tolerance to NaNO2 levels between species and within species between habitats. The species that reproduce in temporary ponds (E. calamita and H. meridionalis) were more tolerant than the one that breeds in permanent ponds (P. perezi). Such can be expected as species that are temporary pond breeders are continually subjected to changes in their habitat. Thus, they would most probably have an increased genetic tolerance to stress factors that result from larvae developmental time limitations and deterioration of the environmental conditions of the pond. The 10 d LC50 for H. meridionalis was between 20 and 30 mg l—1 N–NO—2 , whilst for P. perezi (in DNP) it was below 5 mg l—1 N–NO—2 . H. meridionalis therefore seems to be more resistant to chronic NO—2 exposures than P. perezi. Natural amphibian habitats do not often register such high nitrite concentrations for long periods of time, therefore not being a significant threat to the more tolerant species (H. meridionalis) under natural circumstances. On the other hand, US EPA limit for warm water fishes has been established at 5 mg l—1 N–NO—2 (US EPA, 1986) equivalent to the 10 d LC50 of DNP P. perezi. We conclude that the acute exposure to NO—2 has a negative impact on the survival and development of amphibian larval stages. Toxicity of NaNO2 increased with time and concentration, as expected. 15 d LC50 values for P. perezi in GM were not far below those obtained in other studies with amphibians. Newly hatched larvae of Ambystoma gracile, Bufo boreas (Anaxyrus boreas), Hyla regilla (Pseudacris regilla) and Rana aurora also show a high sensitivity to low levels of NO—2 – 15 d LC50 between 1.01 and 1.75 mg l—1 N–NO—2 (Marco et al., 1999). On the other hand, Smith et al. (2004) found that Gosner stage 26 Rana catesbeiana (Lithobates catesbeiana) larvae are highly tolerant to nitrite exposure, showing no detectable effects after 15 days of exposure at 10 mg l—1 N–NO—2 . Inter-specific variation in the sensitivity of amphibians to contaminated environments has been encountered in a number of previous studies. Marco et al. (2001) observed significant differences in sensitivity to urea fertilizer concentrations between three species of forest-dwelling amphibians. In an experiment to assess the effect of nitrite and nitrate on amphibians from the Pacific Northwest, significant variations in sensitivity were detected among the five studied species (Marco et al., 1999). Macı́as et al. (2007) showed that during the first days of exposure to 1 and 3.5 mg l—1 N–NO—2 Bufo bufo embryos were more sensitive than P. perezi embryos, both collected from the same mountainous field in central Spain. In another study, the salamander Ambystoma tigrinum tigrinum and the wood frog Rana sylvatica (Lithobates sylvaticus) showed different developmental responses to nitrite exposure. Significant mortality was caused by exposure to 4.6 mg l—1 N–NO—2 and 0.5 mg l—1 N–NO—2 during the early larval stages of salamander and wood frog, respectively (Griffis-Kyle, 2005, 2007). 4.3. Intra-specific variation The present study also reveals the existence of different sensitivity levels between geographically separated populations of the same species. The P. perezi population from the mountainous area seems to be less tolerant to the pres- ence of nitrite in the water. The experiments in which exposure was performed since the egg stage, the GM P. perezi population revealed a higher sensitivity to NaNO2 (15 d LC50 < 0.5 mg l—1 N–NO2— ) that the DNP population (15 d LC50 between 5 and 15 mg l—1 N–NO2— ). Only by day 9 had 80% of the embryos hatched out from GM clutches, whilst that same percentage in the DNP clutches had hatched out by the 7th day of exposure. In Gredos the exposure commenced with embryos at a more advanced Gosner stage. Egg jelly protects amphibian embryos from certain environmental aggressions, until hatching out, possibly protecting them from the toxic proprieties of the chemicals. The kind of intra-specific variability to nitrite exposure found here may be partly explained by the different water temperatures between experiments and resultant variation in the rate of development. Higher temperatures in the lowlands could have been an important factor in inducing faster hatching and development rates, as an increase in temperature accelerates metabolism and, consequently, development (Berven, 1982; McDiarmid and Altig, 1999). Another factor could be due to the low mineral concentration (conductivity) of the water from Gredos Mountain. Lower total mineral content, therefore lower cation concentrations, may provide a lower buffering capacity in comparison to the water in Doñana. Nonetheless, water physical–chemical properties were by no means the only probable factors to create such intra-specific variation. Morpho–physiological traits may be yet another explanation for the observed intra-specific variation in nitrite sensitivity. For example, the existence of a more sensitive developmental stage, as when the gills are more exposed to the aquatic medium. Specimens from the lowland populations, in the laboratory at higher temperatures, may have experienced the most sensitive phase before the toxic compound had time to take effect. In colder mountain areas the sensitive phase may have occurred after the chemical started to take effect, resulting in a higher toxicity to the larvae. Ortiz-Santaliestra et al. (2006) have found a higher sensitivity of Pelobates cultripes to ammonium nitrate during the first 4 days of exposure. In addition, they found a higher sensitivity of exposed Gosner stage 19 individuals compared to exposed Gosner stage 13 embryos. Only a small difference in the developmental stages at the beginning of the exposure was enough to result in a visible differential effect. Future environmental impact studies with amphibian species must necessarily focus on the effects on early life stages. 4.4. Geographic variation Further still, genetic and geographic variations have been reported to explain such variability of tolerance between populations of the same species. Many studies on the evaluation of the impact of chemical stressors on amphibian population species result in contradictory conclusions. Variations in response may be due to genetic differences, maternal effects or even geographic adaptation to changing local environmental conditions (Hecnar, 1995; Lande and Shannon, 1996). Lowland DNP populations of P. perezi might have adapted to higher ambient levels of nitrites in their habitat, whilst the Gredos Mountain population has not been subjected to such levels over time, being geographically displaced from major natural or anthropogenic sources of NO—2 . Other studies indicate a similar trend. Johansson et al. (2001) tested the tolerance of different Scandinavian populations of Rana temporaria to nitrate. In Scandinavia, the nitrate concentrations in lakes and ponds increase from north to south as a result of a naturally higher productivity of the habitats, and also due to higher supplementation of anthropogenic nitrogen (Johansson et al., 2001). The northern population suffers from reduced growth rates and metamorphic size in the presence of high concentrations of nitrate, whilst the southern population does not reveal to be as significantly affected. Hatch and Blaustein (2003) described differences in response to nitrate exposure coupled with UV-B radiation in two species of amphibians at two different elevations. In the low elevation experiment, UV-B and nitrate together reduced the mass of larval H. regilla (P. regilla). In the high elevation experiment the combination reduced the survival of larval H. regilla (P. regilla). The authors were therefore able to highlight the potential differences in response to UV-B radiation between populations that have historically been exposed to different levels of UV-B. Macı́as et al. (2007), in a study on the combined effect of UV-B radiation and nitrite exposure, showed that a P. perezi lowland population (altitude 10) was less sensitive than a highland (altitude 1900) population. After 15 days of exposure to 1 mg l—1 N–NO2— , the lowland population presented 15.3% survival whilst the highland population presented 0% survival, at the lowest UV-B radiation (4% of natural incidence). Available data indicate that some species have an increased capacity to adapt to constantly changing environmental conditions (Bridges and Semlitsch, 2000; Semlitsch et al., 2000; Rä sä nen et al., 2003), as those that are contaminated and suffer the impacts of global climate changes. Variation in tolerance to chemicals of amphibians is essential for persistence of populations through survival and successful reproduction in an increasingly contaminated world (Semlitsch et al., 2000). In order to shield declining species from chemical contamination, conservation efforts must consider individual, population and geographic variation in tolerance to such contamination. Overlapping information of geographical distribution of past and present chemical contamination with the distribution of amphibian population declines is increasingly necessary (Bridges and Semlitsch, 2000). To clearly understand the processes leading to species declines, this type of information should be accompanied with genetic and fitness tradeoff studies. Global amphibian population decline is a fact and the implementation of efficient conservation and protection plans is urgent. Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Guadalupe Macı́as and Luca Moura for their practical assistance. This study was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science. References Berger, L., 1989. Disappearance of amphibian larvae in the agricultural landscape. Ecol. Int. Bull. 17, 6–73. Berger, L., Speare, R., Hyatt, A., 1999. Chytrid fungi and amphibian declines: Overview, implications and future directions. In: Campbell, A. (Ed.), Declines and Disappearances of Australian Frogs. 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