Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics MPEs and CEs for the Fixed Prosthodontics courses Points system was not applied for the 5th year as decided by the division. Evaluation criteria were added in the forms to ease the evaluation process. Grades will be calculated by adding the evaluation points from each step divided by the total maximum number multiplied by100 (percentage). Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics OMR 434-Preclinical fixed prosthodontics MPEs (4th year): 1. Full metal veneer crown preparation: Mandibular 1st or 2nd molar. Maxillary 1st or 2nd molar. 2. Metal-ceramic posterior crown preparation: Mandibular premolar. Maxillary premolar. Mandibular 1st molar. Maxillary 1st molar. 3. Metal-ceramic anterior crown preparation: Maxillary central incisor 4. Anterior all-ceramic crown preparation: Maxillary central incisor 5. Custom tray on study model 6. Provisional restoration 7. Resin pattern post and core 8. Wax pattern Numbers required Due week 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 MPE forms Full metal crown preparation 2 2 Throughout the year MPE Posterior Metal-ceramic preparation Anterior Metal-ceramic preparation Anterior All-ceramic preparation Custom Tray Provisional Restorations Custom Post and Core Wax pattern Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics OMR 434-Preclinical fixed prosthodontics CEs (4th year): CE* 1. Full metal veneer preparation Due week crown 2. Posterior Metal-ceramic crown preparation 3. Special tray 4. Provisional Restorations 5. Wax pattern *CE forms are similar to MPE forms 13 -14 (1st and 2nd semesters) 13 -14 (1st and 2nd semesters) 13 -14 (1st semesters) 13 -14 (1st semesters) 13 -14 (2nd semesters) Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics OMR 534-Clinical fixed prosthodontics MPEs (5th year): 1. Examination, Diagnosis and Treatment planning 2. Custom Post and Core + Crown* 3. Pre-fabricated Post and Core + Crown* 4. 3-unit Fixed Dental Prosthesis (FDP)* 5. Provisional restoration for 3unit FDP (on simulator) 6. Laminate veneer (on simulator) 7. Resin-bonded FDP (on simulator) Numbers required Due week 3 1 1 1 1 Throughout the year MPE 1 1 MPE forms Under development Custom Post and Core Pre-fabricated Post and Core See below Provisional Restorations Laminate Veneer Resin Bonded FDP * MPE forms are available for each step as following: Cast mounting Custom Tray Teeth preparation (for FDP, each preparation will be assessed individually and then for common path of insertion) o Full metal crown preparation o Posterior metal-ceramic preparation o Anterior metal-ceramic preparation o Anterior all-ceramic preparation Provisional Restorations Final impression Metal try-in Porcelain try-in Trial cementation Final cementation Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics OMR 534-Clinical fixed prosthodontics CEs (5th year): CE* 1. Provisional restoration for 3-unit FDP (on simulator) 2. Examination, Diagnosis and treatment planning for a case 3. Crown preparation on patient 4. Provisional restoration for a crown on patient 5. Laminate veneer (on simulator) 6. Resin-bonded FDP (on simulator) *CE forms are similar to MPE forms Numbers required Due week 1 13 -14 (1st semesters) 1 8-9 (2nd semesters) 1 8-9 (2nd semesters) 1 8-9 (2nd semesters) 1 13 -14 (2nd semesters) 1 13 -14 (2nd semesters) Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics CCC 600 - Comprehensive Care Clinic (6th year) Students are required to collect 30 points from the following MPEs MPE Points 1. Crown 5 2. Laminate veneer 4 3. Cast post and core* 4 4. Prefabricated post and core* 3 5. Resin-bonded FDP 5 6. 3-unit FDP** 10 * Must be covered by crown. ** Mandatory CEs Numbers required Due week 2 8-9 (2nd semesters) 2. Final impression 1-2* 8-9 (2nd semesters) 3. Delivery of the final restoration and follow-up 1-2* 13 -14 (1st semesters) CE* 1. Abutment preparation on patient (preferably for FDP) * Depending on the clinical scenario, if both preparations could be taken by one or two separate impressions. Casts Mounting’s Evaluation Criteria CRITERIA Area of Grading Proficient (2) Accuracy Recording all the soft and hard tissue accurately. Casts free of voids or air bubbles Competent (1) Base should be of adequate height Base trimmed properly Some of the details are missing in nonsignificant areas Few voids and/or air bubbles ________ Incompetent (0) Some of the details are missing in significant areas Significant amount of voids and/or air bubbles Base is very thin or very thick. Base is not trimmed properly Base Articulator Setting Maxillary Cast Mounting Mandibular Casts Mounting Condylar inclination= 30° Bennett angle =15°, Incisal pin is on zero when it is touching the incisal table*. The condylar element should be in the most posterior position*. Face bow attached to the articulator properly* Maxillary cast correctly seated on bitefork registration* Mounting plaster should engage undercuts in the base of the cast and the mounting plate Neatness ________ Teeth are fully seated in interocclusal record*. Mandibular casts is mounted in the proper centric position*. Articulator is clean without remnants of plaster attached to the articulator members. Mounting plaster is neat and smooth. One or both condylar setting were not set properly. Incisal pin is on zero when it is touching the incisal table*. The condylar element should be in the most posterior position*. ________ Articulator is clean with remnants of plaster attached to the articulator members. Mounting plaster is slightly rough. Incisal pin is not on zero when it is touching the incisal table*. The condylar element is not in the most posterior position*. Face bow is not attached to the articulator properly* Maxillary cast is not correctly seated on bitefork registration* Mounting plaster is not engaging undercuts in the base of the cast and the mounting plate Teeth are not fully seated in interocclusal record*, and/or Mandibular casts is not mounted in the proper centric position*. Articulator is not clean with significant amount of remnants of plaster attached to the articulator members. Mounting plaster is significantly rough Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Casts Mounting 4th yr 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Accuracy Recording all the soft and hard tissue accurately. Casts free of voids or air bubbles Base Base should be of adequate height Base trimmed properly Condylar Inclination= 300 Lateral =150, Incisal= 00 The condylar element should be in the most posterior position*. Articulator Setting Maxillary Cast Mounting Face Bow Attached to Articulator Properly* Maxillary cast correctly seated on bitefork registration* Mounting plaster should engage undercuts in the base of the cast and the mounting plate 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Mandibular Casts Mounting Incisal Guide Pin Teeth are fully seated in interocclusal record Mandibular Casts Mounted in Maximum Intercuspation Position* Incisal Guide Pin in Contact with Anterior Table and flush with articulator’s upper compartment Neatness Total Note: - Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI- STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Faculty of Dentistry Fixed Prosthodontics Division Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dept Form # 4 Custom Tray's Evaluation Criteria CRITERIA Area of Grading Proficient (2) Competent (1) Incompetent (0) 1. Spacing Even space along the tray that permits an even impression thickness of 2-3 mm Uneven space in some areas along the tray Improper thickness (less than 2 mm) No space 2. Stoppers and Stability 3 stoppers: - Tripodal arrangement - On non-centric cusps of teeth not to be prepared - 2x2 mm dimensions Stable on the cast Only 2 stoppers with proper size and location or 3 stoppers but with improper size, distribution or location. Stable on the cast Less than 2 stoppers Lack of stability. Extended about 5 mm cervical to the gingival margins of the teeth. Shaped properly to allow for frenum attachments Smooth with no sharp edges along all the tray margin Have consistent thickness of 2-3 mm Peripheries minimally over/under extended along few areas of the margins of the teeth (+/- 2mm) Shaped properly for frenum attachments Slightly rough with few localized areas of sharp edges. Uneven thickness along parts of the tray. Handle is at right angle on the occlusal plane and doesn’t interfere with the lip. Even thickness along the handle and at the connection with the tray Handle is not at right angle with the occlusal plane but doesn’t interfere with the lip. Uneven thickness along handle and bulky connection with the tray. Peripheries under or over extended (more than 7 mm or less than 3mm from the gingival margins of the teeth) Unrelieved at frenum attachments Rough and irregular surfaces with multiple areas of sharp edges Uneven thickness and perforation in some places. No handle. Handle interferes with the lip. Very thick or very thin handle. 3. Peripheral Extension 4. Smoothness & Thickness 5. Handle Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Custom Tray 4th yr 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Spacing Even space along the tray that permits an even impression thickness of 2-3 mm Stoppers and Stability Three stoppers*: - Tripodal arrangement - On non centric cusps of teeth not to be prepared - 2x2 mm dimensions Stable on the cast Peripheral Extension Smoothness & Thickness Smooth with no sharp edges along all the tray Rigid and have consistent thickness of 2-3 mm* Extended about 5 mm cervical to the gingival margins Shaped properly to allow for frenum attachments 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Handle Handle is at right angle on the occlusal plane Even thickness along handle and connection with the tray Total Note: - Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI- STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Faculty of Dentistry Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dept Fixed Prosthodontics Division Form # 1 All Metal Preparation's Evaluation Criteria Area of Grading PROCEDURE 1. OCCLUSAL REDUCTION CRITERIA Proficient (2) 3. 4. AXIAL SURFACE REDUCTION (Baccul & Lingual) PROXIMAL REDUCTION FINSIH LINE Incompetent (0) Inadequate reduction, alterations are possible to obtain desired reduction, or slight overreduction (up to 0.5 mm more than ideal) Inadequate reduction (tooth still in contact or no clearance) or over reduced to point of exposure Follow contour but not uniform Flat surface, or not following original contour Adequate reduction buccally and lingual 1 mm Under-reduction (< 1 mm) Angle of convergence (>10° or <20°) Cervical 1/3 of facial and lingual surface converges occ. (6-10°) Buccal surface demonstrates 2 planes Rounded line angles No undercuts* Lack of reduction or extensive to the point of exposure Converging more than 20° One plane (minimally converging) Sharp line angle No undercuts One plane (severely converging) Presence of undercuts. Adequate wall convergence (6-100) Angle of convergence (>100 or <200) Proximal contact opened with adjacent teeth by 0.5 mm Minimal scratches on adjacent tooth No undercuts Proximal contact opened with adjacent teeth by 0.5 mm* No damage to adjacent teeth No undercuts* Excessive convergence to point of exposure or converging more than 20° Proximal contact not opened. Extensive damage to adjacent teeth Presence of undercuts. Type: Chamfer (buccal & lingual) Type: Chamfer (buccal & lingual) Wrong design (type) 2. Competent (1) Adequate Reduction Clearance* a) Functional cusps bevel 1.5 mm b) Non-functional cusps 1.0 mm c) Central Groove 1.0 mm Uniform and retains original contour Width: Chamfer (0.4-0.7 mm) Smooth and continuous finish line.* Finish line position: 0.5 mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Detectable narrow finish line or slightly wide (up to 1mm) Slight irregularity & roughness in the finish line Finish line position: Equigingival, up to 1mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Too wide (>1mm) or undetectable finish line. Significant irregularity and roughness. Finish line position: more than 1mm supragingivally or subgingival (for preclinical) Finish line position is not appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form All Metal Crown Preparation 4th yr 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Occlusal Reduction Buccal & Lingual Reduction* Proximal Reduction Adequate Reduction Clearance* a. Functional cusps bevel 1.5 mm b. Non-functional cusps 1 mm c. Central Groove 1mm Uniform and retains original contour Adequate reduction buccally and lingual 1 mm Cervical 1/3 of facial and lingual surface converges occ. (6-10°) Buccal surface demonstrates 2 planes Rounded line angles No undercuts* Adequate wall convergence (6-100) Proximal contact opened with adjacent teeth by 0.5 mm* No damage to adjacent teeth No undercuts* 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Finish Line Type: Chamfer (buccal & lingual) Width: Chamfer (0.4-0.7 mm) Smooth and continuous finish line Finish line position: 0.5 mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Total Note: - Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI-STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them Additionally, the procedure will not be considered an MPE if you perform one of the following: 1. Unjustifiable over reduction to a point of exposure 2. Damage to adjacent tooth involving the dentin Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Faculty of Dentistry Fixed Prosthodontics Division Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dept Form # 2a Posterior Metal – Ceramic Preparation's Evaluation Criteria Area of Grading PROCEDURE 1. OCCLUSAL REDUCTION Proficient (2) 2. AXIAL SURFACE REDUCTION (Buccal & Lingual) CRITERIA Competent (1) Adequate Reduction Clearance* a) Functional cusps bevel 1.5-1.7 mm b) Non-functional cusps 1.3-1.7 mm for maxillary 0.8-1.2 mm for mandibular c) Central Groove 1.5 mm Uniform and retains original contour Adequate reduction buccally 1.5 mm, lingually 1 mm Cervical 1/3 of buccal and lingual surfaces converges occ. (6 - 10°) Buccal surface demonstrates 2 planes Rounded line angles No undercuts* Inadequate reduction, alterations are possible to obtain desired reduction, or slight over-reduction (up to 0.5 mm more than ideal). Incompetent (0) Inadequate reduction (tooth still in contact or no clearance) or Over reduced to point of exposure Flat surface, or not following original contour Follow contour but not uniform Inadequate reduction (less than 1 mm) Angle of convergence (>10° or <20°) Lack of reduction or extensive to the point of exposure Converging more than 20° One plane (minimally converging) Sharp line angle No undercuts One plane (severely converging) Presence of undercuts 3. PROXIMAL REDUCTION 4. FINISH LINE Adequate wall convergence (6-100) Proximal contact opened with adjacent teeth by 0.5 mm* No damage to adjacent teeth No undercuts* Well-defined wings like structure (mesially: pass proximal contact - distally: buccal to proximal contact) Type: Chamfer (lingual) Rounded shoulder (buccally) Width: Chamfer (0.4-0.7 mm) Rounded shoulder (1-1.2 mm) Smooth and continuous finish line.* Finish line position: 0.5 mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Angle of convergence (>100 or <200) Proximal contact opened with adjacent teeth by 0.5 mm Minimal scratches on adjacent tooth No undercuts Well-defined improperly positioned wings like structure. Excessive convergence to point of exposure Proximal contact not opened. Extensive damage to adjacent Presence of undercuts Ill-defined wings like structure Type: Chamfer (lingual) Rounded shoulder (buccally) Detectable narrow finish line or slightly wide (up to 1mm lingually or 1.5 buccally) Slight irregularity & roughness in the finish line Finish line position: Equigingival or up to 1mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Wrong design (type) Too wide (>1.5mm) or undetectable finish line. Significant irregularity and roughness. Finish line position: more than 1mm supragingivally or subgingival (for preclinical) Finish line position is not appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Posterior Metal – Ceramic Crown Preparation 4th yr 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Occlusal Reduction Buccal & Lingual Reduction Proximal Reduction Adequate Reduction Clearance* a. Functional cusps bevel 1.5-1.7 mm b. Non-functional cusps 1.3-1.7 mm for maxillary 0.8-1.2 mm for mandibular c. Central Groove 1.5 mm Uniform and retains original contour Adequate reduction buccally 1.5 mm, lingually 1 mm Cervical 1/3 of buccal and lingual surfaces converges occ. (6 - 10°) Buccal surface demonstrates 2 planes Rounded line angles No undercuts* Adequate wall convergence (6100) Proximal contact opened with 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Finish Line adjacent teeth by 0.5 mm* No damage to adjacent teeth No undercuts* Well-defined wings like structure (mesially: pass proximal contact - distally: buccal to proximal contact) Type: Chamfer (lingual) Rounded shoulder (buccally) Width: Chamfer (0.4-0.7 mm) Rounded shoulder (1-1.2 mm) Smooth and continuous finish line.* Finish line position: 0.5 mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Total Note: - Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI- STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them The procedure will not be considered an MPE if you perform on of the following: 1. Unjustifiable over reduction to a point of exposure 2. Damage to adjacent tooth involving the dentin Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Faculty of Dentistry Fixed Prosthodontics Division Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dept Form # 2b Anterior Metal – Ceramic Preparation's Evaluation Criteria Area of Grading PROCEDURE 1. Incisal Reduction 2. Facial & Lingual Reduction CRITERIA Competent (1) Proficient (2) Adequate Incisal Clearance = 2mm* Rounded line angles. Uniform and parallel with existing incisal edge Adequate reduction: facially (1.2-1.5 mm), lingually (1 mm) Cervical 1/3 of facial surface converges incisally (6 - 10°) Facial surface demonstrates 2 planes Rounded line angles Concave cingulum reduction allows 1mm clearance No undercuts* Incompetent (0) Inadequate reduction, alterations are possible to obtain desired reduction, or slight overreduction (up to 0.5 mm more than ideal) Sharp line angles. Uniform and parallel with existing incisal edge Inadequate reduction (tooth still in contact or no clearance) or over reduced to point of exposure Not parallel with existing incisal edge Inadequate reduction (less than 1 mm) or slight over-reduction (up to 0.5 mm more than ideal). Angle of convergence (>10° or <20°) Lack of reduction or extensive reduction to the point of exposure Converging more than 20° One plane (minimally converging) Sharp line angle Inadequate clearance at the cingulum (less than 1mm) No undercuts One plane (severely converging) Over reduction at the cingulum. Presence of undercuts 3. Proximal Reduction 4. Finish Line Adequate wall convergence (6-100) Proximal contact opened with adjacent teeth by 0.5 mm* No damage to adjacent teeth No undercuts * Wings like structure (pass proximal contact – mesially and distally). Type: Chamfer (lingual) Rounded shoulder (facially) Width: Chamfer (0.4-0.7 mm) Rounded shoulder (1-1.2 mm) Smooth and continuous finish line (following the gingival contour)* Finish line position: 0.5 mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Angle of convergence (>100 or <200) Proximal contact opened with adjacent teeth by 0.5 mm Minimal scratches on adjacent tooth No undercuts Well-defined improperly positioned wings like structure. Excessive convergence to point of exposure Proximal contact not opened. Extensive damage to adjacent Presence of undercuts Ill-defined wings like structure. Type: Chamfer (lingual) Rounded shoulder (facially) Detectable narrow finish line or slightly wide (up to 1mm lingually or 1.5mm facially) Slight irregularity & roughness in the finish line Finish line position: Equigingival, up to 1mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Wrong design (type) Too wide (>1.5mm) or undetectable finish line. Significant irregularity and roughness. Finish line position: more than 1mm supragingivally or subgingival (for preclinical) Finish line position is not appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Anterior Metal – Ceramic Crown Preparation 4th yr 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and Evaluation Criteria procedures Incisal Reduction Facial & Lingual Reduction Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Adequate Incisal Clearance = 2mm* Rounded line angles. Uniform and parallel with existing incisal edge Adequate reduction: facially (1.2-1.5 mm), lingually (1 mm) Cervical 1/3 of facial surface converges incisally (6 - 10°) Facial surface demonstrates 2 planes Rounded line angles Concave cingulum reduction allows 1mm clearance No undercuts* Proximal Reduction 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Adequate wall convergence (6-100) Proximal contact opened with adjacent teeth by 0.5 mm* No damage to adjacent teeth No undercuts * Wings like structure (pass proximal contact – mesially and distally). 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Type: Chamfer (lingual) Rounded shoulder (facially) Width: Chamfer (0.4-0.7 mm) Rounded shoulder (1-1.2 mm) Smooth and continuous finish line (following the gingival contour)* Finish line position: 0.5 mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Finish Line Total Note: - Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI- STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them The procedure will not be considered an MPE if you perform on of the following: 1. Unjustifiable over reduction to a point of exposure 2. Damage to adjacent tooth involving the dentin Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Faculty of Dentistry Fixed Prosthodontics Division Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dept Form # 3 Anterior All-Ceramic Preparation's Evaluation Criteria Area of Grading PROCEDURE 1. Incisal Reduction 2. Facial & Lingual Reduction 3. Proximal Reduction CRITERIA Competent (1) Proficient (2) Adequate Incisal Clearance = 1.5-2mm* Rounded line angles. Uniform and parallel with existing incisal edge Adequate reduction: facially (1.2-1.5 mm), lingually (1 mm) Cervical 1/3 of facial surface converges incisally (6 - 10°) Facial surface demonstrates 2 planes Rounded line angles Concave cingulum reduction allows 1mm clearance No undercuts* Adequate wall convergence (6-100) Proximal contact opened with adjacent teeth by 0.5 mm* No damage to adjacent teeth No undercuts* Incompetent (0) Inadequate reduction, alterations are possible to obtain desired reduction, or slight over-reduction (up to 0.5 mm more than ideal) Sharp line angles. Uniform and parallel with existing incisal edge Inadequate reduction (tooth still in contact or no clearance) or over reduced to point of exposure Not parallel with existing incisal edge Inadequate reduction (less than 1 mm) or slight over-reduction (up to 0.5 mm more than ideal). Angle of convergence (>10° or <20°) Lack of reduction or extensive reduction to the point of exposure Converging more than 20° One plane (minimally converging) Sharp line angle Inadequate clearance at the cingulum (less than 1mm) No undercuts One plane (severely converging) Over reduction at the cingulum. Presence of undercuts Angle of convergence (>100 or <200) Proximal contact opened with adjacent teeth by 0.5 mm Minimal scratches on adjacent tooth No undercuts Excessive convergence to point of exposure Proximal contact not opened. Extensive damage to adjacent Presence of undercuts 4. Finish Line Type: Rounded shoulder Width: 1-1.2 mm Smooth and continuous finish line (following the gingival contour)* Finish line position: 0.5 mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Type: Rounded shoulder Detectable narrow finish line or slightly wide (up to 1.5mm) Slight irregularity & roughness in the finish line Finish line position: Equigingival, up to 1mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Wrong design (type) Too wide (>1.5mm) or undetectable finish line. Significant irregularity and roughness. Finish line position: more than 1mm supragingivally or subgingival (for preclinical) Finish line position is not appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Anterior All-Ceramic Crown Preparation 4th yr 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Incisal Reduction Facial & Lingual Reduction Proximal Reduction Adequate Incisal Clearance = 1.52mm* Rounded line angles. Uniform and parallel with existing incisal edge Adequate reduction: facially (1.21.5 mm), lingually (1 mm) Cervical 1/3 of facial surface converges incisally (6 - 10°) Facial surface demonstrates 2 planes Rounded line angles Concave cingulum reduction allows 1mm clearance No undercuts* Adequate wall convergence (6100) Proximal contact opened with adjacent teeth by 0.5 mm* No damage to adjacent teeth 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Finish Line No undercuts* Type: Rounded shoulder Width: 1-1.2 mm Smooth and continuous finish line (following the gingival contour)* Finish line position: 0.5 mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Total Note: - Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI- STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them The procedure will not be considered an MPE if you perform on of the following: 1. Unjustifiable over reduction to a point of exposure 2. Damage to adjacent tooth involving the dentin Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Faculty of Dentistry Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dept Form # Fixed Prosthodontics Division Porcelain Laminate Veneer’s Evaluation Criteria Area of Grading PROCEDURE 1. INCISAL REDUCTION (when indicated) 2. FACIAL REDUCTION 3. PROXIMAL REDUCTION CRITERIA Competent (1) Proficient (2) Adequate Incisal Clearance = 1.5-2mm* Inadequate reduction, alterations are possible to obtain desired reduction, or slight overreduction (up to 0.5 mm more than ideal) Rounded line angles. Uniform and parallel with existing incisal edge Uniform and parallel with existing incisal edge Adequate reduction: facially (0.3 -0.7 mm)* Inadequate reduction (< 0.3 mm) or slight over-reduction (up to 1 mm more than ideal). Facial reduction demonstrates 2 planes Facial reduction demonstrates 3 planes Rounded line angles Finish line position just facial to proximal contact (contact area was preserved) No damage to adjacent teeth Finish line position just facial to proximal contact (contact area was preserved) Minimal scratches on adjacent tooth Incompetent (0) Inadequate reduction (tooth still in contact or no clearance) or over reduced to point of exposure Sharp line angles. Not parallel with existing incisal edge Lack of reduction in some areas or extensive reduction (more than 1 mm). Facial reduction demonstrates 1 plane Sharp line angles Contact area was not preserved. Extensive damage to adjacent 4. FINSIH LINE Type: Chamfer Width: Chamfer (0.3-0.5 mm) Smooth and continuous finish line.* Facial finish line position: 0.5 mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Lingual finish line: 0.5 mm cervical to the reduced incisal edge (in case of wrap around design) with a minimal of 1mm distance from the centric contact (for preclinical). Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Type: Chamfer Detectable narrow finish line (less than 0.3 mm). Slight irregularity & roughness in the finish line Finish line position: Equigingival, up to 1mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Lingual finish line: up to 1mm cervical to the reduced incisal edge (in case of wrap around design) with a minimal of 1mm distance from the centric contact (for preclinical). Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Wrong design (type) Too wide (>0.5 mm) or undetectable finish line. Significant irregularity and roughness. Facial inish line position: more than 1mm supragingivally or subgingival (for preclinical) Lingual finish line: more than 1mm cervical to the reduced incisal edge (in case of wrap around design) with less than 1mm distance from the centric contact (for preclinical). Finish line position is not appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Porcelain Laminate Veneer 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 INCISAL REDUCTION * (when indicated) FACIAL REDUCTION * PROXIMAL REDUCTION Adequate Incisal Clearance = 1.52mm* Rounded line angles. Uniform and parallel with existing incisal edge Adequate reduction: facially (0.3 0.7 mm)* Facial reduction demonstrates 3 planes Rounded line angles Finish line position just facial to proximal contact (contact area was preserved) No damage to adjacent teeth 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback FINSIH LINE Type: Chamfer Width: Chamfer (0.3-0.5 mm) Smooth and continuous finish line.* Facial finish line position: 0.5 mm supragingivally (for preclinical) Lingual finish line: 0.5 mm cervical to the reduced incisal edge (in case of wrap around design) with a minimal of 1mm distance from the centric contact (for preclinical). Finish line position is appropriate for the case (for clinical cases). Total Note: - Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI- STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them The procedure will not be considered an MPE if you perform on of the following: Unjustifiable over reduction to a point of exposure Damage to adjacent tooth involving the dentin Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Faculty of Dentistry Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dept Form # Fixed Prosthodontics Division Resin-Bonded Fixed Partial Denture’s Evaluation Criteria (Anterior Teeth) Area of Grading PROCEDURE 1. PALATAL REDUCTION 2. INCISAL EXTENSION OF PALATAL REDUCTION 3. PROXIMAL EXTENTION 4. CERVICAL FINSIH LINE CRITERIA Competent (1) Proficient (2) Incompetent (0) Even and adequate (i.e. fossa and cingulum) 0.5 mm clearance* Inadequate reduction, alterations are possible to obtain desired reduction Lack of clearance Excessive cingulum tapering (Compromised retention) 1.5-2 mm short of incisal edge (to avoid metal display though the tooth) Away from opposing occlusion ≥ 3 mm short of incisal edge (adjustable). Too close to incisal edge (undermined enamel) Opposite to opposing occlusion Lack of facial wraparound Extensive extension compromising esthetics Surface adjacent to edentulous area: extending slightly facial to proximal contact (facial wraparound) No undercuts * Undercuts Type: Light chamfer Width: 0.5 mm Position: 0.5-1mm supragingival Smooth and continuous finish line* Follows gingival contour Wrong design (type) Deep chamfer > 1mm Subgingival finish line Significant irregularity and roughness Does not follow gingival contour (not correctable) Surface adjacent to edentulous area: slightly short of the proximal contact Type: Light chamfer Width: More than 0.5 up to 1 mm Too high occlusally Finish line is slightly irregular & rough in some areas Does not follow gingival contour. but still adjustable 5. PATH OF INSERTION 6. RETENTION AND RESISTANCE FEATURES One path of insertion (for maximum resistance to dislodgment; prepare parallel walls) Vertical steps (flat notches or ledges) Short grooves: - In the vicinity of the wraparound (proximal groove) - In opposite side of cingulum (cingulum groove) Slight converging walls Extensive convergence (a range of insertions) Slightly shallow ledges Shallow grooves (cingulum groove) Lack of grooves Too wide, too deep, too long or diverging grooves. Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Resin Bonded Bridges 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 PALATAL REDUCTION INCISAL EXTENSION OF PALATAL REDUCTION PROXIMAL EXTENTION CERVICAL FINSIH LINE Even and adequate (i.e. fossa and cingulum) 0.5 mm clearance* 1.5-2 mm short of incisal edge (to avoid metal display though the tooth) Away from opposing occlusion Surface adjacent to edentulous area: extending slightly facial to proximal contact (facial wraparound) No undercuts * Type: Light chamfer Width: 0.5 mm Position: 0.5-1mm supragingival Smooth and continuous finish line Follows gingival contour.* 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback PATH OF INSERTION One path of insertion (for maximum resistance to dislodgment; prepare parallel walls) RETENTION AND RESISTANCE FEATURES Vertical steps (flat notches or ledges) Short grooves: - In the vicinity of the wraparound (proximal groove) In opposite side of cingulum (cingulum groove) Total Note: Steps with (*) marks are CRITICALMINI- STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Provisional Restoration's Evaluation Criteria CRITERIA Area of Grading 1. MARGINS Proficient (2) All margins fit accurately. Competent (1) 0.5 mm open or overhang in one Incompetent (0) surface 0.5 mm open or overhang in more than one surface and/or open margin by more than 1mm. 2. PROXIMAL CONTACTS Minimal deviation from the ideal position Significant deviation from the ideal position Size: Should be approximately - 2 mm occluso cervical - 2 mm buccolingual Tightness: Floss should snap pass the contact without Broad contact that doesn’t obliterate gingival embrasure Too broad contact that obliterate the embrasure Proximal contact are slightly light or heavy on one or both sides Open proximal contacts or excessively tight that the provisional does not seat improper occlusal morphology Proper occlusal contacts in maximum intercuspation and lack of interferences during eccentric movements. Infra or supra occlusion in maximum intercuspation or presence of any interference during eccentric movements. Excessively over contoured or /under contoured restoration. Location: Posterior proximal contact should be at junction of occlusal and mid 1/3 excessive resistance Exhibit proper occlusal morphology Proper occlusal contacts in maximum intercuspation and lack of interferences during eccentric movements. 4. AXIAL CONTOURS (Buccal & Lingual) Proper axial contour with properly positioned height of contour. Slightly over contoured or under contoured restoration. 5. INTERNAL ADAPTATION & Retentive Stable Free of defects Retentive Stable Minimally defective fitting surface 3. OCCLUSION Non-retentive Lack of stability Significantly defective fitting surface STABILITY (Fit) 6. PONTIC DESIGN (when applicable) Ideal pontic shape and design for the particular situation was selected. Improper shape and/or design which interfere with the performance of adequate oral hygiene by the patient (e.g. saddle-shaped pontic) Properly shaped embrasures. 7. FINISH & POLISH Non-ideal pontic shape and design which does not interfere with the performance of adequate oral hygiene by the patient. Improperly shaped embrasures but still allow proper oral hygiene by the patient. Improperly shaped embrasures which interfere with the performance of adequate oral hygiene by the patient. Smooth, free of pits, porosity and other Minimal roughness or presence of slight Excessive roughness, porosity and/or defects porosity. irregularity. Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Provisional Restoration 4th yr 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Margins Proximal Contacts All margins fit accurately.* Location: Posterior proximal contact should be at junction of occlusal and mid 1/3 Size: Should be approximately - 2 mm occluso cervical - 2 mm buccolingual Tightness: Floss should snap pass the contact without excessive resistance Occlusion Exhibit proper occlusal morphology Proper occlusal contacts in maximum intercuspation and lack of interferences during eccentric movements.* 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Axial Contours (Buccal & Lingual) Internal Adaptation & Stability (Fit) Pontic Design (for fixed dental Proper axial contour with properly positioned height of contour. Retentive Stable Free of defects Ideal pontic shape and design for the particular situation was selected. prosthesis) Properly shaped embrasures. Finish and Polish Smooth, free of pits, porosity and other defects Total Note: Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI- STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Faculty of Dentistry Fixed Prosthodontics Division Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dept Form # 6 Final Impression Evaluation Criteria CRITERIA Area of Grading Proficient (2) 1. EXACT RECORD 2. NO VOIDS Competent (1) Record of fine details of prepared tooth/teeth.* Record of unprepared teeth structures immediately apical to the margins Free of voids Free of tears and any imperfections No tray show Record of fine details of prepared teeth Lack to include clearly unprepared tooth structure in one surface apical to margins Incompetent (0) Free of any marginal voids. Free of tears and any imperfections Slight tray show in some areas away from the prepared tooth/teeth and away from the occlusal surface of the unprepared teeth. Failure to record details of prepared teeth Lack to include clearly unprepared tooth structure in more than one surface apical to margins Presence of any marginal void. Presence of any tear and/or imperfection. Tray show in relation to the occlusal surface of the prepared tooth/teeth and/or the occlusal surface of the unprepared teeth. 3. IMPRESION MATERIAL SUPPORT & ADHERENCE TO THE TRAY Impression material adherent to and supported by the tray. ________ Lack of impression/tray adherence Impression material is not supported by the tray. Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Final Impression 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Exact Record Record of fine details of prepared teeth* Record unprepared teeth structures immediately apical to the margins No Voids Free of voids Free of tears and any imperfections Impression Material I Support & Adherence to the tray Impression material should be supported by tray* Total 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Note: Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI- STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Faculty of Dentistry Fixed Prosthodontics Division Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dept Form # 11 Metal Try-in Evaluation Criteria CRITERIA Area of Grading Proficient (2) 1. Proximal Contacts 2. Metal Framework Seating 3. Marginal Adaptation 4. Occlusion Competent (1) Proximal contacts were checked (if in metal) with dental floss* Any discrepancy (open or tight contact) was detected and adjusted, if possible. ________ Metal structure seating was checked on the cast and intraorally. Rocking, if any, was detected and adjusted (if possible).* ________ Marginal adaptation was checked on the cast and intraorally. Marginal discrepancy, if any, was identified and adjusted (if possible).* ________ If in metal: Occlusion was checked for proper stable tripod occlusal contacts in maximum intercuspation and no occlusal interferences in all excursions.* ________ Incompetent (0) Proximal contacts were not checked (if in metal). Any discrepancy (open or tight contact) was not detected and/or adjusted (if possible). Restoration seating was not checked on the cast and/or intraorally. Rocking, if any, was not detected and/or not adjusted (if possible). Marginal adaptation was not checked on the cast and intraorally. Marginal discrepancy, if any, was not identified and/or not adjusted (if possible). If in metal: Occlusal interferences and/or lack of stable intercuspation were not detected. 5. Contour Necessary adjustment was performed, if indicated. If occlusal porcelain: adequate clearance and proper metal/porcelain junction were checked. Embrasures and contours were evaluated for the proper size of the embrasures and connectors. ________ Necessary adjustment, was not performed, if indicated. If occlusal porcelain: adequate clearance and proper metal/porcelain junction were not checked. Embrasures and contours were not evaluated for the proper size of the embrasures and connectors.. Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Metal Try-In 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Ethical conduct and professionalism Yes No Yes No Infection control No No Student knows the principles of the procedure and material selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Knowledge Yes Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using clear words and logical sequence Communication skills Yes Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Evaluation Criteria procedures Proximal contacts were checked (if in metal) with dental floss* Any discrepancy (open or tight contact) was detected and adjusted, if possible. Cast Seating Marginal Adaptation Occlusion Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Proximal Contacts Student self- Metal structure seating was checked on the cast and intraorally. Rocking, if any, was detected and adjusted (if possible). * Marginal adaptation was checked on the cast and intraorally. Marginal discrepancy, if any, was identified and adjusted (if possible).* If in metal: Occlusion was checked for proper stable tripod occlusal contacts in maximum intercuspation and no occlusal interferences in all excursions. * Necessary adjustment was performed, if indicated. If occlusal porcelain: adequate clearance and proper metal/porcelain junction were checked. 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Contour Embrasures and contours were evaluated for the proper size of the embrasures and connectors. Total Note: Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI-STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them Accepted as MPE Yes Faculty Stamp and Signature No Date Faculty of Dentistry Fixed Prosthodontics Division Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dept Form #13 Porcelain Try-in Evaluation Criteria Area of Grading Proficient (2) 1. Proximal Contacts 2. Restoration Seating 3. Marginal Adaptation 4. Occlusion 5. Contour Proximal contacts were checked with dental floss and any discrepancy (open or tight contact) was detected and adjusted, if possible. Restoration seating was checked on the cast and intraorally. Any rocking, if any, was detected and adjusted, if possible. Marginal adaptation was checked on the cast and intraorally. Any marginal discrepancy was identified and adjusted (if possible). CRITERIA Competent (1) Incompetent (0) Proximal contacts were not checked and any discrepancy (open or tight contact) was not detected. Restoration seating was not checked on the cast and/or Intraorally. Rocking, if any, was not detected and/or adjusted. ________ ________ ________ Occlusion was checked for proper stable tripod occlusal contacts in maximum intercuspation No interferences in protrusive and lateral excursions. ________ Contour was checked and evaluated. Necessary adjustments, if any, were ________ Marginal adaptation was not checked on the cast and intraorally. Any marginal discrepancy, if any, was not identified and/or not adjusted (if possible). Occlusion was not checked. Lack of stable tripod occlusal contacts in maximum intercuspation, which was not dentected. Interferences in protrusive or lateral excursions. Contour was not checked. Necessary adjustments, if any, were performed. 6. Esthetics and Phonetics Esthetics and phonetics were checked. Patient approval was obtained. not performed. ________ Esthetics and phonetics were not checked. Patient approval was not obtained. Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Porcelain Try-In 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and Evaluation Criteria procedures Proximal contacts were checked with dental floss and any discrepancy (open or tight contact) was detected and adjusted, if possible. Restoration seating was checked on the cast and intraorally. Any rocking if any, was detected and adjusted, if possible. Marginal adaptation was checked on the case and intraorally. Any marginal discrepancy was identified and adjusted (if possible). Restoration Seating* Adaptation* Occlusion* Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Proximal Contacts* Marginal 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Occlusion was checked for proper stable tripod occlusal contacts in maximum 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback intercuspation No interferences in protrusive and lateral excursions. Contour Contour was checked and evaluated. Necessary adjustments, if any, were performed. Esthetics and Phonetics* Esthetics and phonetics were checked. Patient approval was obtained. Total Note: Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI-STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them Student is allowed for only one porcelain try-in per case. Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Faculty of Dentistry Fixed Prosthodontics Division Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dept Form # 12 Trial Cementation Evaluation Criteria CRITERIA Area of Grading 1. Cement selection 2. Restoration Seating Proficient (2) Incompetent (0) Proper selection of the provisional cement ________ Improperly selected provisional cement. Completely seated restoration with no occlusal alteration ________ Improperly seated restoration causing occlusal interferences and marginal discrepancy Slight cement remnants around restoration and under pontic Messy cement remnants around restoration and under pontic 3. Excess Cement Removal Competent (1) No cement remnants around restoration(s) and pontic tissue surface 4. Oral Hygiene Instructions Demonstrates oral hygiene instructions (including, the use of floss threader and proxy brush when indicated). ________ Failure to demonstrate oral hygiene instructions Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Trial Cementation 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Cement selection Restoration Seating* Excess Cement Removal* Oral Hygiene Instructions* Total Proper selection of the provisional cement Completely seated restoration with no occlusal alteration No cement remnants around restoration(s) and pontic tissue surface Demonstrates oral hygiene instructions (including, the use of floss threader and proxy brush when indicated). 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Note: Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI-STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Faculty of Dentistry Fixed Prosthodontics Division Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dept Form #14 Final Cementation Evaluation Criteria CRITERIA Area of Grading Proficient (2) Proper cement selection and manipulation Restoration completely seated No alteration of occlusion No cement remnants around restoration(s) and pontic tissue surface Cement Selection Restoration Competent (1) ________ Incompetent (0) Improper cement selection or manipulation Improperly seated restoration with occlusal interferences and marginal discrepancy Messy cement remnants around restoration and under pontic Failure to demonstrate oral hygiene instructions ________ Seating Excess Cement Removal Oral Hygiene Instructions Demonstrates oral hygiene instructions (including, the use of floss threader and proxy brush when indicated). ________ ________ Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Final Cementation 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Proper cement selection and manipulation Restoration completely seated No alteration of occlusion No cement remnants around restoration(s) and pontic tissue surface Demonstrates oral hygiene instructions (including, the use of floss threader and proxy brush when indicated). Cement Selection* Restoration Seating* Excess Cement Removal* Oral Hygiene Instructions* Total 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Note: Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI-STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Cast Post and Core CRITERIA PROCEDURE Proficient (2) 1. 2. Preparation of coronal tooth structure Removal of Root Canal Filling Material 3. 4. Post Space Preparation Ferrule Effect Competent (1) ____________ Adequate coronal tooth reduction. All unsupported tooth structure was removed. Part of remaining coronal tissue is prepared perpendicular to the post (+ve stop against wedging). Part of remaining coronal tissue is prepared parallel to the post (+ve stop against rotation) (Anti-rotation groove if insufficient tooth structure remains) No internal or external undercuts No sharp angles Smooth finish line At least 3-5 mm good apical seal of gutta percha left. Minimal canal enlargement to receive appropriate post Gradual taper No undercuts or ledges that was created by the students during the post space preparation. 1.5-2 mm of vertical sound tooth structure obtained when possible. Incompetent (0) Inadequate reduction of coronal tooth structure. Unsupported tooth structure not removed Absence of +ve stop against wedging. Absence of anti-rotation groove if insufficient tooth structure remains Internal or external undercuts that will prevent withdrawal of the pattern ____________ < 3mm of Gutta percha left. Canal width enlargement exceeding 1/3 diameter at cervical area (1mm left circumferentially of sound tooth structure) No undercuts or ledges that was created by the students during the post space preparation. Canal width enlargement exceeding ½ diameter at cervical area (less than 1mm left circumferentially of sound tooth structure) Over tapered canal Presence of ledges or undercuts that was created by the students during the post space preparation. ____________ Ferrule not obtained when possible. 5. 6. Pattern Build-Up Post & Core Try-In Adequate ferrule thickness (at least 1mm) Post fabrication Dowel pattern extended to the full depth of prepared canal Dowel pattern inserted and removed easily without bending, with tug back Conforms to shape of canal space with no defects or porosities Core fabrication Properly shaped to receive final restoration Conform to the shape of the optimal tooth preparation. Accurate fit of core/tooth interface Post fabrication Dowel pattern is short by 1-2 mm to full length Passive fit, without tug back Minimal porosities or defects (correctable) Core fabrication Slightly over-contoured core build-up. -Student evaluated the cast post and core and identified deficiencies: Post Fits accurately to full length Passively fit without interfering No casting defects Core Properly shaped for minimal adjustments to receive final restoration Accurate fit of core/tooth interface ____________ -Student performed the necessary adjustment/s, when needed and possible. 7. Cementation Proper type of cement was selected. Accurately seated. Inadequate ferrule thickness (<1mm) Post fabrication Tight or loose pattern Short post length (> 2 mm) Core fabrication Significantly over-contoured or undercontoured contoured core build-up. Marked discrepancy at the tooth /core junction -Student did not evaluate the cast post and core and/or failed to identify deficiencies: -Student did not performe the necessary adjustment/s, when needed and possible. Increased gap at post/gutta percha interface or core/sound tooth structure interface by 0.5mm or less. Improper selection of cement. Increased gap at post/gutta percha interface or core/sound tooth structure interface (by Luting agent fill all dead space within the root canal system. No voids. Excess cement was removed. more than 0.5mm) Slight voids were observed in the post-insertion radiograph. Cement residues exists Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Cast Post and Core 4th yr 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Preparation of coronal tooth structure Removal of Root Canal Filling Material Facial structure of the tooth is adequately reduced for good esthetics Part of remaining coronal tissue is prepared perpendicular to the post (+ve stop against wedging) Part of remaining coronal tissue is prepared parallel to the post (+ve stop against rotation) (Anti-rotation groove if insufficient tooth structure remains) No internal or external undercuts* All unsupported tooth structure is removed No sharp angles Smooth finish line 3-5 mm good apical seal of gutta percha* 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Post Space Preparation Ferrule Effect Minimal canal enlargement to receive appropriate post Gradual taper No undercuts or ledges that was created by the students during the post space preparation.* 1.5-2 mm of vertical sound tooth structure obtained when possible.* Adequate ferrule thickness (at least 1mm) * Post fabrication Pattern Build-Up Dowel pattern extended to the full depth of prepared canal* Dowel pattern inserted and removed easily without bending Conforms to shape of canal space with no defects or porosities Core fabrication Properly shaped to receive final restoration Conform to the shape of the optimal tooth preparation. Accurate fit of core/tooth interface* -Student evaluated the cast post and core and identified deficiencies: Post Post & Core Try-In Fits accurately to full length Passively fit without interfering* No casting defects Core Properly shaped for minimal adjustments to receive final restoration Accurate fit of core/tooth interface* -Student performed the necessary adjustment/s, when needed and possible. Cementation Proper type of cement was selected. Accurately seated.* Luting agent fill all dead space within the root canal system. No voids. Excess cement was removed. Total Note: Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI- STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Prefabricated Post and Core CRITERIA PROCEDURE 1. 2. 3. Preparation of coronal tooth structure Removal of Root Canal Filling Material Post Space Preparation Proficient (2) Competent (1) Adequate coronal tooth reduction. All unsupported tooth structure was removed. No external undercuts No sharp angles Smooth finish line ____________ At least 3-5 mm good apical seal of gutta percha left. Minimal canal enlargement to receive appropriate post size. Gradual taper No undercuts or ledges that was created by the students during the post space preparation. 4. Ferrule Effect 5. Cementation 6. Core BuildUp 1.5-2 mm of vertical sound tooth structure obtained when possible. Adequate ferrule thickness (at least 1mm) Incompetent (0) Inadequate reduction of coronal tooth structure. Unsupported tooth structure not removed External undercut. ____________ Less than 3mm of Gutta percha left. Canal width enlargement exceeding 1/3 diameter at cervical area (1mm left circumferentially of sound tooth structure). No undercuts or ledges that was created by the students during the post space preparation. Canal width enlargement exceeding ½ diameter at cervical area (less than 1mm left circumferentially of sound tooth structure), Over tapered canal. Presence of ledges or undercuts that was created by the students during the post space preparation. ____________ Ferrule not obtained when possible. Inadequate ferrule thickness (<1mm) Improper selection of the cement. Increased gap at post/gutta percha interface by more than 0.5mm. >3 small voids or large voids in the postinsertion radiograph. Proper type of cement was selected. No gap at post/gutta percha interface. Luting agent fill all dead space within the root canal system. No voids in the post-insertion radiograph. Increased gap at post/gutta percha interface by 0.5mm or less. 1-3 small voids were observed in the postinsertion radiograph. Proper selection of the core material Core properly shaped to receive final restoration conform to the shape of the optimal tooth preparation. No voids within the core. Accurate adaptation at the core/tooth interface. 1-3 small voids were observed in the postinsertion radiograph. Improper selection of the core material. Core improperly shaped and does not provide adequate retention and resistance forms. >3 small voids or large voids in the postinsertion radiograph. Gap at the core/tooth interface. Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Prefabricated Post and Core 4th yr 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Preparation of coronal tooth structure Removal of Root Canal Filling Material Post Space Preparation At least 3-5 mm good apical seal of gutta percha left.* Minimal canal enlargement to receive appropriate post size. Gradual taper No undercuts or ledges that was created by the students during the post space preparation.* Ferrule Effect Adequate coronal tooth reduction. All unsupported tooth structure was removed. No external undercuts * No sharp angles Smooth finish line 1.5-2 mm of vertical sound tooth structure obtained when possible.* Adequate ferrule thickness (at least 1mm). * 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Cementation Core Build-Up Proper type of cement was selected. No gap at post/gutta percha interface. Luting agent fill all dead space within the root canal system. No voids in the post-insertion radiograph. Proper selection of the core material Core properly shaped to receive final restoration conform to the shape of the optimal tooth preparation. No voids within the core. Accurate adaptation at the core/tooth interface.* Total Note: Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI- STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date Faculty of Dentistry Fixed Prosthodontics Division Oral & Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Dept Form # 8R Wax Pattern Evaluation Criteria CRITERIA Area of Grading 1. 2. Occlusal Contour Facial & lingual contour and profile 3. Surface texture 4. Interproximal contour and contacts 5. Margin finish Proficient (2) Competent (1) Incompetent (0) Well-defined anatomy, with correct cusp height & position. Well-defined anatomy, with incorrect cusp height and/or position. Ill-defined occlusal surface anatomy Well-defined facial and lingual contour and profile. Correct height of contour position & form. Slightly ill-defined facial and lingual contour and profile. Correct height of contour position & form. Did not follow facial or lingual contour and profile (too square or too round). Incorrect height of contour position & form. Smooth and polished surface (no scratches). Roughness in relation to at least one surface. Significant irregularity or nodular surface Positive proximal contacts (with correct position and size) Correct proximal contour and form. Positive proximal contacts. Incorrect proximal contour and/or form. Open proximal contact. Smooth and continuous marginal finish. Correct margin position Roughness and/or irregularities in relation to the margin of the wax pattern. Correct margin position. Open or overextended margin. Negative or positive margin (in relation to the horizontal axis) 6. Occlusion Tripod contact for each centric (functional) cusp in maximum intercuspation. No occlusal interference of posterior teeth on working side, non-working side or protrusive movements. 7. Pontic and connector design (only for FPD) Appropriate pontic design. Appropriate connector design and size. Slightly high contact in maximum intercuspation. No occlusal interference of posterior teeth on working side, non-working side or protrusive movements. ____________ No contact or significantly high contact during in maximum intercuspation Any kind of interferences between maxillary & mandibular posterior teeth on working side, non-working side or protrusive movements. Inappropriate pontic design. Inappropriate connector design and size. Oral and Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Department – Fixed Prosthodontics Minimal Procedural Experiences (MPE) Evaluation Form Wax Pattern 4th yr 5th yr 6th yr Student Name Patient’s File No. Computer No. Pre-op approval Serial No. Tooth No. Student shows respect towards staff, patients, and colleagues, Ethical conduct and student follows faculty directives, student wears appropriate professionalism Yes No professional attire, presents only his/her work (no cheating) Surfaces are clean, no visible littering, disinfected, properly Infection control Yes No Communication wrapped Student communicates efficiently with patient and instructor using skills Yes No clear words and logical sequence Student knows the principles of the procedure and material Knowledge Yes No selection and answers instructor’s questions correctly with justification Clinical Procedure Evaluation: Steps and procedures Evaluation Criteria 0 = incompetent, 1 = competent, 2 = proficient Student self- Instructor evaluation evaluation 0 Occlusal Contour Facial & lingual contour and profile Surface texture Interproximal contour and contacts Margin finish Well-defined anatomy, with correct cusp height & position. Well-defined facial and lingual contour and profile. Correct height of contour position & form. Smooth and polished surface (no scratches). Positive proximal contacts (with correct position and size)* Correct proximal contour and form. Occlusion Smooth and continuous marginal finish. Correct margin position* Tripod contact for each centric (functional) cusp in maximum intercuspation.* 1 2 0 1 2 Feedback Pontic and connector design (only for FPD) No occlusal interference of posterior teeth on working side, non-working side or protrusive movements. Appropriate pontic design Appropriate connector design and size Total Note: Steps with (*) marks are CRITICAL MINI- STEPS. This clinical procedure will not be considered an MPE if you score ZERO in any one of them Accepted as MPE Yes No Faculty Stamp and Signature Date