Properties of photoinduced states in water covered Alkali atoms on a Cu(111) surface A. Iacomino, A. Perez Paz, A. Rubio CSIC and Nano-Bio Spectroscopy Group University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU Michael Meyer, M. Bertin, U. Bovensiepen and M. Wolf Department of Experimental Physics, Freie Universität, Berlin Abt. Physikalische Chemie, Fritz-Haber-Institut, Berlin ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary Outline • Motivations & Objectives • Measurements & Experimental data • Theoretical analysis • Conclusions & ongoing work ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary Motivations 1.Water ice has plenty of sites for excess electrons from Cu(111) surface, thus promoting chemical reactions ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary Motivations 1.Water ice has plenty of sites for excess electrons from Cu(111) surface, thus promoting chemical reactions 2.Alkali metals donate electrons to the Cu(111) and decrease the work function, thus increasing electron excitation from the surface control reactivity towards electronegative molecules ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary Motivations 1.Water ice has plenty of sites for excess electrons from Cu(111) surface, thus promoting chemical reactions 2.Alkali metals donate electrons to the Cu(111) and decrease the work function, thus increasing electron excitation from the surface control reactivity towards electronegative molecules 3. Low coverages regime under UHV conditions are easier to control than liquids and gases solutions atmospheric pollution reactions stratospheric ionizing radiation and ozone depletion geminal stage of heterogeneous photocatalysis ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary Objectives - We need an electron reservoir → metal Cu(111) - Excitations in the desired energy window → alkali atoms - Long lifetime of excitations → wait and see Alkali on Cu(111) reduce F → lower photon energy ETSF YRM 2013 Excited states couple with CB bands and quickly deca --> need gap above EF - Cu(111) gap at Γ Budapest - Hungary Measurements • How do polar molecules like water interact with the positively charged alkali ions? Time Programmed Desorption No dissociation of water below critical alkali coverage (crit ~ 0.2 ML) preferential binding at Alkali ions Work Function variation vs Exposure -we know the number of water molecules adsorbed on alkalis • We still do not know the configuration of adsorption ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary Theoretical Approach DFT code: Quantum-ESPRESSO (PW representation, Ultrasoft PP) Slabs in supercell: 5x5 Cu(111), 6 layers (Cu fcc -> cu111 hcp) Minimum size of solvation shell to stabilize an excess charge Alkalis Coverage: 1/25=0.04 Na → 0.09 ML (1ML = 3/2 x 3/2) K → 0.16 ML (1ML = 2x2) Cs → 0.16 ML (1ML = 2x2) Water Coverages: 1 H2O x Alk Atm → 0.046 BL water 6 H2O x Alk Atm → 0.28 BL water WARNING: Critical alkalis Coverage for water dissociation is 0.2 ML ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary Optimized Structures - H2O molecules are in plane - H atoms toward surface Cu - 1 H2O on top of alk less stable - Alk lifted up - 1st water shall: 5 H2O molecules others through H bonds ETSF YRM 2013 Ice on Cu(111) Budapest - Hungary How Geometry affects the charge redistribution Δρ=ρtot(3H2O)-ρtot(0) Δρ=ρtot-(ρsurf+ρcl) - electron donation and redistribution is quite unaffected by water addition ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary How to explain experimental findings ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary (Boltzmann-like) Population distributions 2 2 2 1 1 1 6 6 0 3 3 0 4 0 2 2 2 3 3 3 0 0 0 = 2 ........... ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary (Boltzmann-like) Population distributions 2 2 2 1 1 1 6 6 0 3 3 0 4 0 ........... ETSF YRM 2013 2 2 2 3 3 3 0 0 0 = 2 1- Fix overall density 2- Consider only irreducible combinations 3- Discriminate in Energy (most/least stables) 4- Attribute fictitious T (T=293 K ~ 25 meV) 5- Attribute weight 1 to max stable 6- Total ΔΦ and final e- peaks from averages Budapest - Hungary (Boltzmann-like) Population distributions ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary (Boltzmann-like) Population distributions s states ETSF YRM 2013 wet states Budapest - Hungary (Boltzmann-like) Population distributions + configurations s states ETSF YRM 2013 wet states Budapest - Hungary ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary ETSF YRM 2013 Budapest - Hungary