Ajeet Singh Social Studies Classes (1,4,5,7,8) Week of January 19, 2015 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday – Library Day Friday 6.1A,6.4D,6.4F The students will learn the culture and history of South Asia, language, music, traditions, society 6.1A, 6.4D, 6.4F The students will learn the culture and history of South Asian countries and the geographical location of south Asia. 6.5C, 6.6.C The students will learn about the impact invasions in South Asia 6.5C, 6.6C, 6.7A The students will do research on south Asia culture, society, history and food, music of south Asia In the library 6.1A, 6.4D, 6.A,6.4D TEST ON SOUTH ASIA Why the region is called south Asia .Different countries of south Asia What are different countries on the map south Asia. They will also learn information about south Asian association of regional corporation or the SAARC summit of south Asian countries. What do you know about south Asian art and architecture? (have students write on IWB and complete first two columns of KWL Chart) The students will do research on south Asia culture, history and food, music of south Asia In the library TEST ON SOUTH ASIA Read the information different languages of south Asia like Hindi, Urdu, and Pashtun on south Asia. The students will do research on south Asia culture, history and food, music of south Asia In the library TEST ON SOUTH ASIA CFU: Think/Pair/Share culture and traditions of south Asia. Read the information text on south Asian arts and crafts. CFU:_ South Asian culture and geography_________________ TEKS Objective Warm Up Intro Lesson Read information on the countries of south Asia, like India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. CFU:_ How is south Asia different from south east Asia ._________________ Guided Practice Read information on the countries of south Asia CFU: _Name different foods of south Asia. __________________ The students will compare religions and beliefs of south Asia with the other parts of the world The students will do research on south Asia culture, history and food, music of south Asia In the library TEST ON SOUTH ASIA Ajeet Singh CFU: locate south Asian countries on world map_________________ Social Studies Classes (1,4,5,7,8) Name some religions of south Asia. Week of January 19, 2015 How the south Asian religion is different from the rest of the world. CFU:__________________ CFU:__________________ Closure How south Asia is different different from other parts of the world. Check for Understanding (CFU): Call & Respond Choral Reading Maps Migration Geographical terms Society Culture ,Traditions CFU: Would you like to go to South Asia. Why/why not? Geographical terms Traditions and values Reading globe/Maps Novel Ideas Only A/B Partners Pass the Pen Phone a friend about Asia Quiet/loud voice/read SLANT Student Response Tools Teacher Model Student Repeat Directions Think Aloud Think Time Think/Pair/Share Whip Around