Wed. Sept. 9 THE MOST AMAZING THING I'VE EVER SEEN IS... THUR. Sept. 10 Did you know that punctuation doesn’t just include commas, apostrophes, and periods, but it also covers the spaces between words and lowercase letters? Before punctuation was invented, texts were written in all caps without any spaces between words, making them hard to read. Rewrite the following paragraph using punctuation. ITSVERYDIFFICULTTOREADSENTENCESWHENTHERESABSOLUTELYNOPUNCTUAT IONITMUSTHAVEBEENVERYDIFFICULTFORPEOPLETRYINGTOREADBEFORETHEI NVENTIONOFPUNCUTATIONDONTYOUTHINKBYINSERTINGSPACESPUNCTUTATI ONMARKSANDLOWERCASELETTERSTHISPARAGRAPHWILLBECOMEMUCHEASIE RTOREADWHATARELIEFTHATWILLBE FRI. Sept. 11 FREE WRITE Mon. Sept. 14 The consonants T and B can be turned into a variety of different words by inserting different vowels in different places. For instance, you could come up with TUB, TUBE, TUBA, OR TAB. Come up with THREE words each by inserting vowels into each of the following strings of consonants: GR, STR, LT, SW, CD. Tues. Sept. 15 List one of your pet peeves and write about why it annoys you. Wed. Sept. 16 Write about an incident that illustrates kindness. Thur. Sept. 17 Describe Sundays at your house . Fri. Sept. 18 If and when I raise children, I'll never... Mon. Sept. 21 Finish this thought: if I could change one thing about myself (if you can't think of anything, you might want to consider telling how you got to be perfect!) My voice is almost all gone so please make sure that you are working on getting your project together because presentations are due tomorrow. I can still write your name on the board for detention. Yes, this means you peanut butter!!! Tue. Sept. 22 Invent and describe a new food. rd 3 period after the presentations get The green book and read pages 573-577 Do all the questions and provide text Evidence where appropriate. Wed. Sept. 23 What part does music play in the life of young people? Write a journal entry describing you and your peers’ tastes in music and why music is meaningful to you as a generation. Thur. Sept. 24 Friendships are important to middle school and high school students. Write a definition of what your friends mean to you. Fri. Sept. 25 What is the definition of beauty? Write a definition for “beauty,” and provide examples to illustrate your meaning. Mon. Sept. 28 FREE WRITE Tues. Sept. 29 Many people believe that honesty is the best policy. In your opinion, is it ever okay to lie? Explain your answer using specific reasons and examples. Wed. Sept. 30 What techniques do you know for helping others resolve conflicts peacefully? Thur. Oct. 1 Write down an important goal you would like to achieve over the next ten years. Brainstorm a list of actions you need to take to make your goal. Decide when you should take each action and place it on a time line. Fri. Oct. 2 FREE WRITE Mon. Oct. 5 Write a journal entry describing your typical school lunch and what you would do to change it. Tues. Oct. 6 Most states allow people to get a driver’s license at the age of 16. Some people feel that 16 is much too young for the responsibility that comes with driving a car and that teenagers should not be allowed to drive until the age of 18. In your opinion, at what age should people be allowed to drive, and why? Wed. Oct. 7 The average American watches as much as six hours of television each day. Do you think this is too much? Why or why not? Thur. Oct. 8 We all have favorite activities that we enjoy. Write a journal convincing readers to try the activity that you enjoy most. Fri. Oct. 9 Since the cloning of the sheep Dolly, there has been much debate over whether or not human beings should be cloned. How do you feel about this issue? Tues. Oct. 13 Write out the best or the worst day of your life. Wed. Oct. 14 Who is the person from history that you would most like to meet and talk to? Why? What would you like to ask? Thur. Oct. 15 What would you do if all the electricity in the world just stopped? Fri. Oct. 16 What would you do if you woke up one morning to find yourself invisible? Mon. Oct. 19 You are to tell a person from a distant planet or from another era what pollution is. Make that person understand what causes it and why it is bad. Tues. Oct. 20. If you could do something that you never have done before, what would it be? Why would you want to do it? Wed. Oct. 21 If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why would you make this change? Thur. Oct. 22 Write about a time in your life when you struggled with a choice and made the right one. Fri. Oct. 23 Invent a monster and describe it. Tell where it lives, what it eats, and what it does. Mon. Oct. 26 What commercial on TV do you dislike beyond all others? What about it is particularly annoying to you? Tues. Oct. 27 Be a building you know well. Talk about your life and memories. Wed. Oct. 28 Write about what you think you will be like and what you will be doing 10 years or 20 years from now. Thur. Oct. 29 Were you ever accused of something that you didn't do or have you ever blamed someone else for something that you did? What happened Fri. Oct. 30 Write about the funniest thing that ever happened to you or one of your friends. MON. NOV. 2 Persuade a friend to give up drugs. Tues. Nov. 3 IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT THE WORLD, WHAT WOULD IT BE? WHY WOULD YOU MAKE THIS CHANGE? Wed. Nov. 4 AS A CHILD, WHAT DID YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GREW UP? THUR. NOV. 5 FREE WRITE FRI. NOV. 6 List one major world problem and how you think we should solve it. MON. NOV. 9 What is the most important issue facing teens your age today? How should they deal with it? TUES. NOV. 10 What would happen if animals could talk? What are some of the questions you would like to ask animals? WED. NOV. 11 What would happen if there were no cars, buses, trains, boats, or planes? How would this change your life? THUR. NOV. 12 What if everyone lived under water? Where would people live? What games would children play? What would school be like? FRI. NOV. 13 What would you do if you woke up in another country and no one could understand you? MON. NOV. 16 If you could only take 3 people with you on a trip around the world, who would you take and why? TUE. NOV. 17 If you could give any gift in the world, what would you give and to whom? WED. NOV. 18 FREE WRITE THUR. NOV. 19 Imagine that you are an animal in the zoo. What type of animal are you? How do you feel about being caged? How do you feel about people that visit and watch you? FRI. NOV. 20 Write about a time your parents embarrassed you. MON. NOV. 23 You go to the store with your parents and baby brother. Your parents go into a store and tell you to watch your brother. You take your eyes off your brother for just a minute and you can't find him. You... WITH THESE JOURNALS, TELL ME WHAT IT MEANS TO YOU AND GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE OF THEM. TUES. NOV. 24 I would rather die a meaningful death than to live a meaningless life. MON. NOV. 30 I have learned that there is more power in a good strong hug than in a thousand meaningful words. Read more at TUES. DEC. 1 People have to talk about something just to keep their voice boxes in working order so they'll have good voice boxes in case there's ever anything really meaningful to say. TUES. JAN.5, 2016 Choice is more than picking 'x' over 'y.' It is a responsibility to separate the meaningful and the uplifting from the trivial and the disheartening. It is the only tool we have that enables us to go from who we are today to who we want to be tomorrow. WED. JAN. 6, 2016 In the busy lives we lead it’s not hard to lose perspective on the things that are important to you. When you get caught up in the rat race of your day to day life, with all it’s annoyances and frustrations, it’s vital to keep the right perspective on the things that matter most and to prioritize them. THUR. JAN. 7 The thinking that got us to where we are is not the thinking that will get us to where we want to be – Albert Einstein FRI. JAN. 8, 2016 Never be bullied into silence, never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one’s definition of your life, define yourself – Robert Frost MON. JAN. 11 Don’t be seduced into thinking that that which does not make profit is without value – Arthur Miller TUES. JAN. 12 A tree is known by its fruit; a man by his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness gathers love – St. Basil WED. JAN. 13 THUR. JAN. 14 FRI. JAN. 15 MON. JAN. 18 TUES. JAN. 19 WED. JAN. 20 THUR. JAN. 21 FRI. JAN. 22 The price of greatness is responsibility. Sir Winston Churchill MON. JAN. 25 It’s nice to be important, but it’s more important to be nice. John Marks Templeton TUES. JAN. 26 What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. Ralph Waldo Emerson WED. JAN. 27 Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom. Thomas Jefferson THUR. JAN. 28 Our character is revealed by how we treat people who cannot help us or hurt us. Michael Josephson MON. FEB. 1, 2016 A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. John C. Maxwell TUES. FEB. 2, 2016 If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader. John Quincy Adams WED. FEB. 3, 2016 A good leader takes a little more than his share of the blame, a little less than his share of the credit. Arnold H. Glasow THURS. FEB. 4, 2016 Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. Peter Drucker FRI. FEB. 5, 2016 The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves. Ray Kroc MON. FEB. 8, 2016 A leader is one who knows the way, goes the way, and shows the way. John C. Maxwell MON. FEB. 8, 2016 Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody expects of you. Never excuse yourself. Henry Ward Beecher TUES. FEB. 9, 2016 If you could step back in time to re-live one day, what would you do differently? WED. FEB. 10, 2016 Describe how this artwork makes you feel. THUR. FEB. 11, 2016 Are you a night owl or a morning person? Explain why and what you like doing at night or early morning. FRI. FEB. 12, 2016 Is war ever justified? When? Explain. TUE. FEB. 16, 2016 If you could spend an hour with the president, what are 10 questions you would like to ask him and why? After you do the journal please get a computer and go to this website and do the survey. WED. FEB. 17, 2016 What makes you unique, or at least different from, any other person? THUR. FEB. 18, 2016 What has been the greatest failure in your life this year? FRI. FEB. 19, 2016 Describe a time you felt … Aggressive, Angry, Bashful, Caring, Cheerful, Committed, Confident, Cruel, Depressed, Devoted, Dishonest, Disillusioned, Engaged, Friendly, Frightened, Furious, Hardworking, Hesitant, Lazy, Lonely, Loving, Nervous, Open, Sad, Scheming, Self-centered, Selfish, Sneaky, Supportive, Thrilled, or Upset MON. 2/22/16 FREE WRITE TUES. 2/23/16 Sometimes it's the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination. Drake WED. 2/24/16 To travel is to take a journey into yourself. Danny Kaye THUR. 2/25/16 Either you run the day or the day runs you. FRI. 2/26/16 Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can't lose. Bill Gates MON. 2/29/16 It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently. Warren Buffett TUES. 3/1/16 There seems to be some perverse human characteristic that likes to make easy things difficult. Warren Buffett WED. 3/2/16 You only have to do a very few things right in your life so long as you don't do too many things wrong. Warren Buffett THUR. 3/3/16 Good, better, best. Never let it rest. 'Til your good is better and your better is best. St. Jerome FRI. 3/4/16 A creative man is motivated by the desire to achieve, not by the desire to beat others. Ayn Rand Today you will be working on your research project. I want you to go on there might be some useful stuff on there. MON. 7, 2016 In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. Abraham Lincoln TUES. 3/8/16 Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. George Bernard Shaw WED. 3/9/16 We do not remember days, we remember moments. Cesare Pavese THUR. 3/10/16 Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced. Soren Kierkegaard FRI. 3/11/16 I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. Martin Luther King, Jr. MON. 3/21/16 "Things work out best for those who make the best of how things work out." --John Wooden TUES. 3/22/16 "To live a creative life, we must lose our fear of being wrong." -Anonymous WED. 3/23/16 "Trust because you are willing to accept the risk, not because it's safe or certain." --Anonymous THUR. 3/24/16 "All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." --Walt Disney MON. 3/28/16 "If you do what you always did, you will get what you always got." --Anonymous WED. 3/30/16 "Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm." -Winston Churchill SRS. GREEN BOOK PAGES 1263-1268 DO ALL THE CRITICAL THINKING 1-4 WRITE QUESTIONS AND SUPPORT YOUR ANSWER WITH TEXT EVIDENCE. FRI. 4/1/16 "Just when the caterpillar thought the world was ending, he turned into a butterfly." --Proverb MON. 4/4/16 "Whenever you see a successful person you only see the public glories, never the private sacrifices to reach them." -Vaibhav Shah TUES. 4/5/16 If I could talk to my teenage self, the one thing I would say is… WED. 4/6/16 What does unconditional love look like for you? THUR. 4/7/16 The two moments I’ll never forget in my life are… Describe them in great detail, and what makes them so unforgettable. FRI. 4/8/16 What’s surprised you the most about your life or life in general? MON. 4/11/16 “I am a slow walker, but I never walk back.” ― Abraham Lincoln TUES. 4/12/16 “There's nothing wrong with enjoying looking at the surface of the ocean itself, except that when you finally see what goes on underwater, you realize that you've been missing the whole point of the ocean. Staying on the surface all the time is like going to the circus and staring at the outside of the tent.” ― Dave Barry WED. 4/13/16 “Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of its container.” ― Wallace Stevens THUR. 4/14/16 “We don't have to be defined by the things we did or didn't do in our past. Some people allow themselves to be controlled by regret. Maybe it's a regret, maybe it's not. It's merely something that happened. Get over it.” ― Pittacus Lore MON. 4/18/16 Would you rather live in another era or culture? Explain. TUES. 4/19/16 Have you ever felt lost? Literally or figuratively? Explain. WED. 4/20/16 How do you think your parents views would change if they lived your life for one day? THUR. 4/21/16 If If I could live anywhere I’d live in ____________. Why? FRI. 4/22/16 What is your ideal job? Why? MON. 4/25/16 If you could step back in time to re-live one day, what would you do differently? TUE. 4/26/16 Create your own holiday. What would you celebrate? How could you get others to join in the fun? WED. 4/27/16 Could you ever be a vegetarian? Why or why not? THUR. 4/28/16 Why is forgiving hard? FRI. 4/29/16 Why is forgiveness important? MON. 5/2/16 The most amazing thing I've ever seen is... TUES. 5/3/16 Something people usually don't notice about me is... WED. 5/4/16 Write about a time when you were "sweating it", a time when you were very nervous. THUR. 5/5/16 What might a curb and a car tire talk about? FRI. 5/6/16 What I Like About Being a Kid MON. 5/9/16 What might a shoe and a sock talk about? TUES. 5/10/16 The Saddest Day of My Life……. WED. 5/11/16 Where Would you go if you had a Time Machine ? THUR. 5/12/16 "A wise person learns from the mistakes of others." Do you agree? FRI. 5/13/16 Describe a typical day for you in the summer MON. 5/16/16 Everyone feels rejected by family or friends at some point. Tell about one such time. TUES. 5/17/16 How do scientists and police now work together? WED.5/18/16 How do "clothes make the man" or "clothes make the woman" ? Explain. THUR. 4/19/16 If I could give one piece of advice to any person in history, that advice would be... FRI. 5/20/16 The best lesson my grandparent (or parent or any relative) ever taught me was... MON. 5/23/16 You have an extra $100,000 to give away; you cannot spend it on yourself. What would you do with the money? TUES. 5/24/16 If you were an insect, what kind would you be and why? WED. 5/25/16 What Places Do You Remember Fondly From Childhood? THUR. 5/26/16 What Were Your Favorite Picture Books When You Were Little and why? FRI. 5/27/16 What Are Your Best Sleepover Memories?