Dilley ISD Proposed Early College High School Pathway with SWTJC

Dilley ISD Proposed Early College High School Pathway with SWTJC
The intended goal of an Early College High School curriculum is a student’s earning 6 semester credit
hours or an Associate’s Degree. Therefore the suggested pathway is somewhat prescriptive in the
sequencing of courses. Of course, the needs of students or the District will always be taken into account,
and any final decision is collaborative.
Freshman Year
Fall Semester
*EDUC 1300
3 hrs
Learning Frameworks
Junior Year
Fall Semester
(6 Semester Hrs)
Spring Semester
PSYC 2301
3 hrs
General Psychology
(18 Semester Hrs)
Spring Semester
Sophomore Year
Fall Semester
(12 Semester Hrs)
Spring Semester
MUSI 1306
3 hrs
Music Appreciation
COSC 1301/BCIS 1305 3 hrs
Computer Applications
Senior Year
Fall Semester
GOVT 2306
3 hrs
Texas Government
SPCH 1311
3 hrs
Introduction to
(24 Semester Hrs)
Spring Semester
ENGL 1301
3 hrs
Freshman Comp I
ENGL 1302
3 hrs
Freshman Comp II
ENGL 2322
British Lit I
3 hrs
*ENGL 2323
3 hrs
British Lit II
Or approved elective
HIST 1301
3 hrs
American History I
HIST 1302
3 hrs
American History II
GOVT 2305
3 hrs
Federal Government
3 hrs
3 hrs
*MATH 2312
3 hrs
Pre-Calculus Math
(or approved elective)
MATH 1314
3 hrs
College Algebra
MATH 1316
3 hrs
Plane Trigonometry
*ECON 2301
3 hrs
Principles of
*HUMA 1301
3 hrs
Intro to Humanities
(or another approved
*MATH 2413
4 hrs
Calculus I
*The asterisked courses fulfill Elective requirements. While specific elective courses are recommended above, a
Student may choose other approved courses. Courses without a preceding asterisk fulfill General Education Core
Requirements and are recommendations. The courses ENGL 1301, ENGL 1302, HIST 1301, HIST 1302, GOVT 2305,
and GOVT 2306 are the only available courses to satisfy those Core requirements. The Full listing of courses
satisfying Core requirements is available in the SWTJC Catalog, available online at www.swtjc.edu.