Parent/Guardian 1:
Relationship to student:________________________________________________
Best phone number to reach you at during the day: __________________________
Circle one: Is it a cell phone home phone work phone
Parent/Guardian 2:
Relationship to student:________________________________________________
Best phone number to reach you at during the day: __________________________
Circle one: Is it a cell phone home phone work phone
*IMPORTANT* Is there any illness, disability, behavior issue, etc that I, as a teacher, need to be aware of to better serve your child? (Examples: dyslexia, ADD, poor eyesight or hearing, etc)
Please read and sign the following...
“I have read and understand the policies set forth in Ms. Griggs’ syllabus and understand that I will be held accountable to them as well as to all policies set forth by Anderson 5 Career
Student Signature
Student Name (Print)
_________________________________________________ _________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date
Parent/Guardian Name (Print)