Volunteer form for Salvation Army Thursday, December 10, 2015

Volunteer form for Salvation Army
Thursday, December 10, 2015
First Name __________________ Last Name _____________________
Best phone number to reach you _______________________________
Use this side if you are going by number
of items. Five items equal one hour.
Use this side if you are going by the cost of
the item. $5.00 equals one hour. Tape or
staple your receipts.
Total Items:
Total Cost:
Total Hours:
Total Hours:
Volunteer form for Salvation Army
Thursday, December 10, 2015
First Name __________________ Last Name _____________________
Best phone number to reach you _______________________________
Use this side if you are going by number
of items. Five items equal one hour.
Use this side if you are going by the cost of
the item. $5.00 equals one hour. Tape or
staple your receipts.
Total Items:
Total Cost:
Total Hours:
Total Hours: