April 25-29

with Mrs. Self: April 25-29
Words: choose, eight, glad, joke, knew, ride, shook, zoom, than, sometimes
Reading: Author study in class
Writing: Cursive Handwriting
Reminders: Sign homework sheet and reading log nightly.
PE on Wednesday (wear tennis shoes) Bring Library Books on Wednesday
Make sure to check the class website each week.
Record at least 5 books on Reading Log
Math: Chapter 16: Telling Time and Graphs
Science: Life Cycles
Social Studies: Economics
Important Dates:
Tuesday: Miss. Ashton’s Birthday
Thursday: Have a bag of skittles at school – (normal size)
Friday: Book Order Due and Habitat Project Due
20 point contract due Friday
Study for Spelling Test
Practice Math Adding and Subtraction Facts!!!!
Addition Goal = 80 Subtraction Goal = 80 IN 6 mins!
Review daily math sheet from class.
with Mrs. Self: April 25-29
Words: choose, eight, glad, joke, knew, ride, shook, zoom, than, sometimes
Reading: Author study in class
Writing: Cursive Handwriting
Reminders: Sign homework sheet and reading log nightly.
PE on Wednesday (wear tennis shoes) Bring Library Books on Wednesday
Make sure to check the class website each week.
Record at least 5 books on Reading Log
Math: Chapter 16: Telling Time and Graphs
Science: Life Cycles
Social Studies: Economics
Important Dates:
Tuesday: Miss. Ashton’s Birthday
Thursday: Have a bag of skittles at school – (normal size)
Friday: Book Order Due and Habitat Project Due
20 point contract due Friday
Study for Spelling Test
Practice Math Adding and Subtraction Facts!!!!
Addition Goal = 80 Subtraction Goal = 80 IN 6 mins!
Review daily math sheet from class.
with Mrs. Self: April 25-29
Words: choose, eight, glad, joke, knew, ride, shook, zoom, than, sometimes
Reading: Author study in class
Writing: Cursive Handwriting
Reminders: Sign homework sheet and reading log nightly.
PE on Wednesday (wear tennis shoes) Bring Library Books on Wednesday
Make sure to check the class website each week.
Record at least 5 books on Reading Log
Math: Chapter 16: Telling Time and Graphs
Science: Life Cycles
Social Studies: Economics
Important Dates:
Tuesday: Miss. Ashton’s Birthday
Thursday: Have a bag of skittles at school – (normal size)
Friday: Book Order Due and Habitat Project Due
20 point contract due Friday
Study for Spelling Test
Practice Math Adding and Subtraction Facts!!!!
Addition Goal = 80 Subtraction Goal = 80 IN 6 mins!
Review daily math sheet from class.