Kindergarten News: October 2, 2015 IB Unit: Who We Are Central Idea: We use our five senses to learn about how we grow and change. Related Arts Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Computer Spanish Art Spanish Library P.E. Music Lines of Inquiry: 1. How our bodies grow and change from past to present. 2. How we are special in different ways. Mark Your Calendars Friday, October 9th: Yearbook orders due! 3. Using our five senses to conduct simple investigations. 23rd: Friday, October Concord Fall Festival Wednesday, October 28th: Report cards go home! Friday, October 30th: No school Monday, November 2nd: No school IB Attribute Balanced We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of our lives— intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve wellbeing for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live. November 16th-20th: American Education Week Important News & Reminders -You need to send in a healthy snack for your child every day! -We need magazines for an upcoming writing lesson. The kids will be cutting things out of the magazines. So, we will need to be able to keep them AND they need to be appropriate for Kindergarteners to look through. Tuesday, November 17th: Grandparents’ Day at Lunch What are we learning? ELA: listening and responding to stories, making predictions in stories, identifying characters, setting, and major events Writing: generating ideas to write about Math: comparing numbers to 10, 1 more and 1 fewer Science/Social Studies: nutrition and exercise New Letters: Ii, Kk, Uu Review: Mm, Pp, Cc, Ff, Ll, Aa, Bb, Hh, Dd, Oo, Rr, Jj, Ww, Ee New Word: no Review: I, me, a, can, he, she, to, see, yes