Science Supplies Bentley—Biology I, Honors, and CP 1. 1 subject spiral notebook for journaling 2. dividers with pockets (at least 5) 3. 2- 2.5 inch binder 4. markers and colored pencils 5. white out (tape is better) 6. black and blue pens only if ink is preferred over pencil 7. highlighters (optional) 8. college-ruled notebook paper Branyon - Biology 1. 3- ring binder - NO SPIRAL NOTEBOOKS 2. College ruled notebook paper 3. Pens and pencils 4. Colored pencils Branyon—Chemistry for Tech 3 1. 3- ring binder 2. Notebook paper 3. Pens and pencils 4. Basic calculator Carosiello 1. pencils and pens 2. notebook, either 3 ring binder or spiral 3. scientific calculator (what they have for math will be fine) Dyar – Anatomy and Physiology 1. 3 – ring binder; at least 1 ½ inch size 2. loose-leaf paper 3. pencils for all work handed in (you may use pen for your notes) 4. set of colored pencils (“Twistables” are suggested but not required –bring a pencil sharpener if you don’t have the twistables) 5. one package (at least 70) of 5” x 8” notecards (either white or colored)