Meeting Management “If you don’t like ambiguity and uncertainty, don’t study communication.” PGC 7/1/2016 Small Group Communication 1 1. Functions of an Effective Committee Equalize participation in decision-making Demonstrate preference Represent social diversity & diverse opinions Make decisions Exert influence 7/1/2016 Small Group Communication 2 2. Why are groups ineffective? Low salience issues Lack of focus Unclear role (Information giving vs.. Decisionmaking) Tasked with the wrong job Poor communication Role imbalance 7/1/2016 Small Group Communication 3 3. Tools for Effective Decision-Making Agenda Integrity Temporal Integrity Fraction Rules 7/1/2016 Small Group Communication 4 Agenda Integrity There is an agenda – Introverts – Extroverts All agenda items are discussed Items not agenda are not discussed – Use the “parking garage” – Use the “dinger” 7/1/2016 Small Group Communication 5 Temporal Integrity Begin on Time (Lock the door) End on Time Keep to Agenda Schedule Have a Long-range Schedule – – – – 7/1/2016 Work backwards from end state Build in check points Create feedback loops Build in “slack time” Small Group Communication 6 Fraction Rules Rule of halves Rule of 3/4s Rule of thirds – Part 1: Item Difficulty – Part 2: Breaks 7/1/2016 Small Group Communication 7 4. Critical Group Roles Facilitator Administrator Member Ex-officio 7/1/2016 Small Group Communication 8 Facilitator Role Synthesizes political and intellectual material (What & who) Plans/designs meeting process Listens clarifies & integrates info. Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability Keeps group focused 7/1/2016 Selects appropriate technology Develops/asks the right questions Manages conflict/negative emotions Encourages and supports multiple perspectives Presents information clearly Directs/manages meetings (agenda & temporal integrity) Small Group Communication 9 Administrator Role Get agenda out Generate/coordinate follow-up reports Check on member’s assignments Set stage for meeting 7/1/2016 Small Group Communication 10 Member Comes prepared Listens clarifies & integrates info. Demonstrates flexibility and adaptability Maintains group focused Moves discussion along Expresses & represses appropriate reactions 7/1/2016 Develops/asks the right questions Manages conflict & negative emotions Encourages and supports multiple perspectives Presents information clearly Small Group Communication 11 5. Shaping the Agenda Recording Mechanism – Minutes – Reports (Executive Summary) The Bell-Shaped “Ideal” Meeting 7/1/2016 Small Group Communication 12