09/26/2012 Meeting

PEC Program Review Committee Meeting
Wednesday, Sept. 26, 2012
Hill 314
3:00-4:00 p.m.
Members Present: Jamaine Abidogun (CHPA), Roberta Aram (Chair, COE), Kim Finch (COE), Brenda Goodwin
(CHHS), Daniel Hellman (COAL)
Members Absent: Kurt Killion (CNAS), Glenna Vanderhoof (COB)
Guests: Chris Craig (associate Provost; Rebecca Woodard, PEC co-chair)
1. Call to Order
2. Announcements---none
3. Approval of Minutes from last meeting: Minutes of the Sept. 12, 2012 meeting were
approved as written.
4. MoSTEP to MoSPE transition/program assignments: were reviewed; no questions or
concerns were expressed; the process for setting up workshops and supporting programs
as they transition from MoSTEP to MOSPE was reviewed. A timeline for accomplishing
the transition was reviewed. An accountability system was agreed upon and added to the
Transition Process document for following up with assigned program to make sure the
transition tasks are accomplished in a timely way. A crosswalk that shows a general
alignment between MoSTEP and MoSPE standards as well as MSU’s PEC conceptual
framework was reviewed and adopted by the committee. It will be presented to the
Conceptual Framework Committee at their next meeting; and to the PEC after approval
by CF and PRC committees.
5. PEC Program Reporting Procedures/Report Template: were reviewed and updated
with more emphasis on reporting field experiences and diversity opportunities for
candidates in programs. Criteria were expanded for an assessment checklist by which
program reports will be evaluated and programs provided feedback.
6. Accreditation Director Proposal: was revised to reflect the fact that there is currently an
individual carrying out this role; the emphasis on this proposal is to focus on the role
rather than where the role resides; and to institutionalize this role for benefit of all MSU
educator preparation programs. PRC approved the revised version as written and
recommended that it be presented to PEC at its next meeting.
7. Assessment Committee/Bylaw amendment: was reviewed for the purpose of
establishing the current ad hoc Assessment Committee as a PEC standing committee as
part of an effort to institutionalize and maintain regular oversight and development of
Unit level assessments and data collection to meet or exceed national and state
accreditation criteria and standards. PRC approved the existing version as written and
recommended that it be presented to PEC at its next meeting.
8. Program Review Committee Bylaw amendment: was reviewed to establish an explicit
communication link between the PEC Program Review Committee and the Assessment
Committee. PRC approved the existing version as written and recommended that it be
presented to PEC at its next meeting.
9. Screening Committee proposal: was reviewed to assure alignment all course proposal
materials with the new Missouri Standards for Professional Education Standards
beginning January 1, 2013. PRC approved the existing version as written and
recommended that it be presented to PEC at its next meeting.
10. Adjourn