01/08/2014 Meeting

January 8, 2014 – Hill Hall 314
Meeting Minutes
Members in Attendance
Brenda Goodwin (Chair), David Hough (ex-officio), Diana Piccolo (Chair Elect), James Sottile
(COE), and Rebecca Woodard (Past Chair & Secondary Ed Director).
Call to Order
A monthly meeting of the MSU PEC Executive Committee convened at 3:30 pm. Chair
Brenda Goodwin presiding.
Approval of Minutes
Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the November 20, 2013
meeting. Motion carried.
Discussion Items
a. Outcome of CAEP Visit/Updates
Verbiage will need to be changed to match up with CAEP verbiage.
b. Joint Meeting with UAPB TEC – Will invite Gilbert Brown to the PEC meeting
to give updates on the 4 points. A partnership is also being developed with
Alabama State.
1. Video Conference in February or later.
2. MLK Day and Programs that are already in place.
3. Co-teaching.
4. Social Events – Summer of 2014.
c. Library Testing Center – The Library is developing a testing center that will
accommodate 80 or more computers for all MSU programs. Scuff funds may be
used to cover staffing of the center. It has been recommended to do away with
STEPS and move to something more sophisticated.
d. CBASE – Questions on implementation of changes will be directed to Dr. Sottile.
e. Revised Catalog Descriptions that have been tabled will remain tabled.
f. Two-Tiered PEU Membership Proposal and PEU Online Application Process –
This will be brought forth at the February PEC meeting by the Membership
Committee. It is a state requirement for the 5 year plan and a DESE requirement
for public school services. It was suggested to find ways to simplify the
application process.
g. Online Framework Review – Dr. Hough will address this at the next PEC
h. DESE Assessments – Dr. Sottile will address this at the next PEC meeting.
i. Curriculum Program Changes – Compendium concerns and various responses
from MSU – further information and status of rule changes and next steps –
j. MEGA Testing Schedule – MOGEA, Implementation of MEP and Support for
COE Assessments Activities Impacting EPP – Dr. Sottile will address this at the
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next PEC meeting. Dr. Woodard is meeting Friday with Scott Fiedler to discuss
developing a webpage for MEGA.
k. Committee Chairs – Vacancies & Changes (Chair of APR still needed). Chairelects needed for 2014-2015, especially PEC chair-elect.
l. Implementation of Acronym changes from PEC to EPP and other CAEP
terminology changes will be presented at PEC.
Secondary Education Update – Rebecca Woodard, Director
a. Exceptions Committee meets tomorrow, January 9.
Old Business
Items to be included on agenda for January PEC meeting
a. With MEGA and MoGEA assessments ought to be administered throughout.
b. Show the PEC the MEGA and have a Task Force charged to make a
recommendation on when each of these should be required throughout the
program. Angie Miller (OTC), and Jim Joliff (West Plains) should be included on
this Task Force.
The PEC Executive Committee Meeting was adjourned at 11:45 am.
PEC Executive Committee
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