EDUCATOR PREPARATION PROVIDER COUNCIL May 6, 2015, 3:30 pm (PSU 315) Meeting Minutes Attendees Reesha Adamson, Tamara Arthaud, Denise Cunningham, Bill Edgar, Karen Engler, Candace Fairbairn, Adam Harbaugh, Andrew Homburg, David Hough, Kurt Killion, Angela Kohnen, Mike Keltner, Cindy MacGregor, Carol Maples, Barber Marlin, Michelle Morgan, Sarah Nixon, Cathy Pearman, Diana Piccolo, Debbie Pitts, Debra Price, Gayle Runke, Gigi Saunders, James Sottile, Vicki Sutton, Steve Willis, and Rebecca Woodard I. Call to Order The monthly meeting of the Missouri State University Educator Preparation Provider Council convened at 3:30 pm. Chair, Kurt Killion presiding. A quorum was established. II. Minutes Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of April 8, 2015 meeting. All approved. Minutes stand. III. Announcements No new announcements. IV. Administrative Updates a. Unit Update – Chris Craig, Head of the EPP No report. b. MABEP Update – David Hough, Dean of COE The board has been working on the educator evaluation system and a FAQ document. There are 750 supervisors that will need to be trained. July 15, Taskstream will be open for students to register. Task 1 – Feb 4, Task 2&3 – Oct 8, Task 4 – Nov 5 & March 31. The board will meet again on June 2. c. Assessment update – Dr. James Sottile Dr. Sottile and Dr. Brown will be attending the spring CAEP Conference. A handout on the “impact on P-12 student learning and development” was discussed. There ae 550 students in the Taskstream system so far. d. Secondary Education Update – Rebecca Woodard, Director Dr. Woodard will be around during the summer for any students needing help. V. Committee Reports a. Admissions, Procedures, & Retention – Chair needed. b. Membership & Professional Development – Chair Beth Hurst No report. c. Program Review – Chair Rebecca Woodard No report. EPPC Page 1 d. Diversity – Chair Diana Piccolo A handout of the proposed changes was distributed. The committee will be updating the strategic plan and will call upon the former members of the Conceptual Frameworks Committee so that both strategic plans may be revised at the same time. SPS is wanting to recruit more diverse teachers. Diversity scholarship applications will be available online soon. e. Conceptual Framework – Chair needed. f. BSED Secondary Oversight – Chair Gigi Saunders Michelle Morgan has been elected as Chair-elect. Approved the recommendations from the Ad-Hoc Committee on the Secondary Core changes. g. MSED Secondary Oversight – Chair Jamaine Abidogun No report. h. Screening – Chair Michelle Morgan Dan Hellman will be the chair for the upcoming year. i. Exceptions and Compliance – Chair Gayle Runke The committee met at 1 pm today and reviewed 3 exception requests. Dr. Runke will be the chair for this upcoming year. VI. Action Items a. Curricular Proposals NEW COURSE EDT 660 Digital-Age Learning Environments (RFT) – Approved. ECE 402 Integrated Arts in the Early Childhood Curriculum (CEFS) – Approved with 1 abstention. PROGRAM CHANGE OR DELETION MS in Education, Educational Technology (RFT) MS in Education – Literacy (RFT) – Approved together. BS in Early Childhood Education (CEFS) – Approved. VII. Personnel Actions a. Teacher Education Program Candidates Juli Panza, COE Advisement Secondary Education Director Members received candidate rosters from the College of Education and the Secondary Education office. Motion was made and seconded to approve all candidates. Motion carried. VIII. Old Business None. IX. EPPC New Business a. 2014-2015 Chair-elect needed. b. Admissions, Procedures & Retention Committee is not in the by-laws. Combining the committee with the Membership Committee was discussed. c. MOCA (content exam) – Be thinking about the potential of students taking the exam before student teaching. d. Testing Center – This should be in place and ready to go by the fall semester in the Library. Page 2 X. EPPC Adjournment Meeting adjourned at 4:45 pm. Page 3