Narrative Summary Interview with Vicki Simpson by Carrie Roberson

Narrative Summary
Interview with Vicki Simpson by Carrie Roberson
I think that one of the reasons I really enjoyed this project was because I knew it was
going towards something bigger than myself. Getting to know Vicki on a deeper, more spiritual
level really made me appreciate the friendship I have with her. This project also helped me put
the need for recognition of women in the Ozarks into perspective. Vicki may not have the
credentials of some of the other interviewees, but she does bring something special to the archive
because of her personal life experiences. As a single woman with strong faith, she has impacted
many lives in the Ozarks and around the world. Her passion for sports opened opportunities for
her to travel and bring Christ and His word to people from all walks of life. Everything Vicki
does, she does it in a way that glorifies and honors God. Upon meeting her, it is undeniably
noticeable how strong her faith is and how interested she is in sharing it with others.
As an entrepreneur, she brings her own style of leadership to her workplace and provides
her company with an openly religious atmosphere. Her religious standards help her maintain a
strong reputation, and they help her care more about her customers than making an extra dollar.
Since Vicki doesn’t have a traditional family, she has put all of her time and energy into raising
her business and making it a reflection of her own personal beliefs.
Her business style and passion for travel through sports might not have continued if she
did not have a personal need to glorify and honor Jesus; it is obvious that he is the center of her
attention. Her past and present experiences carry enough credentials to show that she is a humble
servant of God. Her only desire for her future is to continue to carry out work for him, whether it
be through mission trips, through her community church, or through her own business. Getting to
know Vicki has deepened my own faith and has convinced me to live life in a way that glorifies
Missouri State University
Fall 2008
Religious Lives of Ozarks Women