Create a Proof Activity

Create a Proof Activity
Each student will need to create an original two-column proof
similar to the proofs that they have been using in class. The proof
must meet the criteria listed below.
They will need to write the proof in large legible print on a
piece of white paper. They will then cut the proof statements and
reasons out if the paper into individual slips (students saw an
example in class). The students need to turn their slips into me in
an envelope with their name on the envelope.
Once the students have turned their cut up proofs into me, I
will switch the proofs with other students. The students will put the
proof that they receive in the correct order and paste the proof to
another sheet of paper or construction paper.
Proof Requirements:
 Must be two-column
 Must have at least 5 correct steps
 Must have 1 extra statement and reason that does not fit into the
 Steps can not be labeled with numbers
Students will be graded on the accuracy of the proof that they
create and the correct assembly of the proof they receive.
Due Dates:
Envelope with Cut Up proof: Thursday Feb 4th
Reconstructed Proof:
On or Before Tuesday Feb 9th
 10 points for turning in steps
 5 points for an envelope
 60 points for reconstructed steps
 25 points for appearance