3.6s Reading Specialist Evaluation Rubric CURIN 873: Practicum in Diagnosis and Remediation Rubric for Evaluation of Candidates' Clinical Experience Standard 3: The reading specialist demonstrates the use of a variety of assessment tools and practices to plan and evaluate effective literacy instruction. Standard 4: The reading specialist demonstrates the use of instructional practices, approaches and methods, curriculum materials, and the appropriate use of assessments to create a literate environment that fosters effective reading and writing instruction. Standard 5: The reading specialist demonstrates the importance of continuing professional development in increasing the knowledge and skills required for teaching all students to read and write effectively. 240 Points Element Not Met Met Target Score Standard 3 Assessment 1 Administered and Administered and Administered and correctly interpreted two correctly interpreted a correctly interpreted six or fewer developmentally minimum of four or more developmentally appropriate predevelopmentally appropriate preassessments in phonics, appropriate preassessments in phonics, phonemic awareness, assessments in phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary and vocabulary (Score 0-5) (Score 6-7) (Score 8-10) 2 Planned instruction based Planned instruction based Planned instruction based on one identified need for on a minimum of two on students' assessed each student identified needs for each needs in the areas of student phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension and vocabulary (Score 0-5) (Score 6-7) (Score 8-10) 3 Matched one objective to Matched most objectives Matched all objectives to students' assessed needs to students' assessed students' assessed needs needs (Score 0-5) (Score 6-7) (Score 8-10) 4 Reflected on instruction Reflected on instruction Reflected on instruction but made no but made minimal and made modifications modifications modifications as needed (Score 0-5) (Score 6-7) (Score 8-10) 5 Administered and Administered and Administered and correctly interpreted two correctly interpreted a correctly interpreted a or fewer developmentally minimum of four minimum of six appropriate postdevelopmentally appropriate postassessments in phonics, appropriate postassessments in phonics, phonemic awareness, assessments in phonics, phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, phonemic awareness, fluency, comprehension, 3.6s Reading Specialist Evaluation Rubric and vocabulary (Score 0-5) 6 7 8 9 10 11 Did not communicate with students on strengths or areas of need (Score 0-5) Did not communicate with parents or caretakers on results of assessments or strategies to use (Score 0-5) Did not communicate with appropriate school personnel on results of assessments and recommended strategies to use (Score 0-5) fluency, comprehension, and vocabulary (Score 6-7) Communication Communicated with students on areas of need for improvement, but not strengths (Score 6-7) Communicated with parents or caretakers on results of assessments, but did not recommend strategies to use (Score 6-7) Communicated with appropriate school personnel on results of assessments only (Score 6-7) Standard 4 Instruction Curriculum materials for Used a range of implementing instruction curriculum materials for did not include all of the implementing instruction following: varied cultural including varied cultural materials, multilevel texts, materials, multilevel texts, trade books, and trade books, and technology-based technology-based materials materials, but were limited in number to one or two of each type (Score 0-5) (Score 6-7) Used two or fewer Used a minimum of three strategies and methods strategies and methods (think alouds, graphic (think alouds, graphic organizers, repeated organizers, repeated reading, readers theatre, reading, readers theatre, SQ3R, DRTA) for SQ3R, DRTA) for implementing instruction implementing instruction (Score 0-5) Provided evidence of student learning through a post-assessment in one or fewer areas needed (Score 6-7) Provided evidence of students learning through post-assessments in two areas needed (phonics, and vocabulary (Score 8-10) Communicated with students on areas of strength and need for improvement (Score 8-10) Communicated with parents or caretakers on results of assessments and strategies (Score 8-10) Communicated with appropriate school personnel on results of assessments and strategies (Score 8-10) Used a wide range of curriculum materials for implementing instruction including varied cultural materials, multilevel texts, trade books, and technology-based materials (Score 8-10) Used multiple (six or more) strategies and methods (think alouds, graphic organizers, repeated reading, readers theatre, SQ3R, DRTA) for implementing instruction (Score 8-10) Provided evidence of student learning through post-assessments in areas needed (phonics, fluency, 3.6s Reading Specialist Evaluation Rubric (phonics, fluency, vocabulary, comprehension) (Score 0-5) 12 13 14 Did not establish a positive classroom environment (Score 0-5) Did not maintain appropriate standards of behavior in the classroom (Score 0-5) Used instructional time inefficiently (Score 0-5) 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Frequently arrived late to the classroom (Score 0-5) Frequently arrived unprepared for class without lessons or materials (Score 0-5) Lessons did not address two required areas (Score 0-5) Assignments were frequently turned in late (Score 0-5) Appearance was inappropriate for a professional (Score 0-5) Demonstrated an unprofessional demeanor (Score 0-5) Responded positively to constructive criticism and suggestions (Score 0-5) Reflections did not relate fluency, vocabulary, comprehension) (Score 6-7) Classroom Environment Established a positive classroom environment vocabulary, comprehension (Score 8-10) Established a positive classroom environment (Score 6-7) Maintained appropriate standards of behavior in the classroom most of the time (Score 6-7) Used instructional time effectively most of the time (Score 6-7) Standard 5 Professionalism Arrived to the classroom a majority of the time (Score 6-7) Arrived prepared for class (Score 8-10) Maintained appropriate standards of behavior in the classroom (Score 6-7) Completed lessons with all areas but one addressed (Score 6-7) Completed most assignments on time (Score 6-7) Maintained a professional appearance (Score 8-10) Completed lessons with all areas addressed (Score 6-7) Maintained a professional demeanor (Score 6-7) Responded positively to constructive criticism and suggestions most of the time (Score 6-7) Used reflection to make (Score 8-10) Maintained a professional demeanor at all times (Score 8-10) Always responded positively to constructive criticism and suggestions (Score 8-10) Used instructional time effectively (Score 8-10) Always arrived punctually to the classroom (Score 8-10) Always arrive prepared for class (Score 8-10) Completed all assignments on time (Score 8-10) Maintained a professional appearance at all times (Score 8-10) Effectively used reflection 3.6s Reading Specialist Evaluation Rubric to instructional decisions 23 24 (Score 0-5) Reflections did not discuss whether any changes were needed in instruction (Score 0-5) Reflections did not discuss any future recommendations for the students (Score 0-5) instructional decisions to make instructional decisions (Score 6-7) (Score 8-10) Used reflection to identify Effectively used reflection changes needed in to identify changes instruction needed in instruction (Score 6-7) Used reflection to make future recommendations for the students (Score 6-7) (Score 8-10) Effectively used reflection to make future recommendations for the students (Score 8-10)