3.5i District Leadership Second Practicum Guidelines Pittsburg State University Special Services and Leadership Studies SSLS 998 - Practicum in Educational Leadership Spring 2010 The Practicum in Educational Leadership 998 is based on individual laboratory and field work in various organizational settings suitable for the development of leadership skills through mentoring relationships. The student will initiate and follow through on all activities. Purposes of the Practicum Experience The purpose of the practicum is to place the student in a setting to both observe and participate in the varied tasks and duties of a district level administrator. In addition, various course projects are assigned which cause the candidate to be active and involved, and not merely an observer of school leadership activities. Course Objectives Students will: 1. Be exposed to a comprehensive view of district leadership perspectives in education fieldbased settings, 2. Experience actual leadership tasks and situations, 3. Gain actual administrative experiences, 4. Begin to establish an educational leadership philosophy through observation and practice, 5. Deepen their knowledge base through a daily practice of professional reading, 6. Assist in developing staff development activities for themselves and for other educators, 7. Deepen their understanding of the "big picture" of district leadership and how systems interact, 8. Learn how to utilize the practice of self-reflection in order to continually improve, and 9. Gain experience at working with individuals who comprise the major stakeholders of the educational community. The Role of the Student The graduate student completing the practicum activities leading to a recommendation for district certification in Educational Leadership must: A. Become acquainted with aspects of district school administration, B. Complete all duties and responsibilities assigned by the internship coordinator, C. Keep and submit all assignments as outlined in course SSLS 901, SSLS 902, SSLS 903, SSLS 997 & SSLS 998. While the courses are outlined to fit within the higher education structure, experience is a combination of the courses listed, D. Complete all assigned readings and attend on-campus sessions with the practicum coordinator as specified, and E. Learn to adequately utilize technology to support the role and responsibilities of educational leaders 3.5i District Leadership Second Practicum Guidelines The Role of the Mentor Support Facilitators The university relies on area practitioners to assist in the development of the Educational Leadership student through the practicum experience. Several certified administrators will work with the practicum student by: A. Guiding and directing the student's daily activities, B. Sharing his/her skills and knowledge while directing the activities of the practicum student, C. Relaying the importance of the practicum experiences to the local Board of Education, staff, and other personnel as necessary, and D. Seeking out opportunities to allow the student to experience "hands-on" leadership tasks as appropriate. The Role of the Practicum Coordinator The university professor who supervises and evaluates the overall practicum experience, working with the mentor and the practicum student, will: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Disseminate all necessary components of the practicum to the student and mentors, Maintain contact with the student and the mentor throughout the duration of the semester, Make on-site visits as needed to support and enhance the student's practicum experience, Critique all written correspondence from the student, and Conduct an end-of-semester "debriefing" with the student to evaluate the overall effectiveness of the process. Teaching Strategies Due to the nature of the practicum experience, direct instruction during this course will be limited to those times when all practicum students meet. The field-based experiences are in a variety of educational leadership settings and designed to extend the learning and knowledge base by active participation. Student Responsibilities: Students are expected to do graduate level work and to conduct themselves in a professional manner at all times during course activities. This experience is a culminating activity in leadership. The student will demonstrate the initiative to find alternatives and solutions to meet the requirements of this experience. Evaluation of Student Learning The practicum in Educational Leadership is a pass/fail class, and thus all students who successfully complete the program will be expected to fully participate and do quality work. The following activities and experiences are minimal expectations. Practicum Log: The student is required to log his/her time to document that the required number of hours for the internship is completed. The log is to be submitted before the end of the semester. 3.5i District Leadership Second Practicum Guidelines Kansas State Board of Education: STANDARDS Standard 1: An education leader promotes the success of all student by facilitating the development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a vision of learning that is shared and supported by al stakeholders. Standard 2: An education leader promotes the success of every student by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. Standard 3: An education leader promotes the success of every student by ensuring management of the organization, operation, and resources for a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. Standard 4: An education leader promotes the success of every student by collaborating with faculty and community members, responding to diverse community interests and needs, and mobilizing community resources. Standard 5: An education leader promotes the success of every student by acting with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical manner. Standard 6: An education leader promotes the success of every student by understanding, responding to, and influencing the political, social, economic, legal, and cultural context. Core Student Outcomes Throughout District Educational Systems Leadership Coursework As a result of successful completion of this program the student will understand the rationale and reasons educational leaders should: CO 1 CO 2 CO 3 CO 4 Maintain personal, physical and emotional wellness. Manage time effectively. Relate local policy to state and federal regulations and requirements. Promote the value of understanding and celebrating school/community cultures. CO 5 Understand and be able to communicate with all cultural groups in the community. CO 6 Demonstrate that good judgment and actions communicate as well as words. CO 7 Define processes for gathering, analyzing, and using data for informed decision making. CO 8 Discuss legal concepts, regulations, and codes for school operations. CO 9 Demonstrate knowledge of adult learning theory and motivation. CO 10 Exhibit multicultural and ethnic understanding and sensitivity. 3.5i District Leadership Second Practicum Guidelines SSLS 902 - 998 Spring Content Area Outcomes Area: Business and Organizational Management 1. Develop a process for maintaining accurate fiscal reporting. 2. Acquire, allocate, and manage human, material, and financial resources effectively and develop a system of accountability to facilitate successful student learning. 3. Use technological applications to enhance administration of business and support systems. 4. Perform budget planning, management, account auditing, and monitoring. 5. Demonstrate am understanding of practices in administering auxiliary programs, such as maintenance, facilities, food services, etc. 6. Describe historical issues related to current Kansas School Finance issues. 7. Demonstrate knowledge of equity and adequacy in school funding issues. Area: Human Resources Management 1. Develop a process for maintaining accurate fiscal reporting. 2. Acquire, allocate, and manage human, material, and financial resources effectively and a system of accountability that facilitates successful student learning. 3. Develop a plan to assess system and staff needs to identify areas for concentrated staff development. 4. Demonstrate knowledge of adult learning theory and motivation. 5. Evaluate the effectiveness of comprehensive staff development programming to determine its effect on professional performance. 6. Demonstrate use of system and staff evaluation data for personal policy and decision making. 7. Diagnose and improve organizational health/morale. 8. Demonstrate an understanding of alternative benefit packages. 9. Assess individual and institutional sources of stress and develop methods for reducing stress. Area: Facilities Operations & Maintenance 1. Organize a bond election campaign. 2. Utilize appropriate business management principles in the building and maintaining of school facilities. 3. Understand the needs of and be able to plan for preschool, elementary, middle school, and high school facilities. 4. Recommend criteria to be considered in selecting an architect. 5. Understand and implement laws related to bond issues and facility improvements. 6. Identify safety and environmental standards applicable to school facilities. 3.5i District Leadership Second Practicum Guidelines Area: Facilities, Operations & Maintenance 1. Demonstrate an understanding of line-staff relationship to the effectiveness of utilizing support services. 2. Describe and assess ways of meeting the need for requiring and preferential supportive services for pupils. 3. Understand the needs of and be able to plan for support services. 4. Recommend criteria to be considered in selecting appropriate support service programs. 5. Understand laws related to support services and related activities. 6. Demonstrate the knowledge required in planning and implementing safe, efficient support services programs. 3.5i District Leadership Second Practicum Guidelines Practicum – 998 3.5i District Leadership Second Practicum Guidelines Standard 1 FB 1 1K4 --Committees Identify three committees or design making groups within your school system. Observe and describe how their meetings are held and how decisions are made. Identify model practices and explain why these practices deserve to be deemed model practices. Identify practices that could be improved and explain how the practices could be improved. Standard 1 Standard 3 FB 2 1P3 – District Calendar Describe a process for creating a district annual calendar. Include documents to review at the outset of the process, Identify participants (internal and external), Identify a list of potential issues to be addressed in developing the annual calendar, Identify the time line for developing the annual calendar including when the recommendation will be made to the board of education, Standard 1 Standard 2 FB 3 1P5– Aides in Classrooms The board has just asked you to develop a plan to determine when a regular elementary classroom teacher should be given an aide to assist her because her class size is too large. Identify research on the issue and summarize key points Describe how you would share the data with staff and the school board Decide on a specific plan, describe it and justify it based on research, even though it may not be what the board requested. Describe how you anticipate this plan will impact student learning. Standard 1 Standard 2 FB 4 2P5 – Superintendent’s Performance Evaluation Acquire a copy of the current district superintendent's evaluation model. Interview a current administrator who is evaluated through this model. Identify strengths and weaknesses to the existing model. Provide recommendations to improve the model and evaluative process. Standard 3 FB 5 3K1 –Effective School Organizational Model or Equivalent in Missouri or Oklahoma. Get a copy of the Kansas SB 066 Report, the Missouri Annual Secretary of the Board (ASBR) or equivalent document for Oklahoma. What is it? What does it contain? Who prepares it for your district? Standard 1 Standard 3 FB 6 3K3A –Flow Chart(s) for Hiring Create a flow chart on the hiring process For Administrative Personnel For Instructional Personnel For Classified Personnel In the flow charts of the processes be sure to include: Persons responsible Persons involved in the selection of interviewees and as interviewers Tasks from the time a position is declared vacant to giving the new hire the keys to the desk 3.5i District Leadership Second Practicum Guidelines Standard 3 FB 7 3K4D – Budget Policies Report on your district's budget policies and procedures (the process, not the dollars and cents). List each policy by title and number and give a brief overview of its contents. Standard 3 FB 8 3K4E – Audits What programs and data are reviewed in an internal audit and a KSDE audit? How is an auditor selected? Who is the auditor? How often must an audit be performed? How is the audit conducted? When? Who is involved? What is reviewed? When is it reported to the Board? Summarize the business manager's other thoughts or insights regarding audits. Get a copy of your district’s audit report and read it. What did it contain that you expected? What did it contain that you didn't expect? Standard 3 FB 9 3K4F – Insurance Create a table listing the types of insurance, provider, what risks are covered and cost. How are providers selected? How often must the district re-bid insurance premiums? How often do they rebid? Standard 6 FB 10 5K5 – Philosophies or Events How have three past philosophies or historical events impacted education today? Draw some inferences. Standard 6 FB 11 6K3 – Democracy and Education Explain the relationship between public education and the democratic society. Reflect on two programs or structures within the district that promote the relationship between education and democracy. Standard 3 FB 12 6K4 – Court Cases Discuss how five specific court cases since 1995 have influenced public education. Standard 6 FB 13 6P5A – Letter to a Legislator Create a sample letter to a legislator outlining a position. 3.5i District Leadership Second Practicum Guidelines 3.5i District Leadership Second Practicum Guidelines Rubric Department of Special Services and Leadership Studies District Leadership Program Criteria Pass Excellent (2) Pass (1) Fail (0) A. Addresses the topic required Addresses topic thoroughly; response is complex and demonstrates a thorough understanding of concepts. Addresses topics, however, one or two areas only superficially OR one section ignored. Addresses topic superficially OR ignores critical concepts. B. Accuracy of topic Information provided in the response is accurate. Most of the information provided in the response is accurate and consistent; slight mistakes only Many inaccuracies or inconsistencies OR a major inaccuracy that clouds the response. C. Detail Provides sufficient detail to support ideas; avoids getting bogged down in endless, irrelevant details, thoroughly prepared Provides sufficient detail to support ideas; gives some irrelevant details; good preparation; few generalizations Provides barely enough detail to support ideas; gives some irrelevant details; many generalizations D. Relevant analysis Draws on relevant references from the literature and practice Draws on a reference from the literature and practice Cites no relevant references from the literature or practice E. Organization Well-organized, easy to follow, logical flow of ideas Mostly well-organized, mostly easy to follow, logical flow of ideas most of the time Shows little organization, difficult to follow; flow of ideas not easily discerned, incoherent, fragmented F. Original thought Considerable evidence of extension of knowledge and theory to novel situations; creative application of knowledge; provides alternative views; evidence of appropriate risktaking; provides new insight into some aspects of response. Some creative application of knowledge to the situation; some evidence of appropriate risk taking; provides 1 alternative view; some new insights provided No creative application of knowledge to the situation; trite; no new insights provided Near-perfect mechanics. only a few minor mistakes not sufficient to distract from understanding. Errors in mechanics, to the extent they make the response difficult to read. G. Writing mechanics, e.g. syntax, Perfect mechanics grammar, spelling, punctuation Overall Rating (Pass, Not Yet Completed) 3.5i District Leadership Second Practicum Guidelines Writing Rubric Department of Special Services and Leadership Studies District Leadership Program Student Name: Criteria A. Addresses all steps to complete activity Reviewer's Signature Pass Excellent (2) Addresses necessary steps to complete the activity; response is complex and demonstrates a thorough understanding of concepts. Pass (1) Addresses most of the steps necessary to complete activity. Fail (0) Addresses steps superficially OR ignores two or more serious steps to completion B. Accuracy Information provided in the response is accurate and realistic for an educational setting. Most of the information provided in the response is accurate and consistent; slight mistakes only Many inaccuracies or inconsistencies OR a major inaccuracy that clouds the response. C. Detail Provides sufficient detail to support actions; avoids getting bogged down in endless, irrelevant details, thoroughly prepared Provides sufficient detail to support actions; gives some irrelevant details; good preparation; few generalizations Provides barely enough detail to support actions; gives some irrelevant details; many generalizations E. Organization Well-organized, easy to follow, logical flow of ideas Mostly well-organized, mostly easy to follow, logical flow of ideas most of the time Shows little organization, difficult to follow; flow of ideas not easily discerned, incoherent, fragmented F. Original thought Considerable evidence of extension of knowledge and theory to novel situations; creative application of knowledge; provides alternative views; evidence of appropriate risk-taking; provides new insight into some aspects of response. Perfect mechanics Some creative application of knowledge to the situation; some evidence of appropriate risk taking; provides 1 alternative view; some new insights provided No creative application of knowledge to the situation; trite; no new insights provided Near-perfect mechanics, only a few minor mistakes not sufficient to distract from understanding. Errors in mechanics, to the extent they make the response difficult to read. D. Cites relevant references. Use reflection points G. Writing mechanics, e.g. syntax, grammar, spelling, punctuation 3.5i District Leadership Second Practicum Guidelines Portfolio Rubric Department of Special Services and Leadership Studies District Leadership Program Student Name: Reviewer's Signature Criteria Pass Excellent (3) A Grade Pass Satisfactory (2) B Grade Pass Minimal (1) C Grade Fail (0) F Not Passing A. Reflections Write Ups All Reflections/ Write Ups Addressed thoroughly; responses are complex and demonstrate a thorough understanding of concepts. Addressed thoroughly. Most Reflections/write ups are. Some Reflections/ Write Ups are complete but superciliously Superficial work and products. B. Accuracy & Detail Information provided response is accurate. Provides sufficient detail to support ideas; avoids getting bogged down in endless, irrelevant details, thoroughly prepared. Provides sufficient detail to support ideas; avoids getting bogged down in endless, irrelevant details, thoroughly prepared. Most of the information provided in the response are accurate and consistent; slight mistakes only. Provides sufficient detail to support ideas; gives some irrelevant details; good preparation; few generalizations Most of the information provided in the response is accurate and consistent; slight inconsistencies and some minor inaccuracies are present. Lacking good detail to support ideas; gives some irrelevant details; many generalizations Many inaccuracies or inconsistencies OR a major inaccuracy that clouds the response. Fails to provide enough detail to support ideas; gets bogged down in endless, irrelevant details, response so sketchy that reader is unsure of point. E. Organization Professional Appearance Well-organized, easy to follow, logical flow of ideas-professional appearance eye catching Mostly well-organized, mostly easy to follow, logical flow of ideas most of the time. Good Appearance Some organization evident, difficult to follow, orderly flow of ideas somewhat evident. Okay appearance not to much effort. Shows little organization, difficult to follow; flow of ideas not easily discerned, incoherent, and fragmented. - Book cover no effort G. Writing mechanics, e.g. syntax, grammar, spelling, punctuation (Weight=1) Perfect mechanics Near-perfect mechanics, only a few minor mistakes Some errors in mechanics, but not sufficient to detract from understanding Many errors in mechanics, so many that they make the response difficult to read 3.5i District Leadership Second Practicum Guidelines