
Student Senate Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, September 2nd, 2015
Location: Sunflower Room
Overman Student Center
Meeting Called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Vice President Herring.
Roll Call:
a. Present
i. Cabinet: President Hostetler Vice President Herring, Academic Affairs Director Herring, BIG
Event Director Botts, Campus Affairs Director Ryan Magee, Community Affairs Director
Lynnes, Legislative Affairs Director Gilchrist, and Public Relations Director Deuvall.
ii. Senator(s): Alli Audley, Austin Bailey, Bridget Bergkamp, Kenna Bideau, Bryce Burns, Austin
Caskey, Marcus Clem, Taylor Cole, Maya Dandu, Dakota Dudash, Kennedy Dujakovich, Dakota
Dudash, Brittney Feuerborn, Bobby Gill, Zac Green, Ashton Halda, Nolan Higginbotham, Brady
Holthaus, Michael McFarland, Haley Northcutt, Jerry Phommachack, Trista Vogel, Mackenzie
Williams, and Logan Zavodny.
iii. Graduate Senators: Sneha Polusani
iv. Justice(s): Chief Justice Cecilia Franco & Justice Matthew Allen
b. Absent
i. Cabinet: Treasurer Cloninger
ii. Senator(s): Alli Audley, Bryce Burns, Dakota Dudash, & Haley Northcutt.
iii. Graduate Senator: Sneha Polusani
iv. Justice(s): Chief Justice Cecilia Franco and Justice Matthew Allen.
Approval of Minutes
a. Vice President Herring: Minutes being presented tonight are the August 19th and 26th minutes.
b. Senator Clem : Moved to Accept the August 19th and 26th meeting minutes.
c. Director Gilchrist : Seconded the motion to accept the August 19th and 26th meeting minutes.
d. Motion to accept the August 19th and 26th meeting minutes Passed/Failed with a vote of 18-0-0.
Special Guest Speaker(s):
a. Jason Meyer and Mary Ellen Coutoure from the USA Today Readership Program.
i. Breaking the “Campus Bubble” through national, regional, and local news.
ii. 550 Print Programs has evolved to a custom news app.
iii. Students need easy access (ie: digital material.)
iv. USA Today personalizes each app with school colors, school newspaper, and banners that SGA
would control.
v. The app streams USA Today, USA Today College (comprised of articles written by 250 18-24
year old college students), and the school newspaper.
vi. All articles can be shared (Facebook, Twitter) emailed, or commented on.
vii. All universities get 4 banner ads.
viii. The app is available for iPhone/Android
1. Senator Bailey: What is the cost? What is the cost per download?
a. Mary Ellen Couture: Flat rate each month based off university enrollment
b. Mary Ellen Couture: $12,000, but open and operating 365 days a year.
i. Features include: calendar, campus map, additional analytics (campus
ii. The app will cause a decrease in hard-copy readership.
iii. There is not authentication process.
2. Senator McFarland: What does this app have that I can’t get from the PSU website?
a. Mary Ellen Couture: This app is not an authoritarian app. It is more like
Senator Clem: What is the closest Gannet paper?
a. Jason Meyer: Springfield, Missouri
i. This is just to start. We will expand.
Senator Clem: That will be the closest?
a. Jason Meyer: Just to start, yes. But this app is evolving all year. It will update.
Senator Halda: Do you post the student feedback?
a. Mary Ellen Couture: No, we do not post. But we feed you the information
through analytics.
i. We met with the Collegio in the Spring and they are interested.
ii. No school with the app has lost audience.
iii. USA Today partners with you.
iv. There is a 20-30 point marketing plan.
v. We serve on a committee with students, faculty, and staff.
vi. We have a paid marketing position for a student.
vii. We fund ads in The Collegio twice a year.
viii. You will receive an entire social and print media/marketing package.
Senator Clem: On the marketing paid stipend: Is that a scholarship?
a. Mary Ellen Couture: It can be appointed or interviewed for.
i. The selected student will receive regular information and a bi-weekly
conference call.
ii. The selected student will receive $300 per semester/ $600 for the year.
iii. The experience will count as an internship with USA Today.
Vice-President Herring: Senate has Executive Officers contact information. Please reach
Officer Reports
a. President Hostetler:
i. Budget is Complete
ii. Working on Justice Vacancies
iii. Met with Dr. Irwin about getting a display screen in our office.
1. Senator Clem: USA Today Readership Program will go up for 1st Reading next
a. President Hostetler: Yes
iv. Just a reminder: Only push resolutions into 2nd Reading if an emergency.
v. Treasurer Cloninger is putting together the Finance Committee
b. Vice President Herring:
i. I am very excited that we will be swearing in 22 new senators tomorrow night!
Yayy! Only 10 more until senate and J-Board is full!
ii. Only four people attended an office training session. It must be completed this week
or it will count against you. Even Cabinet needs to attend a session.
iii. Passing around sheets for two (2) university committees, please sign up.
iv. Dinner with Dr. Scott, President of PSU, is next Wednesday, September 9th, 2015. Please only
RSVP if you for certain can attend.
v. Senate Retreat will be September 26th, the time is TBA due to Highway Clean-Up schedule.
1. Senator Clem: Request to do Swear-Ins sooner rather than later.
a. Vice President Herring: We intend to swear in new senators next week.
c. Treasurer Cloninger:
i. I am hoping to put up a finance committee resolution if I get enough people
ii. I am also hoping to put up the new Allocations handbook for this Fall semester.
Please look over the previous Allocations handbook on the SGA website if you do
not know what they have looked like before.
iii. After I have a finance committee and an Allocations handbook, I will begin making
an info session video.
Director Reports
a. Academic Affairs Director Herring:
i. I've scheduled a meeting with the provost for next week.
ii. The first faculty senate is September 28, 2015 at 3 PM. I'm still needing someone to
attend in my place, so if you are interested let me know! We MUST have a
representative at these meetings!
b. BIG Event Director Botts:
i. As far as progress with Big Event up to now I have secured three sponsors.
ii. My main focus at this point is getting more donations and sponsors.
iii. If senators are choosing committee's Wednesday then I want to say that joining Big
Event Committee would be the best decision in your entire life, or up there at least.
iv. There obviously won't be a lot going on in the fall, but we will be doing a few things
to prepare for next semester.
v. Big Event is always fun to be a part of because it is extremely satisfying to prepare
and put time into it and see the great help it is for our community.
vi. I look forward to what this year has in store!
c. Campus Affairs Director Magee:
i. Getting ready Dream Machine Challenge Starting in October 1st
ii. Throw me CCI ideas!
iii. Gorilla Games are Tuesday, September 29th, 2015. Please volunteer.
1. Senator McFarland: Are the Dream Machines buttons recycled?
a. Director Magee: Yes.
iv. Joint Presidents Council with Campus Activities Center.
v. Light Walk is scheduled for October 7th, 2015.
vi. Electronic bulletin board quote is $28,000. We’re not going to do that.
vii. I’m reaching out to Todd Wixson (Sodexo) and Jeff Steinmiller (Overman Student Center) to
further a few initiatives.
viii. The Presidential Q & A this year will be on The Oval.
d. Community Affairs Director Lynnes:
i. There will be a sign up sheet for Holiday Heroes. This is where you will need to buy
a gift for a child in foster care. This is not required but highly encouraged, so please
think about doing it out of respect and kindness.
Please be spreading around the word for Kicks for Kids. Each month I will count up
who brought in the most shoes and they will be receiving a reward.
After reviewing the rules for Paint The Town Red, it turns out that we can't win 2
years in a row, but out of good school spirit let's try to still do an amazing job!
Student discounts should be coming out within the next couple of weeks. If you have
a connection with a local business let me know so we can get together with them.
We have collected zero pairs of shoes for the Kicks for Kids campaign so far. Prizes
will be awarded to SGA members bringing in the most.
e. Legislative Affairs Director Gilchrist:
i. The Constitution edits are done, there is a document showing all changes on the P-
Drive and I will email it out to all of you this week. I am also emailing it to the
Homecoming committee so that they may review the changes and discuss the
possibility of allowing us to put the amendments on the ballot further.
ii. Constitution Day is September 17th, and I will be passing around the sign-up sheet
again at meeting on Wednesday.
iii. Legislative topics you would like to be addressed at Student Advisory Council at
Kansas Board of Regents, please email myself or President Hostetler.
Public Relations Director Deuvall:
i. Helping Hank with the allocations video
ii. Hung up table tents for vacancies today
iii. I’m excited about the USA Today App because of the Public Relations/Advertising
Advisor Reports
a. Advisor Erwin:
i. Encouraged people to continue riding the shuttle.
ii. In the next week or two, start a survey to gather data about the shuttle.
iii. Encouraged Senate to attend the dinner with Dr. Scott.
iv. The Grubbs Project @ will be moved to a separate account.
v. Need 1 student for the Enrollment Management committee.
1. Vice-President Herring: Needs 2 student for Athletic Committee
b. Advisor Sager:
i. Regarding wardrobe for next Wednesday.
ii. Gentlemen: no scruffy.
iii. Ladies: Dress appropriately.
iv. On October 14th, 2015 the Board of Regents is visiting PSU.
1. There will be open meetings for students to attend during the visit.
a. Need to have students attend.
CBS: Many hours, myself, Vice-President Herring, Treasurer Cloninger, and
former Treasurer Rodney Kimlin
Vice-President Herring: Numbers reflect skeleton budget too.
Senator Bideau: New senators, I encourage you to look at this in
the office.
Old Business
a. There is no unresolved business from the August 26th, 2015 meeting.
New Business
a. Resolution 15-20: 2015-2016 Fiscal Budget
i. Senator Clem : Moved to Adopt the resolution.
ii. Senator Halda : Seconded the motion.
iii. Motion passes, with a vote of 18-00-00.
1. Resolution 15-20 is Adopted.
b. Resolution 15-21: Senate Vacancy Committee
i. Senator Clem : Moved to Adopt the resolution.
ii. Senator Bailey : Seconded the motion.
iii. Motion passes, with a vote of 18-00-00.
1. Resolution 15-21 is Adopted.
CBS: Meeting minutes are gone, people have shuffled through positions, some are no
longer with us.
Open Forum
a. Senator McFarland: USA Today, sales people were here to sell.
i. I don’t think anyone will use.
ii. We already have all of this.
1. Vice-President Herring: We pay for the newspapers.
a. President Hostetler and I have been in meetings since April.
2. Senator Clem: I would be more on board if we could separate racks with low readership.
a. Advisor Sager: Homecoming Forms are online and due Friday at 4:00pm. Contact me before Friday.
i. New Senators are here; Senate talk to them.
b. Director Magee: Newbies, feel free to chat with me.
c. Advisor Erwin: Season opener (football game) is tomorrow night!
d. Senator Halda: Let’s talk to constituents.
i. Vice President Herring: Download it and show them that.
e. Legislative Affairs Director Gilchrist: We pay monthly.
i. We can cancel anytime.
ii. Don’t get sticker shocked.
f. Vice President Herring: We haven’t collected money in six years.
g. Advisor Erwin: What is the balance?
i. Senator Bailey: Approximately $16,000
1. Advisor Erwin: A fee would have to be levied next year.
h. Senator Holthaus: If there is no local news, what is the point?
i. I can get national news on my phone.
1. Senator Dujakovich: How long until they get local news on the app?
a. Vice President Herring: It is still in development.
i. But we will get The Collegio.
i. President Hostetler: The speakers were here to answer questions, why didn’t you ask them?
i. I am closing debate.
ii. Bring me questions.
iii. We will send USA Today your questions.
iv. Talk with your constituents.
j. Senator Bideau: Can we get a budget for how much we spend/ this will cost?
i. Vice President Herring: Yes, Treasurer Cloninger will send.
k. Anonymous: Numbers on readership?
i. Vice President Herring: Yes.
l. Senator Feuerborn: Can the app connect to Gorilla Radio, college broadcasting, and The Collegio?
i. Vice President Herring: The Collegio right now.
ii. Senator Bideau: We gave Gorilla Radio money for new equipment, this would be great exposure
for them.
m. Senator Vogel: Can we link to communication news.
i. Vice President Herring: Yes, we control.
n. Senator Clem: Would take a long time to get Morning Sun online.
Motion to Adjorn
a. Senator Bailey : Moved to adjourn
b. Senator Caskey : Seconded
c. Motion passes 18-00-00.
i. Senate is Adjourned until September 9th, 2015 at 7:00pm.