MINUTES BOARD OF TRUSTEES MEETING ANDERSON SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER FIVE Anderson, South Carolina August 18, 2015 6:30 P.M. The Board of Trustees of Anderson County School District Number Five met in the Offices of the Board this date with the following members present: Dr. Sandy Addis, Mr. Jay Blankenship, Mr. Rick Bradshaw, Mr. John Griffith, Mrs. Ann Huitt, Mr. Harold Kay, II, Mr. Tommy Price and Mr. Paul Zugg. Absent was Mrs. Margaret Mack. NOTICE TO MEDIA In accordance with the S. C. Code of Laws, 1976, Section 30-4-80(d), as amended, the following have been notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting: The Anderson Independent-Mail, Greenville News, The Anderson Journal, WYFF, WSPA, Paul Brown, and FOX 21. CALL TO ORDER & WELCOME Mr. Bradshaw called the meeting to order at 6:34 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the meeting. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE & INVOCATION Mr. Bradshaw led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and Mr. Price gave the invocation. APPROVAL OF AGENDA With no objections and by Board consensus, the Agenda was approved as presented. RECOGNITION OF EXCELLENCE Mr. Wilson recognized Mr. Dukes to recognize Director of Middle and High Schools Amy McCoy who received the 2015 Outstanding Science Education Leader Award. This award is sponsored by the South Carolina Science Education Leadership Association. The purpose of SC SELA is to enhance the quality of science education for elementary, middle and secondary students through the improvement of science supervision. OPPORTUNITY FOR CITIZENS TO ADDRESS THE BOARD No one signed up to address the Board. CONSENT AGENDA Mr. Wilson and the Administration recommended Board approval of the minutes of the July 21, 2015 regular Board of Trustees Meeting. With no objections and by Board consensus, the minutes of the July 21, 2015 regular Board of Trustees meeting was approved as submitted. ACTION ITEMS Approval of Act 155 Diploma Petitions – As a result of Act 155, students can now petition for their high school diploma if all other criteria for graduation were met. The Administration recommended Board approval of the one student who has petitioned to receive a high school diploma bringing the district total to 51. Mr. Price made a motion the Board approve the diploma petition as presented. Mr. Zugg seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Approval of FY 16 Personnel Recommendations – Mr. Wilson stated that the district is fully staffed as of August 2015. The Administration recommended Board approval of the FY 16 Personnel as presented. Mr. Zugg made a motion the Board approve the Administration’s recommendation of the FY 16 Personnel as presented. Mr. Price seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Approval of 2015-2016 Digital Device Pilot Proviso – Mr. Wilson recognized Mrs. Heard to present the Digital Device Pilot Proviso. Mrs. Heard reported that the State Department of Education has approximately $4.5 million of carryover funds available for up to six school districts to pilot digital devices. She stated that each district must have Board approval to submit a proposal requesting these funds. The request must be submitted to the State by August 25, 2015. Mrs. Heard further stated that we will be submitting a proposal to pilot Chromebooks in grade 4. The Administration recommended Board approval of the 20152016 Digital Device Pilot Proviso to be submitted to the State Department of Education. Dr. Addis made a motion the Board approve the 2015-2016 Digital Device Pilot Proviso to be submitted to the State Department of Education. Mr. Blankenship seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Recommendation of Name for the Anderson Districts 3, 4, and 5 Career Center – Mr. Wilson presented names being recommended for the new career center for Anderson Districts 3, 4, and 5. He stated that all three districts discussed names for the new career center and the following names were presented to the Legislative Delegation. 1. Center for Advanced Learning 2. Advanced Technical Institute 3. Anderson Institute of Technology Overwhelmingly the Legislative Delegation chose #3 – Anderson Institute of Technology. Mr. Wilson further stated that other two school boards have approved the Delegation’s choice. The Administration recommended Board approval to name the new career center Anderson Institute of Technology. Following some discussion, Mr. Zugg made a motion the Board approve the Administration’s recommendation to name the new career center Anderson Institute of Technology. Mr. Kay seconded the motion. The motion carried with seven in favor and one abstention (Blankenship). 2 SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Financial Reports – Mr. Wilson recognized Mrs. Heard to present as information the monthly Financial Statements and the Pupil Activity Reports for June and July 2015. Mrs. Heard first reported that the district’s projected allocation from the one cent sales tax revenue for the June period totaled approximately $675,988. Of that, approximately $125,198 will go into debt service to reduce the bond indebtedness on property taxes. The amount that is available for our capital projects is approximately $540,000. Mrs. Head reported that books closed on June 30, 2015. She stated that the district always has additional accruals in June, July, and August that will be charged back to June and affect the June financial reports. Mrs. Heard stated that we still have 30 days of property tax collections for August and some expenditures that we are closing out for last year. She further reported that we are anticipate by the end of the year approximately $1.9 million to the good. For the month of July, with regards to revenue, Mrs. Heard reported that state funds are not received until October and local tax revenue is not received until after September. She stated that September, October, and November are our leanest cash flow time; however, we are in good standing and will not have to issue a Tax Anticipation Note (TAN). Finally, Mrs. Heard reported that when the district presented its budget to the County Board we anticipated that the proposed 2015-2016 budget would be $788,000 out of balance. At the beginning of this school year, the 2015-2016 budget is approximately $443,000 out of balance. Instructional Highlight – Mr. Wilson recognized Mrs. Brenda Kelley to present an instructional highlight on the state’s initiative Read-to-Succeed. Mrs. Kelley stated that the Read-to Succeed Initiative (Act 284) was signed into law by Governor Nikki Haley on June 11, 2014. In a PowerPoint presentation, she discussed the purpose of Act 284, grade levels in which Act 284 was implemented, how it can improve the graduation rate, and the eight components of Act 284 (i.e., reading plans, third grade retention, summer reading camps, interventions, Read-to-Succeed Endorsement, CDEP, teacher preparation, reading coaches). Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) – Mr. Wilson recognized Mr. Ben Willis to give and update on the Children’s Internet Protection Act. In a PowerPoint presentation, Mr. Willis discussed What is CIPA, What CIPA Requires, and CIPA in Anderson Five (i.e., Digital Citizenship, Internet Acceptable Use Policy IFBGA and Administrative Rule IFBGA-R, Student Parent Handbook, Gaggle Safety Management, and Web Filtering). (see attached handout) New School Year (1st day August 18, 2015) – Mr. Wilson reported that the 2015-2016 school year began with some issues with the school buses. He reported that the first day started with a lot of media coverage. Mr. Wilson thanked all the principals for working to make the first day of school ran as smoothly as possible. Mr. Wilson stated that construction projects are going well (i.e., roofs at T. L. Hanna and Westside, stadium at T. L. Hanna). He reported that the next major construction project will be the addition to Robert Anderson and the career center. Mr. Wilson reported that the ribbon cutting for the stadium at T. L. Hanna is August 28, 2015. Community Meeting Regarding the Merger of Robert Anderson and Lakeside Middle Schools – Mr. Wilson stated that a community meeting will be held on September 1, 2015 at Robert Anderson College and Career Academy starting at 6:30 p.m. to present the timeline for the merger of Robert Anderson and Lakeside. He also stated that renderings for the addition to Robert Anderson and the new career center will be available for public viewing. Course options for the new career center will also be discussed. 3 Mr. Wilson further stated that the Administration plans to have a recommendation to the Board at its September meeting with regards to the merger of Robert Anderson and Lakeside. RECESS Mr. Price made a motion the Board recess for five minutes, and then reconvene in Executive Session to discuss the Superintendent’s Evaluation and two contractual matters. Mr. Kay seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. (7:28 P.M.) OPEN SESSION FOLLOWING EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Zugg made a motion the Board reconvene in Open Session. Mr. Price seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. Mr. Bradshaw reported that no action was taken in Executive Session; however, action is required on the Superintendent’s Evaluation. Mr. Bradshaw stated “This evening the Board of Trustees of Anderson School District Five met to discuss Superintendent Tom Wilson’s evaluation for the 2014-2015 school year, which we all agree was excellent. The Board continues to be pleased with the leadership Mr. Wilson provides in our schools. In particular, we commend him for his many efforts which led to the successful passage of the one cent sales tax, which will benefit the students and citizens, not just in Anderson Five, but throughout the County, in the coming years. His leadership priorities remain focused on academics, arts and athletics, and with sustained effort will only serve to continue the District’s efforts to provide the best possible education for our students. We as a Board are thankful for his leadership and look forward to the future with him.” ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mr. Price made a motion the Board adjourn. Mr. Griffith seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. (8:38 P.M.) CHAIRMAN SECRETARY DATE DATE Recording Secretary As Approved By Superintendent 4