Anderson, South Carolina
May 19, 2015
6:30 P.M.
The Board of Trustees of Anderson County School District Number Five met in the Offices of
the Board this date with the following members present: Mr. Jay Blankenship, Mr. Rick
Bradshaw, Mr. John Griffith, Mrs. Ann Huitt, Mr. Harold Kay, II, Mrs. Margaret Mack, Mr.
Tommy Price and Mr. Paul Zugg. Absent was Dr. Sandy Addis.
In accordance with the S. C. Code of Laws, 1976, Section 30-4-80(d), as amended, the
following have been notified of the time, date, place and agenda of this meeting: The
Anderson Independent-Mail, Greenville News, The Anderson Journal, WYFF, WSPA, Paul
Brown, and FOX 21.
Mr. Bradshaw called the meeting to order at 6:32 p.m. and welcomed everyone to the
Military Officer James Suber led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. Mr. Kay
gave the invocation.
Mr. Wilson requested that a Supplemental Superintendent’s Report be added to the agenda
as Item #4A and approval of the 2015 Strategic Plan be added to the agenda as Item #7D.
Mr. Kay made a motion the Board approve the agenda with the additions as noted.
Mr. Zugg seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mr. Wilson stated that he is withdrawing the proposal for the Reorganization and
Restructuring of grades 6-12 presented to Board at the May 14, 2015 Committee of the
Whole Meeting. Mr. Wilson stated that he believes the proposal has merit. He also stated
that we, as a community, have learned a lot about each other; some good, some bad. He
hopes that this experience will bring the entire community together. Our goal is to ensure
that all of our schools, regardless of where they are located, are high performing. He
further stated that a child’s address or the income level of their parents should dictate the
quality of education they receive. There were a lot of concerns about the timeline, and
parents shared some good ideas that we had not thought about. Mr. Wilson thanked the
Board for giving him the opportunity to share this proposal. He also thanked everyone who
gave their opinions and input. Mr. Wilson stated that we will continue to move forward with
the expansion of Robert Anderson, with the plans for Lakeside, and with the building of the
new Career Center. Finally, Mr. Wilson thanked the voters who voted to approve the one
cents sales tax. The sales tax is funding new roofs at both high schools, major renovations
at both high school stadiums, and additional school renovations at Westside.
Mr. Wilson recognized Student Management Administrator Henry Adair to recognize the
following graduates of the Assistant Principals’ Academy Level III: Keisha Bentley
and Jeff Taylor, T. L. Hanna High School, an IB World School; Karmon Carpenter and
Rachel Doss, Glenview Middle School; Travis Chapman, Centerville Academy of 21st
Century Learning; Lee Cromer, Calhoun Academy of the Arts; Lisa Dilworth, Robert
Anderson College & Career Academy; Kimberly Grove, South Fant School of Early
Education; Anna Haynes and Brandy McDavid, North Pointe Elementary School of
Choice; Brandon Meares, New Prospect STEM Academy; Jan Mundy and Kyle Whitfield,
McCants Middle School, an IB World School; Charlotte Schulte, Midway Elementary School
of Science & Engineering; and Malura Shady, Homeland Park Primary School. The
Assistant Principals’ Academy is a three-year leadership program which covers information
about school law, safety, politics, ethics, physical responsibilities, a book study, etc.
Next, Mr. Wilson recognized Robert Anderson Instructional Facilitator Curtis Smith to
recognize the 2015 Choice Scholarship Recipients: Lindsey Aman of T. L. Hanna High
School, an IB World School; and Caroline Dunn of Westside High School, an Early College
Academy each received a $500 scholarship. The Choice Scholarship is a district Teacher
of the Year initiative supported by employees and awarded to two students who have made
the choice to go to college and enter the field of education.
Mr. Wilson recognized Anderson V Career Campus Principal Cecil Bonner to recognize the
following students who received an Excellence in Academic and Career Courses: Emily
Barrett, Brook Black, Jenna Boye, and Myia Nash of T. L. Hanna High School, an IB
World School; Kaylynn Hippler and Julia Dempsey of Westside High School, an Early
College Academy. All students plan to further their education at the post-secondary level.
Mr. Wilson then recognized Stacy Carlton and Jeff Taylor to recognize the following students
who are enrolled in the Jobs for America’s Graduate (JAG) program and who competed
at the 2015 South Carolina Career Development Conference.
Timothy Merriweather
12th Grade
3rd Place Winner in Public Speaking
Karlesha Boseman
12th Grade
Team Challenge
Jaylon Davis
11th Grade
Telephone Interview Technique
Chance Hunter
11th Grade
Team Challenge
Ashtin Jones
9 Grade
Team Challenge
Deonte Lowery
10th Grade
Team Challenge
Jacquia Tucker
11th Grade
Poem Contest
The role of the JAG Program is to assure that all students graduate from high school in a
college and career ready pathway. There are approximately 91 students from both high
school schools currently enrolled in the JAG program.
The following persons signed up to address the Board.
Mr. Wesley White commended Mr. Wilson and the Board on their willingness to listen to the
parents with regards to the reorganization/restructuring of the two high schools and
thanked Mr. Wilson for withdrawing his proposal at this time. Mr. White suggested that the
Board consider holding community meetings with regards to the proposal as well as
additional plans for the district.
Ms. Andrea Hamby expressed concerns about competitive sports, specifically Lacrosse, and
requested that the Board consider funding this sport at Westside High School.
Ms. Pam Stancil thanked Mr. Wilson and the Board for listening to the parents with regards
to the reorganization/restructuring of the two high schools. She also stated that the
proposal is a great idea and suggested that the Board consider holding community forums
to discuss the matter further.
Ms. Patty Slaughter also suggested that the Board consider having ongoing conversations
about the reorganization/restructuring of the two high schools.
Mr. Howard Fullier requested that the Board would consider placing more emphasis on other
programs in the district and not so much emphasis placed on athletics.
Mr. Wilson and the Administration recommended Board approval of the following Consent
Agenda items:
Minutes of the April 21, 2015 Regular Board Meeting
2015-2016 Personnel Recommendations
Student Discipline Matter
2015-2016 Strategic Plan
Mr. Zugg made a motion the Board approve the Consent Agenda items as
presented. Mr. Price seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Breach of Teacher Contract – Mr. Wilson stated that the Breach of a Teacher Contract
was discussed with the Board in Executive Session at the Committee of the Whole Meeting
on May 14, 2015. The Administration recommended Board approval to move forward with
the process as discussed in Executive Session.
Mr. Price made a motion the Board approve the Administration’s recommendation
to move forward with the process as discussed in Executive Session on May 14,
2015 with regards to Breach of Teacher Contract. Mr. Kay seconded the motion,
which carried unanimously.
Authorize Superintendent to Pursue an Option on Parcels X & Y – Mr. Wilson stated
that two parcels of land were discussed with the Board in Executive Session at the
Committee of the Whole Meeting on May 14, 2015. The Administration recommended Board
approval to authorize the Superintendent to pursue an option on Parcels X & Y.
Mrs. Huitt made a motion the Board approve the Administration’s recommendation
to authorize the Superintendent to pursue an option on Parcels X & Y. Mr. Zugg
seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Approval of Middle School Courses – Mr. Wilson stated that the following list of courses
currently being taught in our middle schools require Board approval for district
accreditation. The Administration recommended Board approval of the courses as listed.
Past Locally Designed Courses for Board Approval
(Changes in Course Names for 2015-16 in bold italics)
Animal and Plant Science 6
Art History Through Painting 8
Art History Through Print Making 7
"B" added for scheduling purposes
AVID 6W "W" added for scheduling purposes
Avid 7B "B" added for scheduling purposes
"W" added for scheduling purposes
Avid 8B ("B" added for scheduling purposes)
("W" added for scheduling purposes)
Book Club 7
Book Club 8
College and Career Readiness 6
College and Career Readiness 7
College and Career Readiness 8
Computer Applications 7
Computer Applications 8
Core Plus 6
(Renamed for 2015-16)
Core Plus 7
(Renamed for 2015-16)
Core Plus 8
(Renamed for 2015-16)
Core Plus ELA 6
Core Plus ELA 7
Core Plus ELA 8
Core Plus Math 6
Core Plus Math 7
Core Plus Math 8
Creative Music 6
Digital Photography
Exploring Technology 6
Food and Fitness 6
History Through Media & Literature 6
Intro to Game Design 7
Intro to Robotics 7
Intro to Robotics 8
Music Technology 8
News Broadcasting 6
Oral Communications 6
Oral Communications 7
Oral Communications 8
Piano Technology 7
Robotics 7
Robotics 8
Science Lab 8
Writing (will not be taught as a separate course in
Robert Anderson
Robert Anderson
Robert Anderson
Robert Anderson, Glenview, Lakeside
Robert Anderson, Glenview, Lakeside
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Robert Anderson
Robert Anderson, Glenview, Lakeside, Southwood,
Mr. Kay made a motion the Board approve the Administration’s recommendation
on the above list of courses currently being taught in our middle schools. Mr.
Griffith seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Approval of FY-16 Budget – First Reading – Mr. Wilson stated that the Proposed FY 16
Budget was presented at the Committee of the Whole Meeting on May 14, 2015. The
presentation included information with regards to revenue, expenditures, other sources of
income, student base cost, etc. The Administration recommended First Reading approval of
the Proposed FY 16 Budget as it was presented on May 14, 2015.
Mrs. Huitt made a motion the Board approve the Proposed FY 16 Budget on first
reading. Mr. Kay seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
Mr. Wilson updated the Board on a fire hydrant that was damaged in the Homeland Park
area affecting the water supply at Homeland Park Primary School. He reported that the
students at Homeland Park were transported to Varennes Academy of Communication &
Technology. Mr. Wilson thanked all parties involved for a seamless transition until said
matter was resolved.
Financial Reports – Mr. Wilson recognized Mrs. Heard to present as information the
monthly Financial Statements and the Pupil Activity Reports for April 2015.
Mrs. Heard reported that the auditing firm Greene Finney & Horton is conducting an interim
audit of the district’s financial statements; checking the bookkeeping at all of the schools;
and conducting an interim audit of our food service program. A letter from the auditing firm
was distributed to the Board explaining their process.
With regards to revenue, Mrs. Heard reported that the district has received most of its
revenue through property taxes and state money. With regards to expenditures, Mrs.
Heard reported that the district will continue to manage expenditures for the remainder of
the fiscal year which ends June 30, 2015. She stated that most employees are paid through
the end of July, so our financial statements will show payroll posted through June 30, 2015.
Summer Activity Directory – Mr. Wilson distributed as information the District’s Summer
Activity Directory.
2015 Graduation – Mr. Wilson reminded the Board of the date and time for Anderson
School District Five’s 2015 Graduation.
May 23, 2015 (Bon Secours Wellness Arena)
 T. L. Hanna High School – 3:30 p.m.
 Westside High School – 7:00 p.m.
There being no further business, Mr. Price made a motion the Board adjourn. Mr.
Kay seconded the motion, which carried unanimously.
(7:44 P.M.)
Recording Secretary
As Approved By Superintendent