Paula Hodge, Benefits Specialist (864) 260-5000 (10103) Mrs. Hodge joined the Benefits Department in April 2009. She has previously worked in Instructional Services and the Personnel Office. Paula came to Anderson Five from Orangeburg Consolidated School District Five where she worked in Professional Development for several years. She enjoys working with people one-on-one and believes in team-work. She is serviceoriented and enjoys being challenged in her day to day duties. Her duties include assisting Mrs. Judy Buchanan in the efficient operation of the Benefits Office by coordinating the individual benefit needs of every active Anderson School District Five employee and on occasion, in-active and retired employees as well. Mrs. Hodge enjoys spending time with her husband, Howard, and her two children, Rusty and Kaitlyn. She enjoys reading and loves visiting the mountains. Her professional motto is: Together Everyone Achieves More.