12-2-09 Approved Minutes

Minutes of the December 2, 2009 Meeting
Present: Kevin Pybas, PLS; Mario Daoust, GGP; Austra Reinis, REL; Christina Simmers, MKT;
Rebecca Woodard, Faculty Senate Elect; David Byrd, ACC; Eric Sheffield, RFT; Joshua Smith, BMS;
John Catau, Office of the Provost; David Byrd, ACC;Martha Kirker, Center for Assessment
Absent: Larry George, MCL; Steve Jones, RFT; Carl Riegel, HRA; Jane Allgood, SWK; Mike Foster,
Guests: David Goodwin, RTF; Wes Pratt, Diversity Outreach & Recruitment; Rosa Mejia, CEFS; Sue
McCrory, CIS; Jamaine Abidogen, HI
Kevin Pybas called the meeting to order at 3:30 p.m. in Plaster Student Union room 317.
Approval of Minutes
Eric Sheffield moved for acceptance of the minutes from the November 11th, 2009 meeting.
Mario Daoust seconded. The Minutes were approved as distributed.
Curricular Proposal: Course Change or Deletion: LIS 101, Introduction to the Library
Bill Edgar gave a brief overview of the changes requested. The revised self-paced course
will provide the tools to enable students to access information resources effectively for
university level research as well as enrich life-long learning.
John Catau moved that the indication of pass/not pass be included in the catalog
Christina Simmers moved to accept with the requested change. David Byrd seconded.
Motion passed unopposed.
A proposal of costs associated with the waiver and tutorial will be drafted and presented
Changes in the Basic Required Courses
CGEIP Chair Kevin Pybas read the summary from SGA’s recommendations regarding
Basic Required Courses presented at the November 11th meeting. A formal response to
SGA’s concerns was discussed.
Public Affairs Certificate/Distinction
A recommendation to Faculty Senate was discussed. This will be presented at the January
13th meeting.
Curricular Proposals
Program change General Education: EDC 345, Introduction to Multicultural Education
and Diversity, 3 (3-0), F, S, SU
David Goodwin gave a brief report on the need for EDC 345 to be included in the Self
Understanding/Humanities requirement of the General Education curriculum. The course will
introduce students to multiculturalism and diversity in education which will fulfill National and
State accreditation requirements. As a Gen Ed course, Teacher Education students will receive
dual credit and which will not increase credit hours to Teacher Education programs requirement.
Funding and staffing issues were discussed.
Missing from the proposal were the area of General Education that the course would be listed and
a clear reason for the proposed change to Gen Ed.
Eric Sheffield moved that the course be accepted with a friendly amendment. David Byrd
seconded. Motion passed.
The department will provide a corrected cover sheet.
Development of Online Tutorial and Waiver Exam for Computer Science requirement.
Sue McCrory demonstrated the online tutorial for the CIS waiver exam. Ms. McCrory
commented that there is a misconception in the desire for a nationally normalized test.
Most national/international exams are professional examinations (i.e., NCAS certification
for IT professionals). Information in tutorial is based on information that is covered in
the class. Material is pulled from the 2 books currently used and access to 6-7 other
publications from the common publisher is available.
CIS/CSC 101 required book package includes access to the program. An access code for
the program will be available to students who sign up for the waiver exam through the
bookstore. The $15.00 code will give access to a student for 4 weeks. Time, place,
student and password constraints are options included in the program.
Other products were researched. One had a nice simulation but offered no restrictions to
access the material. The cost was prohibitive.
A pilot of the tutorial is scheduled in January and a survey will be taken. Ms. McCrory
will present the results of the survey at the January 13th CGEIP meeting.
Staffing issues for proctoring are a problem. Currently the exam is proctored by Ms.
McCrory and 2 graduate students. Costs associated with the tutorial may help with noshows to waiver exams. It was suggested that the Center for Assessment may be able to
assist in administering the waiver exam. Concerns of an unproctored waiver exam were
discussed. A cost proposal for staffing will be drafted by Ms. McCrory.
Kevin Pybas noted that a proposal for both the LIS waiver exam and tutorial and the CIS
waiver exam tutorial need to be forwarded to Faculty Senate no later than the February
meeting. The offerings will not be listed in the next catalog due to missed deadlines. It
could appear in the online version of the catalog.
VIII. Adjournment
The meeting adjourned at 4:59.
The next meeting of CGEIP is scheduled for Wednesday, January 13th at 3:30 p.m. in
Plaster Room 317.