COMMITTEE ON GENERAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE PROGRAMS Minutes of the April 6, 2011 Meeting Present: Mike Foster, THE; Ed Chang, FGB; John Downing, HPE; Thornton Miller, HST; Eric Sheffield, RFT; Joshua Smith, BMS;; Art Spisak, Office of the Provost; Carl Riegel, HRA; David Mitchell, ECO; Mario Daoust, GGP; Terrel Gallaway, Faculty Senate Chair Elect Absent: Ahern Johnston, MKT; Chantal Levesque, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning; Judith Martin, MCL; Steve Jones, RFT Guests: Alicia Mathis, Department Head, BIO; Georgianna Saunders, BIO; Sandra Arthur, Provost Office I. CALL TO ORDER Mike Foster called the meeting to order at 3:30 in Plaster Student Union room 317 and introduced Sandra Arthur who will replace Peggy Jones as support for the committee II. OLD BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes Ed Chang moved for acceptance of the minutes from the March 16, 2011 meeting, Ed Chang seconded. Minutes approved as distributed. III. NEW BUSINESS Course/Program Proposals Program Change or Deletion: (Interdisciplinary) African American Studies (Minor)- adding ANT 331 and ANT 332 to the “Pan-African Background” section. Mike Foster asked for a motion to approve the proposal. Ed Chang moved to accept the course change. Eric Sheffield seconded. Motion passed. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Review of BIO 100 and BIO 102 Joshua Smith presented the subcommittee report for both BIO 100 and BIO 102. Dr. Alicia Mathis and Dr. Georgianna Saunders were present to represent to answer questions regarding the submissions. The subcommittee recommends that BIO 100 continue in the general education program with a clarification of how the goals of the course coincides with general education goals for BIO 100 be addressed by the next scheduled review. Dr. Smith further reported the portfolio had missing syllabi and the assessment for BIO 102 was not clear in regards to the content assessed. The report suggested assessment of specific content rather than general education goals. The subcommittee recommends the course continue in the general education program with concerns addressed by the next scheduled review. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s reports for both BIO 100 and BIO 102 was moved by Eric Sheffield and seconded by John Downing. None opposed, motion passed. GEIP EVALUATION TOOL The committee discussed clarification of the evaluation tool used for course review of courses currently listed in the General Education program. Changes to the CGEIP Tool for Evaluating General Education Courses: Please complete the table below for all course instructors including lab instructors, adjusts, etc. for all sections for the current and most recent fall or spring semester. (found on page 1) Describe in detail and with examples how the course’s assessment data and results indicate that the course meets the General Education goals. (page 2: 1.Department Head and/or Authors Summary: d) All departments must have procedures in place (an assessment plan) to determine how the course addresses the Aim and Goals of General Education. Please include a sample of the assessment tool in the CGEIP review packet.(page 3: 4. Assessment Plan) The Reviewer’s Companion to the CGEIP Tool for Evaluating General Education will be changed to maintain consistency with the Evaluation Tool. Other Business Mike Foster informed the committee of a special meeting on April 8, 2011 in Carrington 203 with the Provost and members of the Task Force to discuss activities of the General Education Task Force and CGEIP future involvement. IV. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m. The next CGEIP meeting will be held 3:30 p.m. on May 11, 2011 in PSU 317