Approved COMMITTEE ON GENERAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE PROGRAMS Minutes of the March 16, 2011 Meeting Present: Mike Foster, THE; Ed Chang, FGB; John Downing, HPE; Judith Martin, MCL; Thornton Miller, HST; Eric Sheffield, RFT; Joshua Smith, BMS; Steve Jones, RFT; Art Spisak, Office of the Provost; Carl Riegel, HRA; David Mitchell, ECO; Absent: Ahern Johnston, MKT; Chantal Levesque, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning; Mario Daoust, GGP; Terrel Gallaway, Faculty Senate Chair Elect Guests: Collette Witkowski, Acting Department Head, BMS; Madeleine Hooper, Department Head, MCL; David Cornelison, Department Head, PAMS; Alan Schick, Department Head, CHM; Elizabeth Walker, AGR; Alicia Mathis, Department Head, BIO; Vera Stanojevic, MTH; Bill Corcoran, GGP; Chris Barnhart, BIO I. CALL TO ORDER Mike Foster called the meeting to order at 3:30 in Plaster Student Union room 317. II. OLD BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes Joshua Smith moved for acceptance of the minutes from the Feb 9, 2011 meeting, Ed Chang seconded. Minutes approved as distributed. III. NEW BUSINESS Course/Program Proposals Program Change or Deletion: (Interdisciplinary) Global Studies Major (BA)- dropping REL 210(3) from Global Studies Focus area. Madeleine Hooper was present to answer committee’s questions regarding the submission. Mike Foster asked for a motion to approve the proposal. Ed Chang moved to accept the course change. Judith Martin seconded. Motion passed. Course Change or Deletion: MTH 130: Contemporary Mathematics, 3 (3-0) F,S- to update the description of the course content and clarify the wording. Vera Stanojevic represented the department to answer questions regarding the submission. Mike Foster asked for a motion to approve the proposal. Steve Jones moved to accept the course change. Eric Sheffield seconded. Motion passed. Course Change or Deletion: CHM 160: General Chemistry I, 4 (4-0) F,S- to address an inconsistency in grade prerequisites the description is revised to accommodate minus grading by changing the prerequisite from C or better to C- or better in order to take CHM 200. Alan Schick represented the department to answer questions regarding the submissions for both CHM 160 and CHM 161. Mike Foster asked for a motion to approve the proposal. Steve Jones moved to accept the course change. Judith Martin seconded. Motion passed. Course Change or Deletion: CHM 161: General Chemistry I Laboratory, 1 (0-2) F,S- to address an inconsistency in grade prerequisites the description is revised to accommodate minus grading by changing the prerequisite from C or better to C- or better in order to take CHM 200. Mike Foster asked for a motion to approve the proposal. Steve Jones moved to accept the course change. Judith Martin seconded. Motion passed. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Review of AGR 320 Eric Sheffield presented the subcommittee report for AGR 300. Dr. Sheffield noted that the report should be amended to indicate Beth Walker as the instructor and Anson Elliot as Department Head. The subcommittee had questions regarding the way the Gen Ed goals are organized and the lack of a posttest. Beth Walker, department representative, responded to the committees questions regarding the submission. It was determined that the needed information existed and not included in the submitted report. After discussion regarding the responses Eric Sheffield, subcommittee chair, moved to amend the report to a 1 rating: accepted with no changes required if an amended report is received from the department. Steve Jones seconded the motion. Beth Walker indicated a corrected report will be forwarded . A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report as amended was moved by Judith Martin and seconded by Steve Jones. None opposed, motion passed. Review of AST 115 Mike Foster presented the subcommittee report for AST 115. David Cornelison represented the department to answer questions regarding the submission. The subcommittee noted an inconsistency in the syllabi and missing information regarding general education. The subcommittee recommended that the course continue in the General Education program and address committee concerns before the next review. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Steve Jones and seconded by Joshua Smith. None opposed, motion passed. Review of BIO 121 Joshua Smith presented the subcommittee report for BIO 121. Dr. Smith noted the laboratory syllabus lacked does not contain the list of general education goals that are addressed in the course. Dr. Alicia Mathis and Dr. Chris Barnhart were present to answer questions regarding the submission. The subcommittee recommended that the course continue in the General Education program and address committee concerns before the next review. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Eric Sheffield and seconded by John Downing. None opposed, motion passed. Review of BMS 110 Eric Sheffield presented the subcommittee report for BMS 110. The subcommittee noted syllabi lacked the specific language of the General Education goals and questioned if the assessments assess Gen Ed Goals or course goals. Collette Witkowski represented the department to answer questions regarding the course. The committee recommends the course continue in the General Education program and the department address the concerns before the next scheduled review. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Steve Jones and seconded by John Downing. None opposed, motion passed. Review of BMS 111 Eric Sheffield presented the subcommittee report for BMS 110. The subcommittee noted syllabi lacked the specific language of the General Education goals and questioned if the assessments assess Gen Ed Goals or course goals. Collette Witkowski represented the department to answer questions regarding the course. The committee recommends the course continue in the General Education program and the department address the concerns before the next scheduled review. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Steve Jones and seconded by Ed Chang. None opposed, motion passed. Review of CHM 105-106 Mike Foster presented the subcommittee report for CHM 105 and CHM 106. Alan Schick represented the department to answer questions regarding the submission. The subcommittee noted an inconsistency in the syllabi and lacked information regarding general education. It is recommended that the course continue in the General Education program and address committee concerns before the next review. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Steve Jones and seconded by John Downing. None opposed, motion passed. Review of CHM 160-161 John Downing presented the subcommittee report for PHY 123. Alan Schick represented the department to answer questions regarding the submission. The subcommittee offered 2 suggestions for improvement: 1) include the link content in the syllabi 2) Modify the last sentence of the response that describes how course results have been used by speaking specifically to ways that clickers enhance critical thinking and decision making skills relative to examples found in the content. The subcommittee recommended the course continue in the Gen Ed program with no changes. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Steve Jones and seconded by Eric Sheffield. None opposed, motion passed. Review of CHM GRY 135 Joshua Smith presented the subcommittee report for GRY 135. Bill Corcoran represented the department to answer questions regarding the submission. The subcommittee recommended the course continue as a gen ed course with changes of the syllabi and the assessment to match the oversight table grid before the next review. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Eric Sheffield and seconded by John Downing. None opposed, motion passed. Review of PHY 100 Mike Foster presented the subcommittee report for PHY 100. David Cornelison represented the department to answer questions regarding the submission. The subcommittee noted The Oversight Table was not a part of the department’s submission that specific Gen Ed goals be incorporated into the relative course goal. It is recommended that the course continue in the General Education program and address committee concerns before the next review. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Steve Jones and seconded by Eric Sheffield. None opposed, motion passed. Review of PHY 203 John Downing presented the subcommittee report for PHY 203. David Cornelison represented the department to answer questions regarding the submission. It is recommended that the course continue in the General Education program and address committee concerns before the next review. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Steve Jones and seconded by Joshua Smith. None opposed, motion passed. Other Business The committee discussed concerns regarding the General Education Task Force and suggested that some members of the Task Force be invited to the next CGEIP meeting. Mike Foster said that he would work on the arrangements for the meeting. IV. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:20 p.m. The next CGEIP meeting will be held 3:30 p.m. on April 6, 2011 in PSU 317