Approved COMMITTEE ON GENERAL EDUCATION AND INTERCOLLEGIATE PROGRAMS Minutes of the February 9, 2011 Meeting Present: Mike Foster, THE; Ed Chang, FGB; John Downing, HPE; Judith Martin, MCL; Thornton Miller, HST; Eric Sheffield, RFT; Joshua Smith, BMS; Mario Daoust, GGP; Steve Jones, RFT; Terrel Gallaway, Faculty Senate Chair Elect; Art Spisak, Office of the Provost; Carl Riegel, HRA Absent: Ahern Johnston, MKT; Chantal Levesque, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning; David Mitchell, ECO; Guests: Collette Witkowski, Acting Department Head, BMS; Mark Richter, CHM; Madeline Hooper, Department Head, MCL; Chuck Rovey, GGP; David Cornelison, Department Head, PAMS I. CALL TO ORDER Mike Foster called the meeting to order at 3:30 in Plaster Student Union room 317 and introduced Dr. Art Spisak who replaces Dr. John Catau representing the Office of the Provost. II. OLD BUSINESS Approval of the Minutes Judith Martin moved for acceptance of the minutes from the January 12, 2011 meeting, John Downing seconded. Minutes approved as distributed. III. NEW BUSINESS Course/Program Proposals Per Article 6 section 3.B.2 of the Faculty Senate Bylaws: Courses and program proposals for general education, special academic programs, and other multi-college courses and programs are reviewed by CGEIP. The following program changes do not fall under these categories. Chemistry Minor (BA/BS) Chemistry Comprehensive Major (BS) and Chemistry Non-Comprehensive Major (BS) CGEIP chair, Mike Foster, removed the Program Changes from the agenda. Course Change or Deletion: CHM 105: Fundamentals of Chemistry, 5 (4-2) F,S- the description is revised to accommodate minus grading by changing the prerequisite from C or better to C- or better in order to take CHM 200. Mark Richter represented the department to answer questions regarding the course change. Mike Foster asked for a motion to approve the proposal. Carl Riegel moved to accept the course change. Eric Sheffield seconded. Motion passed. Program Change or Deletion: (Interdisciplinary) Global Studies Major (BA)- adding PHI 342(3) to each focus. Madeline Hooper represented the Global studies major program to answer questions regarding the program change. Mike Foster asked for a motion to approve the proposal. Judith Martin moved to accept the course change. Mario Daoust seconded. Motion passed. SUBCOMMITTEE REPORTS Review of AST 115 The review of AST 115 will be moved to the March 2011 meeting. Review of BIO 100 Joshua Smith presented the subcommittee report for BIO 100. Based on the subcommittee’s findings and committee discussion CGEIP Chair, Mike Foster, asked if the subcommittee would like to amend the rating from a 2 to a 3. The subcommittee agreed. The department is required to resubmit the package for the April meeting. Joshua Smith offered to meet with the department to review the requirements. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report as amended was moved by Eric Sheffield and seconded by John Downing. None opposed, motion passed. Review of BIO 102 Joshua Smith presented the subcommittee report for BIO 102. Based on the subcommittee’s findings and committee discussion CGEIP Chair, Mike Foster, again asked if the subcommittee would like to amend the rating from a 2 to a 3. The subcommittee agreed. The department is required to resubmit the package for the April meeting. Joshua Smith offered to meet with the department to review the requirements. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report as amended was moved by Judith Martin and seconded by John Downing. None opposed, motion passed. Review of BMS 105 Eric Sheffield presented the subcommittee report for BMS 105. The subcommittee noted the objectives lacked general education goals and appeared course specific. Collette Witkowski represented the department to answer questions regarding the course. The committee recommends the course continue in the General Education program and the department address the concerns before the next scheduled review. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Ed Chang and seconded by Eric Sheffield. None opposed, motion passed. Review of GLG 171 Mike Foster presented the subcommittee report for GLG 171. He commended the department for an exemplary report. The subcommittee recommended the course continue in the General Education program with no changes. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Steve Jones and seconded by Joshua Smith. None opposed, motion passed. Review of PHY 123 John Downing presented the subcommittee report for PHY 123. David Cornelison represented the department to answer questions regarding the submission. The subcommittee noted an inconsistency in the syllabi and lacked information regarding general education. It is recommended that the course continue in the General Education program and address committee concerns before the next review. A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Steve Jones and seconded by Mario Daoust. None opposed, motion passed. Other Business The committee discussed modifications to the evaluation tool. IV. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m. The next CGEIP meeting will be held 3:30 p.m. on March 16, 2011 in PSU 317