10-13-10 Approved Minutes

Minutes of the October 13, 2010 Meeting
Mike Foster, THE; Ed Chang, FGB; John Downing, HPE; Judith Martin, MCL; Thornton Miller,
HST; David Mitchell, ECO; Eric Sheffield, RFT; Joshua Smith, BMS; John Catau, Office of the
Provost; Carl Riegel, HRA; Ahern Johnston, MKT
Mario Daoust, GGP; Steve Jones, RFT; Terrel Gallaway, Faculty Senate Chair Elect; Chantal
Levesque, Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning
George Connor, PLS; Tom Dicke, HST
Mike Foster called the meeting to order at 3:30 in Plaster Student Union room 317
Approval of the Minutes
Ed Chang moved for acceptance of the minutes from the September 9, 2010 meeting, John
Downing seconded. Minutes are approved as distributed.
Review of HST 121
Joshua Smith presented the subcommittee report for HST 121. The subcommittee
acknowledged that HST 121 is a valued and popular course in the General Education
program and recommends the course continue in the General Education program with the
following concerns addressed before the next review:
 Insure that syllabi are current and submitted in the next submission
 Connect the course syllabi and General Education requirements.
 Clarify how the exit exam is a valid assessment tool
Thornton Miller offered a motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report , seconded by Carl
Riegel. None opposed, motion passed.
Review of HST 122
John Downing presented the subcommittee report for HST 122. Dr. Downing reported the
committee had confidence that HST 122 is a strong General Education course but that the
documentation submitted lacked evidence. The committee recommends a common,
substantial discussion of General Education goals in course syllabi, and clear directions to
the goals on the department’s website. At the next review the committee requests further
information on the how the assessment tools are examined and used to evaluate the
A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Eric Sheffield and seconded by
Judith Martin. None opposed, motion passed.
Review of PLS 101
Carl Riegel presented the subcommittee’s report recommending that PLS 101 be allowed to
continue as a General Education course with the understanding that the subcommittee’s
recommendations be addressed before the next review. Specifically:
 Reflect General Education goals in the syllabi and evaluation materials
 Strengthen and tailor the assessment plan to General Education goals.
 Clarify how the common exam assesses General Education goals.
Dr. Connor responded that a departmental committee has been formed to address PLS 101
general education goals.
A motion to adopt the subcommittee’s report was moved by Joshua Smith and seconded by
John Downing. None opposed, motion passed.
Course change: BMS 110 4 (3-2) F,S- Course name change from Concepts in the Biomedical
Sciences to Introduction to the Biomedical Sciences to distinguish from BMS 100 and BMS
105. Course description change. Added: A Prerequisite eligibility for both ENG 110 and MTH
135 and a notation that the course cannot be taken as pass/not pass.
Mike Foster asked for a motion to approve the proposal. Judith Martin moved to accept the
course change. Ed Chang seconded. Motion passed.
Course change: BMS 111 1 (0-2) F,S – Added: Prerequisite BMS 105 or BIO 102 and eligibility
for both ENG 110 and MTH 135 and a notation that the course cannot be taken as pass/not
Mike Foster asked for a motion to approve the proposal. Ed Chang moved to accept the
course change. John Downing seconded. Motion passed.
The committee discussed whether to continue or to suspend course reviews in light of the
revision of the General Education Program. Dr. Catau explained that the revision process will
include several stages and could take as long as 3 years to implement. The first stage will be
to define and approve the structure of the Program. During the second stage, departments
will submit course proposals. CGEIP will play the major role in the second stage. Continuing
the course review process will offer departments direction, encourage improvement, and
strengthen the next HLC accreditation application.
After some discussion the committee agreed that the course review process will continue
without change. No motion is required.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:25 p.m.
The next CGEIP meeting will be held 3:30 p.m. on November 10, 2010 in PSU 317