IB APP 12-13


T. L. Hanna High School

International Baccalaureate

Diploma Programme Application


Program Description

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is a comprehensive, rigorous program of advanced studies that demands the best from highly-motivated students. The six subject core program offers an accelerated, advanced curriculum designed to ensure that students are well-rounded, lifelong learners.

Additionally, students extend their learning through critical reflection in the Theory of Knowledge (TOK) class, by participation in Creativity, Action, and Service (CAS), and by completion of an independent research project and essay (EE). IB students are often admitted to competitive colleges and universities, and they have the opportunity to earn college credit with their IB exam scores. Most importantly, IB students learn how to be successful students who excel in their university studies.

Contact Information

For more information, contact: Sherry Martin, IB Coordinator, T. L. Hanna High School

864-260-5144 sherrymartin@anderson5.net

Application Process & Checklist

 Complete all sections of this application form and attach the required documents listed below. Deliver the entire application package, with enclosures, to Sherry Martin in the main office at T. L. Hanna High

School by December 15, 2011.

 Four teacher recommendations are required for the application. Fill in the top portion of the teacher recommendation forms and distribute three of them to your academic teachers from this year or last year. Give the fourth recommendation to any teacher. List the recommending teachers’ names in the appropriate section of this application. Teachers will return the recommendation forms directly to

Sherry Martin.

 All of the following items should be included in the completed application:

 Student Information Form

 Statement of Intent

 Parent Evaluation


 The following items will also be considered during the IB screening process:

Grades (past and current)


Standardized test scores

Discipline record

Four teacher recommendations

Important Dates


December 15

January 20



Information distributed to prospective parents and students

Deadline for applications

Students are notified of admission decisions

CAS Meeting

Summer assignments are distributed by the IB teachers

T. L. Hanna High School

IB Diploma Programme Application

Student Information Form (Page 1)


Please print in ink.

Last Name:__________________ First Name:__________________ Middle Name:_______________


City:___________________________________________ Zip Code:_______________________________

Student’s Email Address:__________________________________________________________________

Home Phone:_____________________________ Cell Phone:___________________________________

Current Grade Level:_________ Gender (circle one): M F Birthdate:__________________

Name of Mother/Guardian:_________________________________________________________________

Home Phone: _____________________________ Cell/Work Phone:_______________________________

Name of Father/Guardian:__________________________________________________________________

Home Phone:_____________________________ Cell/Work Phone:_______________________________

Parent Email Address(es):___________________________________________________________________

By signing below, I understand that I am indicating interest in pursuing the International Baccalaureate

Diploma Programme at T. L. Hanna High School and would like to be considered for the program. I also understand that this application does not guarantee acceptance nor commit me to participating in the program. I understand and accept the program’s rigorous requirements. I understand that there are required summer reading and writing assignments which are vital to the program. Failure to fulfill these requirements will cause grading penalties. We commit to attendance at the student and parent meetings so that we will clearly understand the benefits and requirements of the IB program.

Date: __________________ Student Signature: ___________________________________________

Parent Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________

Scheduling Information:

Current Foreign Language (circle one):

T. L. Hanna High School

IB Diploma Programme Application

Student Information Form (Page 2)


French Latin Spanish

Number of years of study in the language: 1

Current English Class: English 2


English 3

Current Math Class: Geometry Algebra 2

Are you currently enrolled in/have you taken Government/Economics?

Yes No

Are you currently enrolled in/have you taken the computer unit required for graduation?

Yes No

Are you currently enrolled in/have you taken a fine arts elective course?


Are you currently enrolled in band or orchestra?


Additional Information:

Band Orchestra

Don’t Know

Don’t Know


List academic achievements, honors, and awards you have received in school or in the community.

T. L. Hanna High School

IB Diploma Programme Application

Student Information Form (Page 3)


List any clubs, organizations, or service groups in which you are involved in either the school or community.

What career(s) are you interested in pursuing after you graduate from college?

List the books you have read in the last year that were not required for school.

Describe a situation in which you demonstrated leadership.

T. L. Hanna High School

IB Diploma Programme Application

Student Information Form (Page 4)


Teacher Recommendations:

Please provide the names of the four teachers who will complete your recommendation forms. Give each teacher listed below one of the recommendation forms. Teachers will submit recommendation forms directly to Sherry Martin. All teacher recommendation forms will remain confidential.





Writing Sample

The IB Learner Profile identifies ten traits that an IB education seeks to develop in students. IB learners are:

 Inquirers

 Knowledgeable

 Thinkers

 Communicators

 Principled

 Open-minded

 Caring

 Risk-takers

 Balanced

 Reflective

Choose two of the characteristics of the Learner Profile – one you think you clearly exemplify and the one you

least exemplify. Write a well-crafted essay of no more than 300 words recounting a situation when the trait you best exemplify was evident and a situation in which you wish you had exhibited the trait you least exemplify.

Type your essay and attach it to your application.

T. L. Hanna High School

IB Diploma Programme Application

Statement of Intent


Student Statement:

 I affirm that the information contained in these forms is true to the best of my knowledge.

 I understand that the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme is a rigorous pre-university program of studies and to remain in the program I must meet high standards of academic achievement.

 I understand that I am expected to remain in the program for the entire academic year.

 I understand that I must complete approximately 150 CAS hours by February of my senior year.

 I understand that I must complete a rough draft of my Extended Essay by the end of my junior year and that I will submit finished copies of the Extended Essay by January of my senior year.

 I understand that academic honesty is extremely important in the IBDP and that any form of cheating may be grounds for removal from the program and may prohibit me from taking the final IB exams.

Student Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________

Parent Statement:

 I support my child in his/her application to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme.

 I understand that IB courses are year-long classes. The final grade and credit are not determined until the end of the school year, so drops at the end of first semester are not permitted. Students will earn a full credit for each IB class at the end of their junior year, with the exception of TOK.

 I understand that the TOK course will be taught over a two-year period. Students will earn a half-credit their junior year and another half-credit their senior year.

 I understand that IB literature classes will include a curriculum of college-level texts and novels. Some of these may have mature themes or content. These novels are part of the IB curriculum and have been assigned by the International Baccalaureate Organization.

 I understand that IB students will complete and reflect on CAS hours and that they must keep accurate and complete records of their CAS involvement. Students will meet with the CAS coordinator, Robin

Cathey, to share their progress. Students must complete the CAS hours in order to be eligible to earn an IB diploma. We encourage students to pursue independent and creative CAS activities; however, a parent or adult should be present and these are not school-sponsored events.

 I understand that the Extended Essay is a required component of the IB Diploma Programme where students have the opportunity for reflective and evaluative research. Students must meet the EE deadlines and will earn a TOK grade for this. Students will meet with the EE coordinator, Patty Bell, to check on their progress and will also meet with a teacher-mentor for support.

 I understand that the highest standards of integrity govern all IB coursework. Any cheating or plagiarism is grounds for being removed from the program.

Parent Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: __________________

T. L. Hanna High School

IB Diploma Programme Application

Parent Evaluation


Please check the column that most represents your opinion with regard to each statement on the left.



Disagree Agree Strongly



Agree nor


My child usually finishes what he/she starts.

My child manages time well.

My child manages stress well.

My child possesses good organizational skills.

I am willing to encourage my child to prioritize his/her academics and extracurricular activities.

I am willing to support my child’s commitment to the program even when he/she has a heavy homework schedule.

My child has access to a computer and the internet at home (circle one). Yes No

Please comment below about why you believe your child should be in the T. L. Hanna High School

International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme:

Parent Signature:________________________________________________ Date:___________________

T. L. Hanna High School

IB Diploma Programme Application

Teacher Recommendation


Applicant Information (to be filled in by the applicant):

Last Name__________________ First Name__________________ Middle Name_______________

Directions to Evaluator: The above student is applying for admission to the IB Diploma Programme at T. L.

Hanna High School. Please complete the following confidential recommendation form and return by

Wednesday, December 16, to Sherry Martin.

1 = Never 2 = Seldom 3 = Moderately 4 = Often 5 = Consistently

N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Check the appropriate box that best indicates the applicant’s demonstrated behavior.

 Is motivated by a desire to learn

 Demonstrates academic potential

 Shows creative and divergent thinking

 Demonstrates leadership and maturity

 Demonstrates independence in thinking

 Participates in classroom activities

 Shows maturity and emotional stability

Based on your overall consideration of this applicant, please rate the student’s likelihood of success in a challenging academic high school program (circle one):

Not Likely Possible Very Likely

Other Comments: Please use the back of the form to add any relevant information that might give insight into the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses. Please do not return this form to the student. Return it to Sherry


Teacher Name: ________________________________

Teacher Signature: _____________________________

Date: ___________________________

T. L. Hanna High School

IB Diploma Programme Application

Teacher Recommendation


Applicant Information (to be filled in by the applicant):

Last Name__________________ First Name__________________ Middle Name_______________

Directions to Evaluator: The above student is applying for admission to the IB Diploma Programme at T. L.

Hanna High School. Please complete the following confidential recommendation form and return by

Wednesday, December 16, to Sherry Martin.

1 = Never 2 = Seldom 3 = Moderately 4 = Often 5 = Consistently

N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Check the appropriate box that best indicates the applicant’s demonstrated behavior.

 Is motivated by a desire to learn

 Demonstrates academic potential

 Shows creative and divergent thinking

 Demonstrates leadership and maturity

 Demonstrates independence in thinking

 Participates in classroom activities

 Shows maturity and emotional stability

Based on your overall consideration of this applicant, please rate the student’s likelihood of success in a challenging academic high school program (circle one):

Not Likely Possible Very Likely

Other Comments: Please use the back of the form to add any relevant information that might give insight into the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses. Please do not return this form to the student. Return it to Sherry


Teacher Name: ________________________________

Teacher Signature: _____________________________

Date: ___________________________

T. L. Hanna High School

IB Diploma Programme Application

Teacher Recommendation


Applicant Information (to be filled in by the applicant):

Last Name__________________ First Name__________________ Middle Name_______________

Directions to Evaluator: The above student is applying for admission to the IB Diploma Programme at T. L.

Hanna High School. Please complete the following confidential recommendation form and return by

Wednesday, December 16, to Sherry Martin.

1 = Never 2 = Seldom 3 = Moderately 4 = Often 5 = Consistently

N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Check the appropriate box that best indicates the applicant’s demonstrated behavior.

 Is motivated by a desire to learn

 Demonstrates academic potential

 Shows creative and divergent thinking

 Demonstrates leadership and maturity

 Demonstrates independence in thinking

 Participates in classroom activities

 Shows maturity and emotional stability

Based on your overall consideration of this applicant, please rate the student’s likelihood of success in a challenging academic high school program (circle one):

Not Likely Possible Very Likely

Other Comments: Please use the back of the form to add any relevant information that might give insight into the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses. Please do not return this form to the student. Return it to Sherry


Teacher Name: ________________________________

Teacher Signature: _____________________________

Date: ___________________________

T. L. Hanna High School

IB Diploma Programme Application

Teacher Recommendation


Applicant Information (to be filled in by the applicant):

Last Name__________________ First Name__________________ Middle Name_______________

Directions to Evaluator: The above student is applying for admission to the IB Diploma Programme at T. L.

Hanna High School. Please complete the following confidential recommendation form and return by

Wednesday, December 16, to Sherry Martin.

1 = Never 2 = Seldom 3 = Moderately 4 = Often 5 = Consistently

N/A 1 2 3 4 5 Check the appropriate box that best indicates the applicant’s demonstrated behavior.

 Is motivated by a desire to learn

 Demonstrates academic potential

 Shows creative and divergent thinking

 Demonstrates leadership and maturity

 Demonstrates independence in thinking

 Participates in classroom activities

 Shows maturity and emotional stability

Based on your overall consideration of this applicant, please rate the student’s likelihood of success in a challenging academic high school program (circle one):

Not Likely Possible Very Likely

Other Comments: Please use the back of the form to add any relevant information that might give insight into the applicant’s strengths and weaknesses. Please do not return this form to the student. Return it to Sherry


Teacher Name: ________________________________

Teacher Signature: _____________________________

Date: ___________________________

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