2016 PHA Liaison Applications Please Respond Briefly to the Following Questions: Name:

2016 PHA Liaison Applications
Cum. GPA:
Phone #:
Year in school: _______________________
Please Respond Briefly to the Following Questions:
 What chapter leadership positions have you held? Please list the positions and provide a
BRIEF description of your responsibilities.
 What campus activities/organizations are you involved in?
 What makes you the best candidate for the role of liaison?
Major Requirements:
 Attend and present report at PHA meetings [Wednesdays at 4:00pm] when necessary and
attend the weekly meetings of the organization for which you are a liaison. (Meeting times for
respective organizations are listed below in brackets.)
 Email Panhellenic Vice President of Administration (Bailey Malone) with a report from your
liaison organization by 5pm on the Tuesday before General Council to be presented at weekly
Panhellenic General Council.
 Serve as a spokesperson for Panhellenic at your respective organization. Exchange reports
from general council to your liaison organization and vice versa.
 Must remain in contact with Vice President of Community Relations to exchange information to
be presented in the General Council minutes.
 Must have a cumulative 2.5 GPA.
Please Rank the Positions You Are Most Interested In:
____ National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC) [Fridays at 3:30pm]
____ Student Government Association (SGA) [Tuesdays at 5:30pm]
____ Student Activities Council (SAC) [Tuesdays at 4:00pm]
____ Inter-Fraternity Council (IFC) [Thursdays at 4:00]
____ Traditions Council [Wednesdays at 5:00pm]
This information that I have provided is to the best of my knowledge accurate. I declare that I am
available to complete this term of office for the year of 2016.
Applicant’s Signature:_______________________________________________
Chapter President’s Signature:________________________________________
Please return to the Office of Student Engagement in Plaster Student Union to the VicePresident of Community Relations Brianna Duda by Wednesday, February 3, at 4:00pm.