Facilitate the Future: 2016-2020 Educational Master Planning Event To provide an inclusive approach to the development of the 2016-2020 Educational Master Plan (EMP), each College employee (i.e. administrators, faculty, and staff) was provided the opportunity to review EMP framework, which included the comprehensive internal and external findings and Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (S.W.O.T.) analysis (emailed many times between 4/19/2016-4/27/16). As outlined in the presentation, the following table provides an aggregate summary of the S.W.O.T analysis findings synthesized into strategies for change. Directions: On a scale of 0 to 2 (0= no alignment, 1= indirect alignment, 2= direct alignment) specify how these strategies align with the College Mission and/or your Program/Department’s operations and plans Coastline Mission—Coastline Community College offers degrees and certificates to local, global, traditional, and nontraditional students through accessible, flexible, and innovative education and services with a commitment to excellence at all academic levels demonstrated by student learning achievement outcomes. By 2019-2020 Coastline will… College Mission Aligns with… Program/Department Individual Rank Increase student performance (success, retention, and persistence) in distance learning courses Provide universal access to student service and support programs Strengthen post-Coastline outcomes (i.e. transfer rates, CTE job placement rates) Explore and enter into new fields of study (e.g. new programs, bachelor’s degrees) Align enrollment management, marketing, and outreach strategies to maintain the ANAPISI designation and become a designated Hispanic Service Institution (HSI) Strengthen community engagement (e.g. studentlife, alumni, employee professional development, industry and academic alliances) Foster and sustain industry pipelines and expand external funding sources (i.e. grants, contracts, and business development opportunities) to facilitate programmatic advancement Strategy Ranking—After reviewing and discussing alignments, please rank 1 to 7 (1 being the most critical and 7 being the least critical) strategies that will align with the College Mission. The ranking tool can be found at the following link: http://tiny.cc/emp2016