Stuff in the Sky Take-Away Points 1. Scattering is responsible for blue sky, cloud colors and sunset colors 2. Refraction causes optical distortions in the atmosphere 3. Dispersion explains rainbows, glories and haloes 4. Clouds are either stratiform (sheet-like) or cumulus (vertical) 5. Low clouds are water droplets, high clouds are ice Color and Wavelength Scattering 1. Scattering is responsible for blue sky, cloud colors and sunset colors Why the Sky is Blue 1. Scattering is responsible for blue sky, cloud colors and sunset colors Crepuscular Rays Anti-Crepuscular Rays AntiCrepuscular Rays 1. Scattering is responsible for blue sky, cloud colors and sunset colors Crepuscular and AntiCrepuscular Rays Volcanic Aerosols Earth’s Shadow 1. Scattering is responsible for blue sky, cloud colors and sunset colors Earth’s Shadow 1. Scattering is responsible for blue sky, cloud colors and sunset colors Earth’s Shadow Sunset Colors 2. Refraction causes optical distortions in the atmosphere Sunset Colors 2. Refraction causes optical distortions in the atmosphere Another Consequence of Refraction 2. Refraction causes optical distortions in the atmosphere Mirages 2. Refraction causes optical distortions in the atmosphere A Common Mirage 2. Refraction causes optical distortions in the atmosphere “Looming” 2. Refraction causes optical distortions in the atmosphere The Green Flash 2. Refraction causes optical distortions in the atmosphere The Green Flash Multiple Scattering Multiple Scattering Rainbows 3. Dispersion explains rainbows, glories and haloes Rainbows 3. Dispersion explains rainbows, glories and haloes Double Rainbows 3. Dispersion explains rainbows, glories and haloes Rainbows Reflected Rainbow Reflected Rainbow 3. Dispersion explains rainbows, glories and haloes High-Sun Rainbow Inverted Rainbow 3. Dispersion explains rainbows, glories and haloes Inverted Rainbow End of the Rainbow More Rainbows? Rainbow Without Water The Glory 3. Dispersion explains rainbows, glories and haloes Glory and Fogbow Specter of the Brocken Ice Haloes 3. Dispersion explains rainbows, glories and haloes Ice Haloes 3. Dispersion explains rainbows, glories and haloes Ice Halo and Sun Pillar Sun Pillar Halo and Sun Dogs 3. Dispersion explains rainbows, glories and haloes Inverted Sun and Sun Dog 3. Dispersion explains rainbows, glories and haloes Inverted Halo 3. Dispersion explains rainbows, glories and haloes Clouds • Many things in science are not what they seem • Clouds, on the other hand, are pretty much what they seem • If they seem high, they are high • If they seem low, they are low • If they seem flat, they are flat • If they seem puffy, they are puffy Cloud Types 4. Clouds are either stratiform (sheet-like) or cumulus (vertical) 5. Low clouds are water droplets, high clouds are ice Cloud Names 4. Clouds are either stratiform (sheet-like) or cumulus (vertical) 5. Low clouds are water droplets, high clouds are ice Fog: A Cloud on the Ground Stratus Nimbostratus Stratocumulus Altostratus (= Blah) Altocumulus Cirrus Cirrus Cirrostratus Cirrostratus Cirrocumulus Cumulus Cumulus Cumulus Cumulonimbus Cumulonimbus Special Clouds Orographic Clouds Lenticular Clouds Lenticular Clouds Lenticular Clouds Wave Clouds Contrails Moisture at Different Levels Extreme High-Altitude Clouds Noctilucent Clouds Take-Away Points 1. Scattering is responsible for blue sky, cloud colors and sunset colors 2. Refraction causes optical distortions in the atmosphere 3. Dispersion explains rainbows, glories and haloes 4. Clouds are either stratiform (sheet-like) or cumulus (vertical) 5. Low clouds are water droplets, high clouds are ice