MEETING MINUTES SUSTAINABILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE MISSOURI STATE UNIVERSITY October 2, 2012 Present Bill Cheek Jennifer Cox Teresa Frederick Janice Greene Don Hendricks Tammy Jahnke Brad Kielhofner Mike Kromrey Barbara Lucks Ken McClure Tina McManus Matt Morris Joe Pitts Doug Sampson Tammy welcomed the committee and led introductions around the room. There was a nice article by Steve Pokin in the Newsleader on Saturday. Steve wrote about University highlights in sustainability with quotes from Dean Jahnke and MSU students. ANNUAL REPORT AND BROCHURE Goals for 2012-2013 based on first annual report Education and Research Sustainability minor will be approved by faculty senate. Operations Doug reported that Greenwood Laboratory School is close to LEED certification. At the Foster Recreation Center, they are wrapping up work with contractors and will submit certification soon. They are still pursuing certification at Darr School of Agriculture. Jennifer reported that Facilities is working on projects with LED lighting, developing a native plants policy and is developing a wildlife habitat policy. They are working with Allied Waste to to monitor amounts of waste and recycling. They are also planning a switch to low flow faucet aerators in academic spaces. Tony Hein will work with us to earn the credits for dining services. Planning, Administration and Engagement Ken reported that MSU will have a formal sustainability committee by the first of the year 2013. Tammy is investigating forming a committee on socially responsible investment. Other goals that were discussed but no one has the lead yet. No idle zone at Greenwood. Would need to work with students. Clean Air Alliance could help us. Harrison Elementary is already doing this in Springfield. Work with Chartwells and vendors in the PSU to use less plastic and encourage more recycling. There are a variety of sustainability educator programs going on in the residence halls and other places. We need to catalog these and maybe even bring some cohesiveness to the training. Encourage more to ride bicycles and walk to Missouri State. There are a variety of groups who could help us with that. Students are working with the Bookstore to encourage the sale of fair trade BearWear. Distribution plan for brochure The sustainability brochures are printed and copies are available in Temple Hall 142. The brochure will be posted to the University website soon. OUTREACH TO THE COMMUNITY Sustainability Energy Conference Don Hendricks drafted a flyer for the event that was reviewed and approved. Don announced that the event is on the master calendar and that a “button” will be placed on the homepage for the event. Bill Cheek agreed to monitor the afternoon panel. Mike Kromrey (with Matt Morris as back-up) has agreed to introduce the evening speakers. It will also be published in the Provost Communique and distributed to student emails. All members of the committee are encouraged to distribute the flyer! Barbara will distribute to the city of Springfield groups.(attached) Sustainability Website The sustainability website needs to be updated. Tammy and Matt will work on a plan. Don mentioned that it would be good to think of ways to capitalize on the Newsleader story Saturday and the need to keep people’s attention focused on sustainability information and events. Celebrating successes Sharing around the room Ken McClure reported on the Partnership for Sustainability merger with OCSS. They are currently working on budgets. As part of the merger, Amy Strickland is now employed by the partnership. Also, one of the staff ambassador projects will focus on recycling on campus. Brad Kielhofner reported that they will revisit job descriptions and add a paragraph to push sustainable projects with contractors and when designing buildings. Teresa Frederick announced that Residence Life is holding a video contest in which students will produce videos about sustainability in the residence halls. These will be shown in early November. Barbara Lucks reported that the city of Springfield has a number of task forces preparing to meet: Green Building task force on October 17 and Citizens Storm Water task force on October 25. She announced that the City has hired its first Sustainability Officer and that the Environmental Resource Center will be dedicated on Thursday. The City has contracted to create a Sustainability Plan. Joe Pitts updated the committee that JRBP is doing their education with 5th graders in Christian County in November. They are looking for volunteers. Mike Kromrey provided information about Jordan Creek tours as a unique urban adventure. Interested groups can tour the tunnels downtown and learn about storm water. The Watershed Committee monthly meeting will be October 5 at the C.W. Titus Education Facility at Valley Water Mill Park. Immediately following the meeting, Watershed Board and Staff will dedicate the Wetland Learning Station in honor of Robin Melton. Janice Greene reported that the teacher workshops on conservation in the classroom that were held at Bull Shoals Field Station were very successful. Missouri State is much closer to being the state coordinator for project WILD while Learning Tree is still in progress. Paige Oxendine and Lauren Bansbach submitted their report that the SGA Sustainability Committee is working on revising a proposal that was rejected by the Sustainability Commission regarding a water reclamation project that would incorporate rain barrels on campus. The SGA Sustainability Committee is also interested in seeing more LED lights installed in parking lots to replace the existing lighting. The committee is exploring different means of reducing waste in the bookstore, particularly in regards to plastic bag use. Close The next meeting will be held Tuesday, November 6, 2012, from 10:00 to 11:00am at Carrington 203.