University of Minnesota Duluth Route this form to: U Wide Form UM 398 This form is for departmental use. Biweekly Payroll Timesheet Rev: 6/1/01 This form is for departmental use. Be sure to include your payroll account number in the shaded box below. Last Name Job Code First Name Empl Record Pay Period Beginning and End Date 08/11/2014 to 08/24/2014 Empl ID I hereby certify that the time recorded represents actual hours of employment for the period indicated. Employee Signature Job Title Project Name Student Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Date 8/11 8/12 8/13 8/14 8/15 8/16 8/17 In Out In Out Yes In Out No Total Week 1 Hours Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Date 8/18 8/19 8/20 8/21 8/22 8/23 8/24 In Out In Out In Out Total Week 2 Hours Total Hours Worked for Pay Period Supervisor Verification: Repeat Total Hours Worked 1. Hours at 2. Hours at 3. Hours at Straight Time Time & ½ Double Time Combination (Combo) Code Supervisor Signature Hours to Pay Shift Differential EARNINGS CODE Date The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator & employer. 2001by the Regents of the University of Minnesota. Encumbrance-Option RATE