Page 1 of 2 Student Success Committee Minutes of Tuesday, October 24, 2006 Call to Order Call to order at 2:30 p.m. in UNVH 113 by Paris DePaepe, Chair. Attendance (*absent) and Introductions Voting Members Paris DePaepe, School of Teacher Education (2009) Clark Closser, English (2008) Danae Hudson, Psychology (2009) *Marvin Prosono, Sociology, Anthropology & Criminology (2008) Cathy VanLanduyt, CIS (2007) Weston Walker, Agriculture (2007) Ex Officio Members John Catau, Office of the Provost Mike Frizell, Writing Center Mike Wood, Student Success Guest Sandra Darst, Student Success (recorder of minutes) Committee Charge To advise and assist the Assistant to the Provost in the management of IDS 110, Introduction to University Life, and in the operational policies and procedures of the Writing Center. Report from Michael Frizell, Director of the Writing Center Handout breaking down usage statistics New online booking system—WC Online; $800/yr Staff recruited primarily by word of mouth; plans to send letter asking faculty help in recruiting No plans to offer online submission of papers Updating web site to Web Press Content Management Writing Center not open during summer; directorship—9 month position Report from Mike Wood, Director of Student Success Handout regarding instructor interventions and program assessment 5th week survey (instructor interventions—students with 3 or more absences) Workshops for “conditionally admitted” students open to all IDS 110 students Study conducted in full-semester classes to see if IDS 110 affects student’s “intent” to stay at the University Considering an external benchmarking assessment, EBI, if budget allows Institutional Research to track all Fall 2006 IDS 110 students for retention IDS 110 administers a pre-test/post-test survey of how important students consider goals of general education Course evaluation should include questions to assess instructor’s effectiveness Page 2 of 2 Action Taken Motion by Weston Walker, seconded by Clark Closser, and passed by unanimous voice vote: Resolved, that Wood should draft and present at next meeting 1. policy statement specifying the chain of command for students to follow in resolving issues that might develop between student and instructor, and 2. develop a list of potential questions to be included in course evaluation, which will assess individual instructor’s effectiveness. Follow-Up Items Next agenda—Work up a statement of committee’s position on special sections Next Meeting Scheduled November 28, 2:30-4:00 p.m., University Hall #113 Adjournment Motion by Weston Walker, seconded by Cathy VanLanduyt, and passed by unanimous voice vote to adjourn meeting at 3:45 p.m.