FY05--Grants Table (445Kb)

Drake University
Office of Sponsored Programs
Grants Received – FY05
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Stream
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Arthur Sanders
Tracking Non-Candidate Spending
This project will result in the tracking of non-candidate spending in Iowa for
the Presidential race.
PEW Foundation through Brigham Young University
September 04 ending December 04
Jack Gerlovich
Des Moines Science “Pioneers”
The purpose of this project is to establish a Drake University/Des Moines
Elementary Schools science collaborative that seeks to improved student
science achievement, leadership skills, and attitudes towards science through a
3-10 year, annual 5-day summer science camp. The camp is named the Des
Moines Science “Pioneers”.
Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
7/25/04 ending when funds are expended
Georgia Sheriff
Full Year Head Start – Part Day/Full Day and Handicapped
Drake University serves over 1000 pregnant women and children ages birth to
age 5 in 6 counties throughout central Iowa. Participants and their families
receive quality programming with various components such as education,
health, nutrition, and support services as needed.
Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children &
7/1/04 ending 6/30/05
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Robert Stensrud
This project improves the transition of students with disabilities from school to
work, providing scholarships for students pursuing Masters degrees in
Rehabilitation Counseling. Students wanting degrees in Rehabilitation, School,
and Community Counseling are recruited for this program.
U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration
8/1/04 ending 7/31/05
$149,996 (year 2 of 5)
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Long-term Training Program in Rehabilitation Counseling: A Community-Based
Distance Education Program
Neil Hamilton
Buy Local, Buy Fresh Product
Drake University’s Agricultural Law Center is working in conjunction with
Practical Farmers of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa to expand the
“Buy Fresh, Buy Local” campaign, from its initial pilot in northeastern Iowa to
the eight-county Des Moines Metropolitan area.
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
The purpose of this campaign is to educate consumer and food purchasers
regarding the economic, social, and product benefits of buying fresh, local
foods. Using an innovative urban-rural partnership, the campaign will help
stimulate the availability and convenience of local food purchasing by linking
local producers through participating farmers market, restaurants, grocery
stores, and other food related businesses with consumers who prefer fresh,
local food.
Greater Des Moines Community Foundation
6/16/04 until funds are expended
Matt Bruinekool
Long-term Training in Job Placement
This project provides trainees with the opportunity to obtain a M.S. degree in
Rehabilitation Placement or Rehabilitation Counseling through Drake
U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration
8/1/04 ending 7/31/05
$100,000 (5th and final year of project)
Matt Bruinekool
Long-term Training – Rehabilitation Administration
This project provides trainees with the opportunity to obtain a M.S. degree in
Rehabilitation Placement or Rehabilitation Counseling through Drake
U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration
8/1/04 ending 7/31/05
$99,961 (year 3 of 5)
Suzanne Levitt
Center for Children’s Rights
The Drake University Law School Legal Clinic agrees to represent clients in
child in need of assistance (CINA), termination of parental rights (TPR),
delinquency, juvenile mental health/substance abuse commitment, and judicial
by-pass proceedings. This representation includes necessary post-disposition
court proceedings, out-of-court follow-up and review hearings, and appeals.
State of Iowa, Office of the State Public Defender
7/1/04 ending 6/30/05
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Robert Stensrud
This project will provide a M.S. degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and a
Specialization in School to Work Transition to a minimum of six students per
year who plan to work for the Iowa State Division of Vocational Rehabilitation
Services. The concept derived from the strategic planning of the Iowa State
DVRS, which identified this as a critical factor in improving services to people
with disabilities.
U.S. Department of Education, Rehabilitation Services Administration
8/1/04 ending 7/31/05
$99,993 (year 2 of 5)
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
FY05 Report of Grant Activity
Rehabilitation Long-Term Training – Job Development/Job Placement to
Individuals with Disabilities
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Suzanne Levitt
State Public Defender Contract
For representation of clients in Class C felony, Class D felony, aggravated
misdemeanor, serious misdemeanor, and simple misdemeanor cases during
the entire criminal process through disposition in the trial court in the Iowa
District Court for Polk County.
State of Iowa, Office of the State Public Defender
7/1/04 ending 6/30/05
Neil Hamilton
Farmers’ Market Policy Conference
To begin a network of farmer market managers, farmers and consumers
interested in working on national policy issues of interest to farmers’ market
participants, including all conservation issues.
Environmental Defense (Private funding)
6/1/04 ending 12/31/04
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Klaus Bartschat
The development and application of a new effective general program for the
calculation of electron-atom and photon-atom processes will be the focus of
this project. The approach is based upon an extended version of the R-Matrix
method, in which non-orthogonal orbitals are extensively used for describing
both the target states and the scattering functions. This innovative approach
is expected to be essentially free of the three major problems that often arise
when the current suite of R-Matrix codes, mostly developed over the past
three decades in Belfast and currently used world-wide, is applied to truly
complex targets such as heavy noble gases or open-shell transition elements.
National Science Foundation
6/29/04 ending 8/31/05 (Year 2 of 3)
$80,000 (This award, with this amendment, now totals $160,000.)
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
FY05 Report of Grant Activity
ITR: Development of a General and Effective Program for Electron Collisions
with Atoms and Ions using a B-Spline Approach with Non-Orthogonal Orbitals
David Courard-Hauri
Movement Behavior of Grassland Butterflies in Mixed Habitats of Central Iowa
To investigate movement dynamics in three species of grassland butterflies in
different size classes: Speyeria cybele (great spangled fritillary), Colias
philodice (clouded sulpher), and Phyciodes tharos (pearle crescent). Results
will be useful in 1) answering questions regarding conservation management
techniques and preserve design in Iowa, 2) addressing issues regarding
repopulation and colonization of newly restored grassland habitat, and 3)
understanding local lepidopteran movement dynamics in general.
The Iowa Academy of Science
7/1/04 ending 5/31/05
Sherry Shafer
Small Business Development Center
To provide free, confidential individual business counseling to pre-business
owners and managers of small and mid-size for-profit companies. Enterprises
assisted must conform to SBA eligibility standards.
Funding Stream
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Small Business Administration / State of Iowa / Iowa State University
7/1/04 ending 8/31/04
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Neil Hamilton
Drake's Agricultural Law Center, founded in 1983, is an internationally
recognized center that provides opportunities to study how the legal system
shapes our food system and influences the ability of the agricultural sector to
produce, market and utilize agricultural products. The Center supports an
array of courses, publications, conferences, research initiatives and a recently
created certification program in food and agricultural law. Students learn about
legal issues involving the full scope of food and agriculture, including
marketing and finance; biotechnology; international trade; tax planning; soil
and water conservation; land use and environmental issues; food safety; and
federal farm programs.
USDA thru the University of Arkansas
6/1/04 ending 5/31/05
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
FY05 Report of Grant Activity
Operation of the National Center for Agricultural Law Research and
Georgia Sheriff
Delaware Head Start
To develop and implement programs and services for at-risk 3, 4, and 5 year
old children and their families.
State of Iowa, Department of Education, (DE) Child Development Coordinating
Council (CDCC), in care of Bureau of Children, Family & Community Services
7/1/04 ending 6/30/05
Georgia Sheriff
King Elementary Head Start/Early Head Start
To develop and implement programs and services for at-risk children ages 0-3
State of Iowa, Department of Education, (DE) Child Development Coordinating
Council (CDCC), in care of Bureau of Children, Family & Community Services
7/1/04 ending 6/30/05
Georgia Sheriff
Downtown Head Start
To develop and implement programs and services for at-risk 3, 4, and 5 year
old children and their families.
State of Iowa, Department of Education, (DE) Child Development Coordinating
Council (CDCC), in care of Bureau of Children, Family & Community Services
7/1/04 ending 6/30/05
Neil Hamilton
Buy Local, Buy Fresh Product
Drake University’s Agricultural Law Center is working in conjunction with
Practical Farmers of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa to expand the
“Buy Fresh, Buy Local” campaign, from its initial pilot in northeastern Iowa to
the eight-county Des Moines Metropolitan area.
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
FY05 Report of Grant Activity
The purpose of this campaign is to educate consumer and food purchasers
regarding the economic, social, and product benefits of buying fresh, local
foods. Using an innovative urban-rural partnership, the campaign will help
stimulate the availability and convenience of local food purchasing by linking
local producers through participating farmers market, restaurants, grocery
stores, and other food related businesses with consumers who prefer fresh,
local food.
Private Donations
Until funds are expended
Stuart Shulman
SGER Collaborative: A Testbed for eRulemaking Data
These funds will allow the Project Director to assemble a diverse group of rule
writers and interest groups to inform the work of the eRulemaking Research
Group, which was created with funding from the SGER Collaborative. The goal
of this project is to merge existing Information Technology capabilities with
social science knowledge in the development of an Internet-based testbed for
data gathered through www.regulations.gov. The testbed will also serve as a
pilot demonstration of experimental tools that rulewriters, researchers and the
public may eventually use when sorting through potentially voluminous public
National Science Foundation
8/18/04 ending 12/31/05
Georgia Sheriff
Mitchellville Head Start
To maintain a Head Start Classroom at Mitchellville Elementary School serving
up to 16 children.
United Way of Central Iowa thru Polk County Human Services Planning
Alliance (HSPA)
7/1/04 ending 6/30/05
Michael Rieck
NS-2 Analysis of Routing Protocols Based on k-Dominating Sets
This study will exploit both the graphical display and statistics gathering
capabilities of the NS-2 network simulator, in order to arrive at a more
complete understanding of the relative merits of various ad hoc network
routing protocols based on k-dominating sets. Students will learn about
various methods for routing based on k-dominating sets and will implement a
number of those using NS-2.
Collaborative Research Experience for Undergraduates (CREU)
2004 – 2005 program year
Susan Smith
Fulbright Visiting Specialist: Direct Access to the Muslim World
This program is designed to promote understanding of the Muslim World and
civilization. Funding will subsidize a two-week visit for a scholar from abroad
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
to visit Drake University in the fall of 2004.
United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs,
Council for International Exchange of Scholars (CIES)
November 2004
Fulbright grants include air travel, in-transit allowance, per diem and an
honorarium for the participants.
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Neil Hamilton
To provide organizational and financial support to the second National
Workshop on State and Local Food Policy conference held on September 9-10,
2004 at Drake University. The conference was designed to help organize and
engage groups of small farmers, market managers, food processors and
marketers, government officials and others in discussions about food and
agricultural policy opportunities. Topics addressed include: 1) Making farmers
markets part of the community’s food system, 2) Legal and policy needs for
farmers markets, 3) Insurance needs of farmers markets and vendors, and 4)
Farmers market and the law.
United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service
September 2004
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
National Workshop on State and Local Food Policy Conference: the Role of
Farmers’ Markets in America’s Food System
Linda Krypel
Nonprescriptions Medicine Academy Web Page
This is a continuation of a grant to develop and maintain a web site devoted to
faculty who teach in the area of nonprescription medicines. The site provides
updated information, a showcase for scholarship and a mechanism that
enables faculty to share ideas for research and teaching.
Proctor & Gamble
7/1/04 ending 6/30/05
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Garry Frank
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Neil Hamilton / Christine Pardee
To renew and expand the partnership to support the creation and operation of
food policy councils in eight states and one tribal nation. The project has five
goals: 1) to continue the successful work developing and supporting food
policy councils as a vehicle to provide training to underserved priority crop
producers, 2) to extend the initiative to create new food policy councils in
important agricultural regions by working with groups able to administer the
efforts, 3) to build on the proven ability of the Drake University Agricultural
Law Center to provide high quality educational programs and to manage and
coordinate a multi-entity project sharing communication, lessons, and
education between partners, 4) to work with the nation’s farmers markets to
FY05 Report of Grant Activity
Making Connections
For Process Documentation of the Making Connections initiative in Des Moines
Annie E. Casey Foundation / Human Services Planning Alliance (HSPA)
July to December 2004
Serving the Risk Management Information Needs of Specialty Crop Producers
through Food Policy Councils and Farmers’ Markets
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
identify and serve the risk management needs of markets and vendors, and 5)
to identify and address critical issues shaping the future opportunities for the
nation’s small and traditionally underserved farmers.
USDA, Risk Management Agency
9/30/04 ending 9/30/05
Sherry Shafer
Small Business Development Center
This is additional funding to a grant awarded in August of 2002. This project
provides technical business assistance and services to small businesses in a
five county area.
Small Business Administration thru Iowa State University
7/1/04 ending 10/31/04
Heidi Sleister
Mini-grant through Faculty Development Integration Program
This mini-grant will be used to develop two web pages. The first page will
feature Drake’s BIO11/12 course (an inquiry-based introductory biology
course) and the second will feature undergraduates’ and Dr. Sleister’s
collaborative research activities.
Iowa College Foundation
11/15/04 ending 05/15/05
Jody Swilky
A Little Salsa on the Prairie: The Changing Character of Perry, Iowa
This project studies the challenges many American communities face in the
twenty-first century, as they are transformed from racially homogenous towns
into more multicultural communities. It investigates how citizens respond to
cultural, economic and social changes in their daily lives as well as how they
can work collaboratively to address the difficulties social change poses.
National Endowment for the Humanities thru Humanities Iowa
1/1/05 ending 12/31/05
Suzanne Levitt
Fostering Results for Iowa’s Children
To educate and engage child welfare policy makers, juvenile court judges,
Iowa Supreme Court leadership, the media and other key stakeholders about
the need to address the core components of the Fostering Results project to
improve the performance of Iowa’s child welfare system.
PEW Charitable Trusts thru University of Illinois thru Iowa Department of
Inspection and Appeals
7/1/04 ending 6/30/05
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Keith Summerville
Restoration of Tallgrass prairie habitat on abandoned agricultural land faces a
number of challenges to the re-accumulation of native fauna. The purpose of
FY05 Report of Grant Activity
Restoration of Prairie Insect Biodiversity in Agricultural Landscapes: A MultiScaled Assessment
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
this research is to facilitate a greater understanding for how regional variation
in the agricultural habitat surrounding a restoration area and local variation in
plant diversity and site area interact to determine the type and number of
moth species within prairie restoration sites. This research will pinpoint critical
factors that operate across a wide-range of spatial scales to determine the
success of prairie restoration in agricultural landscapes. A number of federal
and state policies currently encourage farmers to convert marginal cropland to
native habitat for the benefit of native biodiversity. Upon completion of this
project, the results from this study will be used to formulate strategies for how
the restoration effort encouraged by these policies can succeed for the most
diverse group of animals in grasslands- insects.
United States Department of Agriculture, Cooperative State Research,
Education, and Extension Service
1/1/05 ending 12/31/06
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Mark Vitha
This project is aimed at understanding the stability, photochemistry, and
photophysics of two classes of voltage-sensitive dyes used to probe the
kinetics of specific membrane enzymes. It is hoped that this research will gain
a broader and more fundamental understanding of the chemical and physical
behavior of these fluorescent molecules.
American Chemical Society
7/1/05 ending 5/31/06
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
FY05 Report of Grant Activity
Experimental and Computational Studies of the Photochemistry of Fluorescent
Jerry Honts
Design Principles for Effective Molecular Animations
This research will examine the effects of animation on student learning. This
award is for one aspect of an international research collaboration with faculty
at Stanford University, University of Northern Colorado, and Drake University.
National Science Foundation thru University of Northern Colorado
1/1/05 ending 12/31/05
$34,828 (Year 1 of 3)
Pat Prijatel
Making Connections
For the third year in a row, Drake magazine majors will create a magazine for
the Annie E. Casey Foundation. This year’s publication focuses on school
readiness in Des Moines, including preschool and childcare programs, an
analysis of problems and solutions, and profiles of parents, families, teachers
and others involved with preparing children in at-risk neighborhoods for
Annie E. Casey Foundation
12-1-04 ending 5-31-05
James Romain
2005 North American Saxophone Alliance Region 3 Conference
The 2005 North American Saxophone Alliance (NASA) Region 3 Conference is
the result of collaborative efforts between Drake University and NASA. During
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
the 3-day conference, participants will present and attend performances,
clinics, master classes and other presentations that relate to saxophone
performance, pedagogy, research, or other areas of concern to saxophonists.
Iowa Arts Council
4-8-05 ending 4-10-05
Eric Saylor
Recorder/Accordion Concert
This award will fund a concert performance by David Bellugi (Recorder) and
Ivano Battiston (Accordion), both of whom are faculty at the Luigi Cherubini
Conservatory in Florence, Italy.
Iowa Arts Council
4-6-05 ending 4-6-05
June Johnson
A Collaborative Bone Health Education and Referral Project in Rural Iowa
The purpose of this project is to increase the identification and treatment of
older adults with undiagnosed osteopenia or osteoporosis by creating a
community pharmacy screening, education, referral, and follow-up monitoring
service within community pharmacies in the northwest quadrant of Iowa.
Community Pharmacy Foundation
1/05 ending 12/06 (pending approval from funding agency)
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Klaus Bartschat
The study examines collisions of electrons and photons with atoms and ions,
with particular emphasis on coherence and correlation phenomena. A
systematic analysis of the many individual experiments on elastic and inelastic
processes, including excitation, direct ionization, auto-ionization, excitation—
ionization, and double—ionization for a wide variety of targets in both ground
and excited initial states, will be performed through a combination of general
“reduced density-matrix theory” and the development and subsequent
application of highly reliable numerical methods.
National Science Foundation
6/1/03 ending 5/31/06
$90,000 (Brings total award to date to $270,000)
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
FY05 Report of Grant Activity
Excitation and Ionization in Atomic Collisions – General Theory and Accurate
Numerical Calculations – Year 3 of 3
Marion Panyan
Behavioral Supports for Children and Youth (Year 3 of 5)
This project will provide: 1) a statewide system that promotes the
mental/behavior health supports for children and youth in Iowa’s LEA’s, 2) a
statewide system for Positive Behavioral Supports (PBS), and 3) the adoption
implementation of science-based practices known to prevent students from
dropping out of school.
State of Iowa, Department of Education, Bureau of Special Education
1/01/05 ending 12/31/05
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Anne Murr
Mainstream Adult Literacy
Drake University, through its Adult Literacy Center, will provide services as
follows: 1) Professional tutoring services for Mainstream clients, and 2)
Literacy training for Mainstream Living staff.
Mainstream Living
1/15/05 ending 6/30/06
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Neil Hamilton
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Heidi Sleister
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
FY05 Report of Grant Activity
Value Chain Partnerships for a Sustainable Agriculture
Assist pork niche market working group.
W.K. Kellogg Foundation thru Iowa State University
10/1/04 ending 7/31/05
Integrating Bioinformatics Modules into Existing Genetics Courses
To prepare students to use computational tools (i.e. bioinformatics) to mine
biological data. This project involves the design of modules that will engage
students in bioinformatics applications. Specifically, students will learn to
navigate databases within the National Library of Medicine’s National Center
for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and the Saccharomyces Genome
Database (SGD). These modules will be incorporated into two existing courses
at Drake University: BIO105 (Introduction to Genetics) and BIO106 (Research
in Genetics).
Iowa College Foundation (Carver Trust)
March 2005 ending May 2005
Charisse Buising
NASA Opportunities for Visionary Academics (NOVA)
This project aims to make the SMCE integrated courses more available to the
preservice teaching audience through modifying the schedule and working
with the Education College to assure that it meets their certification
requirements. This would involve content and developing skills that students
could apply when they become practicing teachers (e.g. teaching through
projects, inquiry based learning, etc.). Specifically, it will incorporate NASA
data into exercises.
NASA Opportunities for Visionary Academics (NOVA)
4/1/05 ending 6/30/06
Brad Tice
Drake University / Albertson’s Care Laboratory
To provide a means of determining the business and educational values of
innovative pharmacy practice activities and professional education methods in
Albertson’s pharmacies. Specific objectives are: 1) to assess the financial
feasibility of new, innovative pharmacy practice activities and support systems
that enhance pharmacist effectiveness in patient care, 2) to aid Albertsons in
developing appropriate models for implementing new, innovative practices
throughout all markets, 3) to aid Albertsons in developing pharmacist training
models, 4) to conduct and evaluate new, innovative educational methods for
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
FY05 Report of Grant Activity
pharmacy students in chain community pharmacy settings, 5) to provide Drake
faculty with a venue for scholarly research in chain community pharmacy
practice and community pharmacy clerkship education, and 6) to document
appropriate, cost-effective models of work-study integration.
Albertson’s Inc.
9/1/04 ending 8/31/05
Russell Lovell
Poverty Law Internship Program
This is the ninth year of a collaborative project with the University of Iowa
College of Law. The grant funds are passed through in their entirety to fund
the interns’ salaries. There is a 3-day intensive Orientation taught by faculty
followed by 10-week internships with Iowa Legal Aid. Principal supervision is
by the on-site attorneys, with faculty monitoring each student’s progress. The
interns do not earn academic credit.
Iowa Supreme Court Lawyer Trust Account Commission
Summer 2005
$28,772 ($14,386 Drake’s portion)
Jody Swilky
A Little Salsa on the Prairie: The Changing Character of Perry, Iowa
This project studies the challenges many American communities face in the
twenty-first century, as they are transformed from racially homogenous towns
into more multicultural communities. It investigates how citizens respond to
cultural, economic and social changes in their daily lives as well as how they
can work collaboratively to address the difficulties social change poses.
Bock Family Foundation ($5,000); Raccoon Valley Bank Charitable Foundation
1/1/05 ending 12/31/05
Georgia Sheriff
Reading is Fundamental
Drake University Head Start participates in Reading is Fundamental (RIF), a
federal program that provides free books and literacy activities to children.
The Junior League of Des Moines, Inc. assisted Drake University Head Start
reach the 25% match required by RIF.
Junior League of Des Moines, Inc.
Until funds are expended
Arthur Sanders
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement: Money in Politics Study
To examine the sources of money used to fund Iowa state elections and what
these contributions generate in terms of influence and policy.
Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement
6/1/05 ending 12/31/05
Georgia Sheriff
Head Start
Supplemental funding for the Head Start program
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Delta Gamma Foundation
Until funds are expended
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Michael Rieck
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
NS-2 Analysis of Various Ad Hoc Wireless Routing Portocols
Skyler Nesheim and Matthew Smith, Drake undergraduate computer science
students, will further develop a network simulation project that was initiated at
Drake during the 2004-2005 academic year.
Iowa College Foundation, Maytag Innovation Student/Faculty Research Awards
5/3/05 ending 5/31/06
Charisse Buising
Iowa Space Grant Consortium
Funds are used to monitor, operate, and develop the Iowa Space Grant
Consortium base program at Drake University. In general, the base program
at Drake is Cellular and Molecular Biology as applied to Aerospace. Members
of the Iowa Space Grant Consortium include Drake University, Iowa State
University, the University of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration Aerospace Education Services
Program thru Iowa State University
4/1/05 ending 3/31/06
Principal Investigators
Project Title
Geoffrey Wall & Linda Krypel
A prospective study will be conducted in local rheumatologist’s offices to
determine complementary and alternative medicine use in patients with
Fibromyalgia Syndrome.
Arthritis Foundation, Iowa Chapter
Until funds are expended
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Complimentary and Alternative Medication Use in Patients with Fibromyalgia
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Sandra Dirks
This project will allow Doctor of Pharmacy students a unique opportunity to
develop their skills to provide Medication Therapy Management services in
collaboration with Broadlawns Medical Center, Fifield Pharmacy, and other
sites as determined.
Wellmark Foundation
6/1/05 ending 5/31/06
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
FY05 Report of Grant Activity
Innovative Model for Delivery of Medication Therapy Management Services
(MTMS) to Patients in the Community
Jack Gerlovich
Science Professional Development Program: A Collaborative Approach
Drake University, Des Moines Public Schools (DMPS), and Heartland Area
Education are joining forces to implement a research-based science
professional development program to enhance the content knowledge and
pedagogical skills of DMPS teachers. Through participation in this Science
Professional Development Program, teachers will gain confidence in teaching
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Agency
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Budget Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
FY05 Report of Grant Activity
inquiry-based science curriculum and will be empowered to be change agents
in science education and leaders in science instruction.
U.S. Department of Education thru Iowa Department of Education
5/23/05 ending 8/31/06
Anne Murr
Drake University Adult Literacy Center
To increase the Center’s capacity to deliver instruction to new adult readers in
the greater Des Moines area
Dollar General Literacy Foundation
5/19/05 ending 5/30/06
Neil Hamilton
Buy Local, Buy Fresh Product
Drake University’s Agricultural Law Center is working in conjunction with
Practical Farmers of Iowa and the University of Northern Iowa to expand the
“Buy Fresh, Buy Local” campaign, from its initial pilot in northeastern Iowa to
the eight-county Des Moines Metropolitan area.
The purpose of this campaign is to educate consumer and food purchasers
regarding the economic, social, and product benefits of buying fresh, local
foods. Using an innovative urban-rural partnership, the campaign will help
stimulate the availability and convenience of local food purchasing by linking
local producers through participating farmers market, restaurants, grocery
stores, and other food related businesses with consumers who prefer fresh,
local food.
Greater Des Moines Partnership
9/04 until funds are expended
Suzanne Levitt
Legal Services to the Elderly
The Drake University Law School Legal Clinic will provide outreach and
information and assistance services to the elderly. Special emphasis will be
placed on older individuals who are minorities, low income, rural, severely
disabled, have the greatest economic and social need, limited English speaking
ability and those with Alzheimer’s Disease or related disorders (and their
United States Department of Health and Human Services thru Aging Resources
of Central Iowa
7/1/04 ending 6/30/05
Doug Ireland
2005 Insurance Education Institute
To conduct the 2005 Insurance Education Institute
Insurance Education Foundation
1/20/05 until funds are expended
Principal Investigator
Project Title
Funding Source
Project Period
Amount Awarded
FY05 Report of Grant Activity
Scott Raecker
Institute for Character Development
Areas of focus have included education initiatives, community based character
development, partnership development, in-service training, workplace ethics,
arts, athletics, CHARACTER COUNTS! (CC!) Week, American Youth Character
Awards, the National Council on Youth Leadership, ICD Youth Training Core for
Character, public relations, finance and development. In addition, the
administrative team continues to work with faculty and staff to identify
opportunities to incorporate ICD into the Drake community.
Institute for Character Development, Inc.
6/1/04 ending 5/31/05