Page |1 Eco-Reps This is a face-to-face education program, where students engage with their peers at various high-trafficked locations on campus. Eco-Reps also help plan and implement student-focused outreach activities for campus-wide events, such as RecycleMania and Campus Conservation Nationals. Involvement in this program counts as service hours for scholarships, student organizations and Greek organizations. In order to save paper and ink, please submit your application electronically to: Jordan Schanda, Sustainability Coordinator Contact Information Name: Click here to enter information Email Address: Click here to enter information. Phone Number: Click here to enter information. Year in School: Click here to enter information. Major: Click here to enter information. Eco-Rep Training Eco-Reps must receive an initial training that provides them with the skills they need to effectively and confidently engage with students. Specifically, you will learn about the best methods to educate, increase involvement and encourage behavior change. You will also receive training for each topic you cover, which could include recycling, energy conservation, sustainable transportation, and many more... The Sustainability Coordinator will provide ongoing support. After we receive your application, you will be contacted by email to schedule your training. Page |2 Eco-Rep Expectations ☐ I understand that by participating in the Eco-Rep program, my information may be listed on Missouri State University Sustainability website, various social media platforms, or provided to individuals interested in the program. (If you do NOT wish to have your information listed, please leave this box unchecked) ☐ I understand that one of the expectations of being an Eco-Rep is active participation. I commit to at least two hours per month of Eco-Rep related activities, which could range from tabling to event planning. ☐ I commit to attend the Eco-Rep trainings each semester. ☐ I understand that maintaining active participation and communication is required for continued program support, communications, and use of the EcoRep designation on my email signature, resume, etc. Supplemental Questions Please provide a short personal statement (3-5 sentences) addressing the following questions. Why are you interested in becoming an Eco-Rep? What relevant skills, interests, and experiences do you have that you feel would benefit you in this position? What do you hope to gain from being an Eco-Rep? How did you hear about the Missouri State University Eco-Reps program? ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Missouri State University Sustainability website Sustainability Newsletter Another Eco-Rep, please specify: Click here to enter text. Other, please specify: Click here to enter text.