Ethical Leadership Project


Ethical Leadership Project

Part 1: Due October 6

Select a person, company, group etc… who, in your opinion, have not demonstrated good characteristics of ethical leadership. For example Martha Stewart, Jayson Blair, The Daily Evergreen, Enron Corporation.

Write a one paragraph to one page rationale addressing the following questions.


Who are the key players in this situation?


Why did you select this person, group, corporation etc.?


In one to two sentences what is the situation of ethical leadership you will be examining?

Part 2: Due October 27

Find 3 articles to use as sources in your final research paper. At least one source must be scholarly, not popular.

Compose a Bibliography in MLA Style Manual for each source. You can access this information on the Meyer

Library website or in an MLA Style Manual located in the Library.

Part 3: Due November 22

Write at least a 2 page paper addressing the following areas in no particular order and following the format guidelines below.


Who are the key players in this situation?


Why did you select this person, group, corporation etc.?


What is the situation of ethical leadership being examined?


What could the key players in this situation have done differently to extol the virtues of ethical leadership?


If this person, group, or company is still active in their community in what way have they changed or not changed?


What can you take away from this assignment/learn from this example? Are there any ways you can apply this to your life?

Format Guidelines

MLA Style

Minimum 2 pages-single spaced

Times New Roman 12 pt Font

Submitted by Melissa Price

Part 4: Due various dates Dec. 1, 6, or 8

Prepare a 3 minute speech over your paper from Part 3. Your speech must include your thesis statement and address all 6 questions answered in your paper. This presentation should be an overview of your paper from Part


Include a one page outline of your 2 minute speech. Please follow MLA outline format. Be sure to mention your scholarly and popular sources.

Submitted by Melissa Price
