‐Green Bay Retiree Association UW Board of Directors’ Meeting Minutes

UW‐Green Bay Retiree Association
Board of Directors’ Meeting
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
Jim Wiersma (president), Tracy Heaser, Frank Madzarevic, George O’Hearn, Pat Przybelski, Chuck Rhyner,
Lee Schwartz, Ron Stieglitz, Roger Vanderperren, Sue Weiler
Guests: Jeanne Stangel, Ann O’Hearn
Excused: Ken Fleurant
The meeting was called to order at 9:05 a.m.
Jim introduced Jeanne Stangel, the new Director of Development, who began her position May 1.
Approval of Minutes
The minutes of April 10, 2012, were approved as submitted.
Arboretum Walk
Thanks to Gary Fewless, Specialist in Natural and Applied Sciences, for leading our second annual
arboretum walk April 26. Jim will send Gary a thank you for giving us his time for the morning walk. We
had a nice turnout. Ron Starkey sent Jim some pictures of the walk and Jim will circulate them.
Tracy distributed the Retirees Scholarship Endowment report with activity as of June 30, 2011. We
questioned the figure of $1005.70 that was from contributions made after 6/30/11. Tracy said his figure was
from 24 individual donations and added directly to the principal of the endowment. Our scholarship money
comes from interest earned on the principle endowment. The book value as of December 1, 2011, is
$16,125.94. We will have the Financial Aid office choose our scholarship recipient again this year.
Human Resources Handout
Updates were made to the handout about the Retiree Association and forwarded to HR for distribution to
new retirees.
Banquet Program
The annual Retiree dinner will be held October 2. Jim contacted Jane Rank, chair of the Oral History
Project, and Jane is willing to give a report after dinner on the committee’s progress to date.
Golf Outing
No updates. Jim will check to see if either September 6 or 13 is available. We should get a poster put up at
Shorewood announcing the outing. Tracy is very busy with her alumni work during the months of August
and September.
Summer Meeting Schedule
We will begin holding our summer meetings at Lambeau Cottage. With no pressing issues to discuss, we
will take the month of June off and meet again in July 10 at 9:15 a.m.
Elections will be held at the annual retiree dinner for three positions: President, Secretary, and at-large
member. We will need a nominations committee to make telephone calls to retirees to find candidates
willing to have their names on the ballot for these vacant positions.
Ken is our listserve manager. We are in need of someone who will act as a backup for this position.
We discussed how the Board was initially organized in 1998. We need to keep a bridge between the retirees,
the campus, and students. The University will be celebrating their 50th anniversary in 2019.
I.D. Cards
Tracy said that a retiree ID card is a go per Rick Warpinski, Director of the University Union. The card will
cost $8 and money added can be used as pass points, for library use, food purchase, green fees at Shorewood,
etc. Tracy will check with the Kress Center to see if the card can be used as an ID.
We discussed taking ID pictures at the retiree dinner beginning at 5:00 p.m. If arrangements can be made
with the Union for this time slot, we will send out a notice with the retiree dinner announcement about the ID
cards and cost of $8.
Jim received his first piece of mail as President of the UW-Green Bay Retiree Association. It was from the
National Retiree Association asking us to join for $100. We decided to decline.
Jeanne Stengel said Tracy Heaser was working with Human Resources to get contact e-mail and addresses
for all retirees and will put this information into Razor’s Edge. We can review their information with ours to
see that we have everyone on our listserve. We will save money by e-mailing retirees rather than mailing
information to them.
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 a.m. in preparation for a 10:00 a.m. presentation by Kathy Petersen, a Sales
Associate for Informed Choice, who will speak to retirees about the basics of Medicare and Medicare
options, including supplemental health insurance.
Our next meeting will be held July 10 at 9:15 a.m. at the Lambeau Cottage.
Pat Przybelski, Secretary
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