University of Wisconsin-Green Bay TESTING SERVICES Tel: (920) 465-2221 Fax: (920) 465-2430 E-mail: Report of Results: UWGB General Education Assessment Program 2006-07 Report of Results: UWGB General Education Assessment Program 2006-07 Academic Year [with extended data analysis] Prepared by Pam Gilson, Coordinator Testing Services June 2007 Table of Contents Acknowledgments................................................................................................... iii Introduction ..............................................................................................................4 Interpretation of Scores ...........................................................................................4 Summary of Results .................................................................................................5 Overall Performance on the College BASE ............................................................................ 5 English........................................................................................................................................ 6 Reading Skills.......................................................................................................................... 6 Understanding Literature ....................................................................................................... 6 Longitudinal Data. .................................................................................................................. 6 Mathematics .............................................................................................................................. 7 General Mathematics .............................................................................................................. 7 Algebra .................................................................................................................................... 7 Geometry ................................................................................................................................. 7 Longitudinal Data. .................................................................................................................. 8 Science ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Laboratory & Field Work ....................................................................................................... 9 Fundamental Concepts ........................................................................................................... 9 Longitudinal Data. .................................................................................................................. 9 Social Studies ........................................................................................................................... 10 History................................................................................................................................... 10 Social Sciences ...................................................................................................................... 10 Longitudinal Data. ................................................................................................................ 11 Reasoning Competencies ........................................................................................................ 12 Student Performance by Type of Major ............................................................................... 13 Factors Affecting Test Performance...................................................................................... 13 Student Perceptions of the Experience ................................................................................. 13 Dissemination and Use of Results .........................................................................14 Additional Results ..................................................................................................14 Appendix .................................................................................................................15 Part I: Tabular Summary of Results..................................................................................... 16 Part II: Proficiencies Measured by the College BASE ........................................................ 23 Testing Services page ii Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Acknowledgments Implementing a successful assessment program is a difficult and time-consuming task, which cannot be accomplished without the support and assistance of many individuals. Grateful recognition goes to Terry Weller in the Registrar’s Office and Marlene Strebel in CIT for their assistance in helping with running the processes to gather the data and fine-tuning other processes associated with gathering the results for this report. Testing Services page iii Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Introduction The UWGB General Education Assessment Program is in its 16th year. Since spring 1991, almost fourteen thousand students (n = 13,998) have completed the program. The purpose of the program is to provide students and UWGB with feedback regarding how well students have developed specific academic skills through their sophomore year. The assessment program has changed this year and only has one component, the achievement test. The achievement test is the College BASE (College Basic Academic Subjects Examination), a commercially published, criterion-referenced test battery that measures twenty-two specific skills in English, mathematics, science and social studies with three different levels of reasoning competency. The test includes 180 multiple-choice items. It provides 39 scores including a measure of proficiency in English, mathematics, science and social studies; nine subscores, called cluster scores, which represent proficiency in specific areas within each curricular area; 22 skill scores distributed throughout the subject areas; and three reasoning competency scores. (See Part II of the Appendix for a complete description of the skills.) Interpretation of Scores As a criterion-referenced examination, the items comprising the College BASE assess specific, clearly delineated content and skills. The criteria and proficiency levels for the skills are based on what a panel of experts agreed should be expected of students who have completed at least two years of college. The College BASE provides two types of test results: numeric scores that range from 40 to 560 points with a mean of 300, and ratings that can be either High, Medium or Low. Numeric scores represent examinees’ familiarity with traditional subject matter (e.g., mathematics) or how well they performed on a group of closely related skills (e.g., reading critically). Numeric scores that fall between 258 and 332 represent an adequate level of skill development and knowledge base. Scores above 332 represent highly developed skills and an extensive knowledge base. Scores below 257 suggest that skills are not well developed and/or that the subject matter knowledge is weak. The proficiency level of UWGB students on each of the 22 curricular skills and 3 reasoning competencies is rated using a three-point scale. A “High” rating suggests that a student has thoroughly mastered a particular area or skill; students with adequate proficiency receive a “Medium” rating; and a “Low” rating suggests that proficiency levels are not adequate for students in the second half of their college careers. Testing Services page 4 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Summary of Results The following results show the overall performance of UWGB students in important areas of general education skill development. However, because the College BASE provides “criterionreferenced” scores, results are best interpreted at the individual student level. By design, the BASE test does not provide “norm-referenced” scores that would allow a comparison of student performance at UWGB with other institutions. Results shown are for the 2006-07 academic year. These results are then placed in the context of longitudinal results, beginning with the 1991-92 academic year. During the 2006-07 academic year, 952 of UWGB’s matriculated students who had earned between 54 and 72 credits completed the College BASE test1. Thirty-seven percent earned the minimum score needed to earn a free credit. Overall, results suggest that UWGB students have well developed general education skills by the end of their sophomore year. Reasoning skills, assessed at three distinct levels, are also well developed for a significant majority of students. Overall Performance on the College BASE UWGB students performed adequately on the College BASE in 2006-07. Students performed best on the mathematics portion of the test (mean = 310) followed by social studies (mean = 278), English (mean = 268), and science (mean = 267). The average Composite score (281) approximated the scoring service’s anticipated average Composite score of 300 (see Chart 1). Chart 1 College BASE: Composite Scores (1991-2007) Scores 320 300 280 260 Composite 91-92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96 96-97 97-98 98-99 99-00 00-01 01-02 02-03 03-04 04-05 05-06 06-07 306 304 309 305 305 305 304 296 302 295 299 295 295 294 284 1 The results described in this report are for 941 of the 952 students who took the College BASE. Students for whom relevant data was not available in the UWGB Student Information System or took the exam too late for scoring this year are excluded from this analysis. Testing Services page 5 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) 281 English Reading Skills BASE results show that 62 percent of 2006-07 UWGB College BASE test takers can read college level material critically and analytically. The test results also indicated that over one-third of the students (39 percent) had difficulty recognizing assumptions and implications, and evaluating ideas. In addition, 37 percent of the students had problems seeing relationships between form and content when reading a literary text. Understanding Literature Over the past ten years, this skill area has been one of the lowest areas of performance for UWGB students. Over one-third (35%) of the students received a “Low” rating for their understanding of literature including different literary forms and historical contexts. Almost half (45%) received a “Medium” rating and another 20% received a “High” rating. English Skill Ratings Cluster Reading and Literature Writing Skill Area 1. Reading Critically 2. Reading Analytically 3. Understanding Literature 4. Writing as a Process 5. Conventions of Written English % Receiving Ratings High Med Low 12% 48% 39% 17% 46% 37% 20% 45% 35% 20% 56% 24% 11% 70% 19% Longitudinal Data Since 1991-92, UWGB students have typically achieved average scores on the English section of the College BASE. As Chart 2 shows, the overall English score and the scores on the Reading and Literature portion of the exam were the lowest average scores our students have received since the 1991-92 academic year. Scores appear to be on a slow decline for the past seven years. Interestingly, even though English has often been the lowest scoring area on the College BASE for UWGB students, they tell us on the research question portion of the College BASE that they believe they have strong English skills. Testing Services page 6 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Chart 2 College BASE: English Subject Scores & Subscores (1991-2007) Scores 319 314 309 304 299 294 289 284 279 274 269 264 259 9192 9293 9394 9495 9596 9697 9798 9899 9900 0001 0102 0203 0304 0405 0506 0607 ENGLISH 294 292 305 301 295 298 292 286 294 289 286 285 282 280 271 268 Reading & Lit 295 285 296 284 288 292 287 281 290 283 282 280 277 274 262 260 Writing 296 302 314 321 305 307 299 298 303 302 299 300 294 297 292 290 Mathematics General Mathematics In the general mathematics cluster, 86 percent of the students that took the exam this year could use mathematical techniques in the solution of real life problems; 91 percent could effectively use the language, notation, and deductive nature of mathematics to express quantitative ideas with precision; and 86 percent could use the techniques of statistical reasoning and recognize common misuses of statistics. Algebra On the algebra portion of the test, more than eight of 10 students could evaluate algebraic and numerical expressions (27% received a “High” rating, 57% a “Medium” rating) and solve equations and inequalities (23% received a “High” rating, 61% a “Medium” rating). Geometry Since most students had not taken a geometry class since high school (four or more years earlier), the results reflected this. (Normally this portion was higher.) Only twenty-eight percent received a “High” rating for their ability to recognize two- and three- dimensional figures and their properties. Nineteen percent of the students received a “High” rating for their ability to use the properties of two- and three-dimensional figures to perform geometrical calculations. Testing Services page 7 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Mathematics Skill Ratings Cluster General Mathematics % Receiving Ratings High Med Low 29% 57% 14% 39% 52% 9% 38% 48% 14% 27% 57% 16% 23% 61% 16% 28% 49% 23% 19% 57% 24% Skill Area 6. Practical Applications 7. Properties and Notations 8. Using Statistics 9. Evaluating Expressions 10. Equations and Inequalities 11. 2 and 3 Dimensional Figures 12. Geometrical Calculations Algebra Geometry Longitudinal Data Since 1991-92, UWGB students have achieved above average scores on the mathematics section of the College BASE, with little decline this year. As Chart 3 shows, mathematics scores for UWGB students fell, but not as drastically as the previous year. Mathematics is consistently the highest scoring area on the College BASE, yet students tell us on the research question portion of the College BASE that they do not believe they have very strong math skills. Chart 3 College BASE: Math Subject Scores & Subscores (1991-2007) 335 330 325 Scores 320 315 310 305 300 295 9192 9293 9394 9495 9596 9697 9798 9899 9900 0001 0102 0203 0304 0405 0506 0607 MATH 304 308 312 311 314 316 318 310 319 314 322 316 323 321 312 310 General 297 302 307 313 315 321 322 320 321 319 325 322 323 330 320 320 Algebra 298 300 303 305 309 307 311 301 312 307 313 308 315 323 310 303 Geometry 307 304 306 299 307 307 307 300 313 303 313 308 318 324 298 300 Testing Services page 8 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Science Laboratory & Field Work Fifty-five percent of the students tested had a good understanding of how observation and experimentation relate to the development of scientific theories; 82 percent could recognize appropriate procedures for gathering scientific information; and 72 percent were able to interpret and express the results of observation and experimentation. Fundamental Concepts Between 19 and 22 percent of the students had a very good understanding of the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories of the life sciences (19%) and physical sciences (22%). However, a higher percentage of each group received a “Low” rating in these areas (43% and 35% respectively). Science Skill Ratings Cluster Laboratory & Field Work Fundamental Concepts Skill Area 13. Observation/Experimental Design 14. Lab/Field techniques 15. Interpreting Results 16. Life Sciences 17. Physical Sciences % Receiving Ratings High Med Low 19% 36% 44% 20% 62% 18% 16% 56% 28% 19% 38% 43% 22% 43% 35% Longitudinal Data Science scores for UWGB students have declined – in general – since 1991-92, with Laboratory and Field Work scores exceeding Fundamental Concept scores (see Chart 4). However, the Fundamental Concepts average score is lower than it has ever been and it has taken a large dip since 04-05. Testing Services page 9 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Chart 4 College BASE: Science Subject Scores & Subscores (1991-2007) 315 310 305 300 Scores 295 290 285 280 275 270 265 9192 9293 9394 9495 9596 9697 9798 9899 9900 0001 0102 0203 0304 0405 0506 0607 SCIENCE 312 306 308 303 309 307 306 295 300 289 291 284 283 284 270 267 Lab & Field 308 308 310 306 310 309 310 300 302 293 295 289 286 288 278 276 Fund Concepts 310 299 301 296 302 299 297 288 296 284 286 282 284 296 269 265 Social Studies History Results for 2006-07 show that of the students tested, 74 percent have “Medium” to “High” levels of knowledge about the significance of U.S. and 78 percent have “Medium” or “High” levels of knowledge about world events. Overall, students performed somewhat better on the questions relating to world events than on the questions relating to U.S. events. Social Sciences Students did best with recognizing basic features and concepts of world geography, with seventyeight percent receiving a “Medium” or “High” rating. Over one-quarter (35%) received a “Low” rating in the area assessing recognition of basic features and concepts of the world’s political and economic structures. Thirty-six percent received a “Low” rating in the area of recognition of appropriate investigative and interpretive procedures in the social sciences. Testing Services page 10 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Social Studies Skill Ratings Cluster History % Receiving Ratings High Med Low 14% 64% 22% 16% 58% 26% 23% 55% 22% 20% 45% 35% 18% 46% 36% Skill Area 18. Significance of World Events 19. Significance of U. S. Events 20. Geography 21. Political & Economic Structures 22. Social Science Procedures Social Sciences Longitudinal Data Since 1991-92, UWGB students have achieved average to below average scores on the social studies section of the College BASE. Chart 5 shows how social studies scores have been declining since the 1993-94 academic year. Students’ scores on the subject’s two clusters, history and social science, were nearly indistinguishable in the first part of the last decade. In the latter part, history scores have been somewhat more stable than the social sciences scores. Chart 5 College BASE: Social Studies Subject Scores & Subscores (1991-2007) 316 311 306 Scores 301 296 291 286 281 276 9192 9293 9394 9495 9596 9697 9798 9899 9900 0001 0102 0203 0304 0405 0506 0607 SOCIAL STUDIES 310 308 311 305 301 297 298 293 294 290 295 293 291 282 282 278 History 308 305 310 304 300 298 300 295 296 295 297 296 295 283 289 286 Social Sciences 309 309 309 304 301 297 297 292 294 287 293 291 290 285 280 276 Testing Services page 11 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Reasoning Competencies A strong proportion (48% to 90%) of the students displayed competence in the areas of reasoning assessed by the College BASE. The three reasoning competencies assessed by the College BASE are arrayed in order of difficulty, and so it is appropriate that students’ highest achievement in reasoning skill is associated with Interpretive Reasoning (the most straightforward of the three reasoning competencies), followed by Strategic Reasoning, and by Adaptive Reasoning. Importantly, only one in ten students (10%) received a “Low” rating in Interpretive Reasoning. Almost half (48%) demonstrated “Medium” or “High” performance in Adaptive Reasoning, the highest level of reasoning assessed by the College BASE. It refers to the ability to synthesize new rules, generate hypotheses and express judgments. As shown by Chart 6, it appeared that students’ Interpretive Reasoning scores had increased slightly over time, but all Reasoning scores have been on the decline for a few years now. Reasoning Skills Ratings % Receiving Ratings High Med Low 35% 55% 10% 15% 57% 28% 9% 39% 52% Reasoning Area Interpretive Reasoning Strategic Reasoning Adaptive Reasoning Chart 6 College BASE: Reasoning Competency Scores (1991-2007) 325 320 315 310 305 Scores 300 295 290 285 280 275 270 265 260 9192 9293 9394 9495 9596 9697 9798 9899 9900 0001 0102 0203 0304 0405 0506 0607 Interpretive 305 310 314 312 318 317 319 308 321 314 320 313 317 314 308 304 Strategic 313 311 316 312 312 315 314 305 306 300 304 298 299 296 288 283 Adaptive 297 300 303 294 295 294 291 289 296 284 287 283 277 271 262 262 Testing Services page 12 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Student Performance by Type of Major As a group, students that took the College BASE in 2006-07 with majors in the humanities had the highest mean Composite Score. With a score of 300 representing adequately developed skills, the mean composite score for each of five types of majors was: humanities, 312; natural sciences, 308; professional studies, 279; fine arts, 277; and social sciences, 270. Factors Affecting Test Performance Seventy-nine percent of students used 76 or more minutes to work on the exam (the minimum required time is 70 minutes and the maximum is 180 minutes) and, generally, the more time students spent on the test, the higher their scores. Forty-four percent spent at least 121-180 minutes on the exam. The Composite score of those who spent 70-75 minutes on the exam was 224, while those who spent 151-180 minutes received a composite score of 318. Student Perceptions of the Experience Students who took the College BASE during the 2006-07 academic year completed a brief “posttest” survey in which they self-reported on several aspects of the testing experience. One question asked students to identify the extent to which they agreed with the statement, “When taking the College BASE, I put forth my best effort.” On a scale of 1-10, where 1 = strongly agree, 41% of the students responding (385 of 942) gave a score of 1, 2, or 3 – indicating that they had put forth their best effort. Eighteen percent (167 of 942) gave a score of 8, 9, or 10 – indicating that they had not put forth their best effort. Another question asked, “When taking the College BASE, I paid careful attention to the questions.” On a scale of 1-10, 40% gave a score of 1, 2, or 3, while 13 percent gave a score of 8, 9, or 10. When asked, “While taking the College BASE, I spent as little time as possible,” 15% of students agreed giving a score of 1, 2, or 3, while 53% disagreed with the statement and gave a score of 8, 9, or 10. Testing Services page 13 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) _______________________ Dissemination and Use of Results Individual students and the institution use information obtained through the UWGB General Education Assessment Program in several ways. First, students receive feedback regarding their performance from an individual score report which includes thirty-nine (39) different pieces of information. All students, through a brochure, are encouraged to study their results carefully, consult with their faculty advisors, and take some constructive steps to shore-up areas that may need improvement. Second, because the test publisher provides information about student performance individually and in the aggregate at several different levels, the results are available for diagnostic use by the institution as a whole and by individual academic units. A copy of this report is sent to the Provost and Vice Chancellor, academic deans, chairs of the General Education Council and Academic Affairs Council and the director of Institutional Research. Finally, individual test scores are included in the institutional database to allow for additional analysis of the information by various factors such as major, grade point average, courses completed, and the like. Additional Results The balance of this report consists of a two-part Appendix. Part I consists of several tables that provide a detailed summary of test results. A complete listing of tables can be found on the first page of the Appendix. Part II of the Appendix is a detailed description of the proficiencies measured by the College BASE. Testing Services page 14 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Appendix Part I: Tabular Summary of Results Table 1: Background Characteristics of Students Completing College BASE Table 2: Students Completing College BASE by Major Category Table 3: Major Field of Study - Students Completing College BASE Table 4: College BASE Subject and Cluster Scores Table 5: College BASE Skill and Reasoning Competency Scores Table 6: College BASE Subject Scores by Major Table 7: College BASE Subject Scores for Majors with 20+ Students Completing CBASE Table 8: College BASE Subject Scores: Mean Scores for Five Groups of Majors Table 9: Time Spent on Multiple-Choice Portion of College BASE Table 10: College BASE Subject and Cluster Scores by Test Completion Time Table 11: College BASE Subject and Cluster Scores by Transfer Status Part II: Proficiencies Measured by the College BASE Testing Services page 15 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Appendix Part I: Tabular Summary of Results Table 1: Background Characteristics of Students Completing College BASE (Percentage Distribution) Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 Combined Category Sex Male Female Age Up to 21 22 to 25 26 to 29 30 to 40 41+ Ethnicity White Minority n % 302 627 929 33% 67% 100% 662 199 39 29 12 941 70.6% 21.2% 4.1% 2.9% 1.2% 100% 843 96 939 89.8% 10.2% 100% n Category Transfer Student UW College Other College Re-entry Did Not Transfer Year Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior % 131 164 22 624 941 14.0% 17.4% 2.3% 66.3% 100% 2 358 553 20 933 .2% 38.4% 59.3% 2.1% 100% Table 2: Students Completing College BASE by Major Category (Percentage Distribution) Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 Combined Category Social Sciences Professional Studies Natural Sciences Humanities Fine Arts Pre-majors/Undeclared n 274 159 172 75 81 44 805 Percent 34.0% 19.7% 21.4% 9.3% 10.1% 5.5% 100% Mean* 270 279 308 312 277 266 * Mean is for the mean Composite score for each major category. Testing Services page 16 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Table 3: Major Field of Study - Students Completing College BASE (Percentage Distribution) Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 Combined Area (P) (F) (N) (P) (N) (F) (S) (N) (N) (S) (P) (H) (S) (N) (H) (H) (H) (N) (S) (H) (N) (N) (F) (H) (S) (S) (S) (S) (P) (H) (F) (S) (O) Major Accounting Art Biology Business Administration Chemistry Communication and the Arts Communication Computer Science Earth Science Economics Elementary Education English Environmental Policy & Planning Environmental Sciences French German History Human Biology Human Development Humanistic Studies Information Sciences Mathematics Music & Applied Music Philosophy Political Science Psychology Public Administration Social Change & Development Social Work Spanish Theatre Urban & Regional Studies Undecided, Other TOTAL n Percent 20 19 16 94 12 28 41 12 2 5 28 25 8 11 1 4 22 92 36 11 1 26 20 1 13 111 28 24 17 11 14 8 44 805 2.48% 2.36% 1.99% 11.68% 1.49% 3.48% 5.09% 1.49% .25% .62% 3.48% 3.11% .99% 1.37% .12% .50% 2.73% 11.43% 4.47% 1.37% .12% 3.23% 2.48% .12% 1.61% 13.79% 3.48% 2.99% 2.11% 1.37% 1.74% .99% 5.46% 100% F=Fine Arts; H=Humanities; N=Natural Sciences; P=Professional Studies; S=Social Sciences; O=Other Testing Services page 17 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Table 4: College BASE Subject and Cluster Scores (Means, Standard Deviations and Range) Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 Combined Testing Services page 18 Subject/Cluster n mean SD Range Composite Score 935 281 57 124-433 English Subject 941 268 64 99-448 Reading and Literature 941 260 73 86-430 Writing 941 290 47 168-389 Mathematics Subject 941 310 68 130-466 General Mathematics 941 320 58 158-433 Algebra 941 303 66 134-411 Geometry 941 300 78 142-421 Science Subject 935 267 83 98-470 Laboratory and Field Work 935 276 72 108-443 Fundamental Concepts 935 265 84 103-409 Social Studies Subject History 938 278 68 114-447 938 286 60 141-423 Social Sciences 938 276 67 113-431 Reasoning Competencies Interpretive 935 304 66 127-470 Strategic 935 283 67 118-475 Adaptive 935 262 69 103-444 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Table 5: College BASE Skill and Reasoning Competency Scores (Percentage Distribution) Highest to Lowest Percentage of “High” Ratings Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 Combined (n=941) % High 29% 38% 23% 27% 11% 39% 20% 23% 20% 14% 28% 19% 16% 16% 22% 20% 20% 18% 17% 19% 19% % Medium 57% 48% 61% 57% 70% 52% 56% 55% 62% 64% 49% 57% 58% 56% 43% 45% 45% 46% 46% 38% 36% % Low 14% 14% 16% 16% 19% 9% 24% 22% 18% 22% 23% 24% 26% 28% 35% 35% 35% 36% 37% 43% 44% % High + Medium 86% 86% 84% 84% 81% 91% 76% 78% 82% 78% 77% 76% 74% 72% 65% 65% 65% 64% 63% 57% 55% 12% 21% 48% 52% 39% 26% 60% 74% Reasoning Competencies 23 Interpretive 35% 55% 10% 24 Strategic 15% 57% 28% 25 Adaptive 9% 39% 52% * These numbers correspond to the BASE competencies described in Part II of the Appendix. 90% 72% 48% #* 6 8 10 9 5 7 4 20 14 18 11 12 19 15 17 21 3 22 2 16 13 1 Description Practical Applications Using Statistics Equations & Inequalities Evaluating Expressions Conventions of Written English Properties & Notations Writing as a Process Geography Lab/Field Techniques Significance of World Events 2 & 3 Dimensional Figures Geometrical Calculations Significance of U.S. Events Interpreting Results Physical Sciences Political/Economic Structures Understanding Literature Social Science Procedures Reading Analytically Life Sciences Observation/Experimental Design Reading Critically Average Percentage Testing Services page 19 Subject Math Math Math Math English Math English Soc St Science Soc St Math Math Soc St Science Science Soc St English Soc St English Science Science English Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Table 6: College BASE Subject Scores by Major (Mean Scores) Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 Combined Major Accounting Art Biology Business Administration Chemistry Communication and the Arts Communication Computer Science Earth Science Economics Elementary Education English Environmental Policy & Planning Environmental Sciences French German History Human Biology Human Development Humanistic Studies Information Sciences Mathematics Music & Applied Music Philosophy Political Science Psychology Public Administration Social Change & Development Social Work Spanish Theatre Urban & Regional Studies Undecided, Other Testing Services page 20 n 20 19 16 94 12 28 41 12 2 5 28 25 8 11 1 4 22 92 36 11 1 26 20 1 13 111 28 24 17 11 14 8 44 Composite Mean 289 261 286 279 321 267 264 328 287 264 275 306 241 269 347 311 290 294 259 271 343 335 280 361 305 271 289 280 271 300 300 261 266 English Mean 237 256 259 258 260 262 277 301 269 246 275 311 231 235 319 285 288 272 258 273 355 295 266 355 256 269 273 278 262 307 287 225 258 Math Mean 363 273 321 330 366 303 272 357 336 294 311 320 274 310 334 324 291 328 295 278 315 407 302 387 317 294 305 290 290 316 297 289 292 Science Mean 265 243 302 256 353 241 229 337 226 234 242 283 220 274 378 299 249 305 240 244 352 324 265 402 306 258 265 259 255 271 309 237 245 Soc Studies Mean 289 269 260 270 304 260 276 312 314 280 274 309 239 258 358 337 333 271 244 289 350 313 287 298 342 263 316 293 277 307 308 292 270 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Table 7: College BASE Subject Scores for Majors with 20+ Students Completing College BASE (Mean Scores and Rank*) Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 Combined Major n Accounting Business Administration Communication & the Arts Communication Elementary Education English History Human Biology Human Development Math Music Public Administration Psychology Social Change & Devlpmt * 20 94 28 41 28 25 22 92 36 26 20 28 111 24 Composite English Math Science Soc Studies Mean Rank Mean Rank Mean Rank Mean Rank Mean Rank 289 279 267 264 275 306 290 294 259 335 280 289 271 280 5 9 12 13 10 2 4 3 14 1 7 6 11 8 237 258 262 277 275 311 288 272 258 295 266 273 269 278 14 12 11 5 6 1 3 8 13 2 10 7 9 4 363 330 303 272 311 320 291 328 295 407 302 305 294 290 2 3 8 14 6 5 12 4 10 1 9 7 11 13 265 256 241 229 242 283 249 305 240 324 265 265 258 259 4 9 12 14 11 3 10 2 13 1 5 6 8 7 289 270 260 276 274 309 333 271 244 313 287 316 263 293 Ranks are based on the majors that had 20+ students completing the College BASE during the 2006-07 academic year. Table 8: College BASE Subject Scores: Mean Scores for Five Groups of Majors Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 Combined Majors n* Composite English Math Science Social Studies Fine Arts Humanities Natural Sciences Professional Studies Social Sciences 81 75 172 159 274 277 312 308 279 270 268 305 281 258 257 294 321 343 324 292 265 304 309 255 250 281 319 298 278 283 * Represents the number of students with a declared major in each category. Testing Services page 21 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) 6 11 13 8 10 4 1 9 14 3 7 2 12 5 Table 9: Time Spent on Multiple-Choice Portion of College BASE* (Percentage Distribution) Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 Combined Time Used n 70-75 minutes 76-90 minutes 91-120 minutes 121-150 minutes 151-180 minutes Total Missing time data 190 95 232 250 160 927 14 Percent 21% 10% 25% 27% 17% 100% * Students must spend at least 70 but not more than 180 minutes on the exam. Table 10: College BASE Subject and Cluster Scores by Test Completion Time* (Mean Scores) Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 Combined Subject/Cluster Areas Composite Score English Reading & Lit Writing Mathematics General Math Algebra Geometry Science Lab & Field Work Fund. Concepts Social Studies History Social Sciences Number of Students 70-75 76-90 91-120 121-150 151-180 224 214 196 269 250 286 243 235 195 218 197 238 261 233 190 249 248 233 291 282 302 277 270 218 236 219 250 269 246 95 287 270 264 284 321 325 318 308 270 272 277 283 291 281 232 309 298 294 304 333 336 322 326 306 308 300 299 300 299 250 318 298 295 305 351 343 339 345 321 325 305 300 298 304 160 * Students must spend at least 70 but not more than 180 minutes on the multiple-choice portion. Testing Services page 22 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) Table 11: College BASE Subject and Cluster Scores by Transfer Status (Mean Scores) Fall 2006 and Spring 2007 Combined (n = 941) Subject/Cluster Areas Composite Score English Reading & Literature Writing Mathematics General Mathematics Algebra Geometry Science Laboratory & Field Work Fundamental Concepts Social Studies History Social Sciences Number of Students UW Colleges 285 297 287 303 295 306 299 281 257 265 260 290 281 302 131 Transfer Status Other Re-Entry College 285 294 275 294 266 290 302 291 290 311 313 332 286 292 264 297 292 281 298 290 284 271 280 294 279 294 287 294 164 22 No Transfer 297 297 284 307 319 323 303 317 245 237 262 325 329 315 624 Part II: Proficiencies Measured by the College BASE The College BASE measures proficiencies in English, mathematics, science, social studies and three cognitive competencies: interpretive reasoning, strategic reasoning and adaptive reasoning. The specific skills and factual knowledge in the four curricular areas are defined by twenty-two proficiency statements. The twenty-two proficiencies assessed are as follows: English 1. Read accurately and critically by asking pertinent questions about a text, by recognizing assumptions and implications, and by evaluating ideas. 2. Read a literary text analytically, seeing relationships between form and content. 3. Understand a range of literature, rich in quality and representative of different literary forms and historical contexts. 4. Understand the various elements of the writing process, including collecting information Testing Services page 23 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07) 5. regarding formulation of ideas, determining relationships, arranging sentences and paragraphs, establishing transitions, and revising what has been written. Use the conventions of standard written English. Mathematics 6. Use mathematical techniques in the solution of real-life problems. 7. Use the language, notation, and deductive nature of mathematics to express quantitative ideas with precision. 8. Use the techniques of statistical reasoning and recognize common misuses of statistics. 9. Evaluate algebraic and numerical expressions. 10. Solve equations and inequalities. 11. Recognize two- and three-dimensional figures and their properties. 12. Use the properties of two- and three-dimensional figures to perform geometrical calculations. Science 13. Recognize the role of observation and experimentation in the development of scientific theories. 14. Recognize appropriate procedures for gathering scientific information through laboratory and field work. 15. Interpret and express the results of observation and experimentation. 16. Understand the fundamental concepts, principles, and theories of the life sciences. 17. Understand the fundamental concepts, principles, and the theories of the physical sciences. Social Studies 18. Recognize the chronology and significance of major events and movements in world history. 19. Recognize the chronology and significance of major events and movements in United States history. 20. Recognize basic features and concepts of world geography. 21. Recognize basic features and concepts of the world’s political and economic structures. 22. Recognize appropriate investigative and interpretive procedures in the social sciences. Reasoning Competencies 23. Interpretive Reasoning is a cognitive process by which we translate information, either remembered or immediately observed, into meaningful terms. Typically, this is accomplished by such activities as paraphrasing, summarizing, or explaining the meaning of particular information. 24. Strategic Reasoning establishes boundaries for information through definition, comparison, classification, and analysis. These boundaries lead to inferences or deductions and reveal relationships lying beneath the surface meaning. 25. Adaptive Reasoning involves the ability to synthesize new rules or theories, to hypothesize a means of testing a proposition, to predict the outcome of causal relationships, or express judgments of value, merit or worth. Testing Services page 24 Report: General Education Assessment Program (2006-07)